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I love living in Thailand, being stuck in Canada for the last 5 months has proven that to me. But when I see something done in a nonsensical, inefficient, or corrupt manner, I'm going to grumble because I am bothered by waste greed and laziness. In Thailand we do get to witness a lot of those things, and they are unfortunately predictable and a product of Thai culture. But grumbling about it is not racism. I would grumble about it in any country. I definitely grumble about it in my own country.

There are things that are typically Canadian that I am frustrated with. Does that make me racist against Canadians? So why would a similar thing make me racist against Thais?

We like what we like, and some cultures do things better. That's just reality.

Edited by canuckamuck
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21 hours ago, drbeach said:

At the same time, I have lower expectations here than say in the west simply because it's a developing country.

LOL. Thailand is more developed than some so called first world countries I have lived in. What LOS is though, IMO, is a capitalist country where most of the wealth and power rests with a tiny minority, and the rest are left to make do with the dregs.

Having said that though, I never saw much real poverty ( obviously some real poverty exists ), basic medical care is available for most at a cost they can afford, most are not hungry, and the children are educated ( even if not to the looney excesses of western non education ). I lived in a rural area far from a city, as well as Bkk and smaller cities. The Corona situation may change that, but to what extent is not yet known.

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A lot of people come to Thailand on holiday, get mesmerised by it, and think that living there will be paradise. Not everyone can adapt to a foreign culture, and so are angered by it, preferring to blame it than blame themselves.


That's not racism, it's disillusionment.

Edited by dbrenn
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I'll see lots of very insecure people come to Thailand, WANT to be very submissive and start a new, loving life.....and soon they realize they are simply a commodity and they better come back with more money.  They get the tattoos, dress like a monk, pet the elephants, and then a year later they realize this place simply made them look even worse than before.  they get mad....try to get married, stay longer, that doesn't work, and then they are totally lost.  


you should come here stable, know who you are, have an identity, an open mind, money, and keep your temper in check.  then you will be pretty happy.  


there is definitely racism.  i see it against africans, but i think it's the same as elsewhere.  afraid, not really hatred.  and can be accepting once they realize this person is good.  


the absolute biggest problem is the language.  you can't communicate with them, they can't really communicate with you.....so that's pretty difficult.  knowing how to say "mango" in Thai isn't enough.  lol

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1 hour ago, Ventenio said:

I'll see lots of very insecure people come to Thailand, WANT to be very submissive and start a new, loving life.....and soon they realize they are simply a commodity and they better come back with more money.  They get the tattoos, dress like a monk, pet the elephants, and then a year later they realize this place simply made them look even worse than before.  they get mad....try to get married, stay longer, that doesn't work, and then they are totally lost.  


you should come here stable, know who you are, have an identity, an open mind, money, and keep your temper in check.  then you will be pretty happy.  


there is definitely racism.  i see it against africans, but i think it's the same as elsewhere.  afraid, not really hatred.  and can be accepting once they realize this person is good.  


the absolute biggest problem is the language.  you can't communicate with them, they can't really communicate with you.....so that's pretty difficult.  knowing how to say "mango" in Thai isn't enough.  lol

The biggest things are understanding language and culture. If you are OK with those you'll be OK in Thailand or anywhere else. If not you are the problem not others. 

Thais describe others by appearance. I had a Thai friend whose nickname was fat, which I had difficulty cally him that. Or pig, short, etc. The little girl down the road name is black ant. I've heard Thai described as black or white. None of these comments are meant to be offensive. However, Thais views on beauty is fair skinned and thin.


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