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Britain nears abandoning Brexit trade deal hope - The Telegraph


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42 minutes ago, paddypower said:

Many of your Brexit group's arguments insist that the other side of the debate 'provide your source'. SO: what is your source for such a silly opinion (that the large majority of leave voters did not believe all the <deleted> shovelled at them by Cummings et al). Lefty source (Horrors!)  <https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2018/mar/28/11-brexit-promises-leavers-quietly-dropped>. Brooklyn Bridge, anyone??

This a forum. This is my personal opinion, so obviously I am both the source and the link. You think it's silly and I think you read silly newspapers. Ya boo.  

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11 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Part of the way I form my opinions is by filtering out incredible information. That is why I didn't take much notice of the leave or remain campaigns.  

But you knew what you were voting for right?

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11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The Guardian has consistently won awards to professional reporting. The article provides quotes and so on - so what's the 'waffle', the claims by leave proponents?

how much do you give the begging bowl guardian  to keep going ????

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15 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

how much do you give the begging bowl guardian  to keep going ????


Guardian currently doesn't have a paywall, so reliant on contributions. Regards your question - 'not your business'

Edited by simple1
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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

Guardian currently doesn't have a paywall, so reliant on contributions.

well i dont trust much what any newspapers say to be honest ,but certainly not the biased left wing luvvies that write for the Guardian. they would go broke but for the people like your goodself 

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2 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

But you knew what you were voting for right?

Yep, we all knew:


Leading Remainers also made it clear that voting Leave would likely entail pulling Britain out of the single market. David Cameron said: ‘What the British public will be voting for is to leave the EU and leave the single market.’ George Osborne echoed him: ‘We would be out of the single market.’ There you go: the two then most powerful men in Britain saying Leave would mean leaving the single market. - 'The Spectator'


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

This a forum. This is my personal opinion, so obviously I am both the source and the link. You think it's silly and I think you read silly newspapers. Ya boo.  

You are the source and the link. ? RATFLOL

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