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Pompeo urges more assertive approach to 'Frankenstein' China


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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Too many examples although the fall of the Berlin Wall comes to mind. 



Was a big, big mistake bringing the wall down. How it was a big mistake to let the Chinese commies enter freely everwhere.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Maybe. But as far as I recall, there was actually a wolf in that story too. So while it may be regrettable that the message is broadcast by the like of Trump and Pompeo, it still doesn't change the fact that the wolf is out there.

And now the wolf is saying don't listen to the little boy, as wolves will do.


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15 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

By most any measure China is a rogue state spreading it's tentacles physically, economically, and brutishly.....

can agree to that, they have been quite industrious in learning from US


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7 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well you have a point there.


But unlike China, the Trump administration has a sell by date, be it this November or another 4 years, but he will be gone, and a different regime will take over


I'd guarantee you the CCP and Xi will be around long after most of us have turned to dust!

you are probably right about China and being around, not sure that the 11th will last that long though


but when the trumpers leave Penn Ave, will that improve US doings re the rest of the world?

I see no reason to think so, armed  conflict is pure nourishment for US, not good


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9 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Absolutely but it has not changed one iota from 12 months ago , at which time Trump was telling the whole world what a good chap the Chinese premier was.

In addition the White House now wants NATO and other allies to form a cosy alliance , this after dissing them for 3 years !

You might find that when the US has a president who isn't so blatantly self serving , other nations will support him.

This American is for the end of the NATO alliance. I favour ending all alliances, and allowing nations who would seek a new alliance with the United States of America - to simply say so. NATO is a bloated mess of Nations some of whom are NOT friendly to the USA and therefore the USA has no business being in alliance with them. They know who they are. Asia likewise. This is not a time for ambiguousness. Other Nations supporting the USA? This is not about the USA begging for defence, nor is it about the USA attempting to force alliances. This is about a rising threat. A Nation, any nation, chooses to analyse that threat and make the appropriate moves for it's defence. Every Nation needs to assess it's own risk and make the appropriate measures of defence posture and associated alliances. It has nothing to do with personality differences with an American leader for good or bad. A nation that basis their decisions on such frivolousness does so at their own peril. That would even include the USA if analysed its foreign relations in such a manner.

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8 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

you are probably right about China and being around, not sure that the 11th will last that long though


but when the trumpers leave Penn Ave, will that improve US doings re the rest of the world?

I see no reason to think so, armed  conflict is pure nourishment for US, not good


"Armed conflict is pure nourishment for US" may I remind you that China is threatening its neighbours in the South China sea, making territorial claims that threaten the livelihoods of  these nations, and is threatening free flow of global trade in the region, has built military installations in disputed territory. A concerted response is warranted. If war comes that will be China's choice.

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8 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

sounds like quality US thinking,

surely life and security and safety in the US would improve vastly if VietNam were to be treated that way,

not to mention Laos


ain't no one smarter than those in Langley and in the pale house


A rather strange quote here. Vietnam is under direct Chinese threat regarding loss of territorial waters, and fishing rights due to Chinese incursion - while Laos is a very poor country dependent upon China. What point are you making? Simply asking for clarification as to your meaning.

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17 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

Oh so it was the US who defeated Nazi Germany??  I suppose the rest of the allies, for years before the US joined in, were on kitchen duty??  Is this New World History 101?

Of course not, but perhaps you could concede that the USA aided a little bit in that effort?

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6 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

This American is for the end of the NATO alliance. 

Good riddance. Europe is for most part not North Atlantic, they should do a European Defence Union. Let Americas and Little Britain do the atlantic thing. Start by bolstering the border to Russia, another bully, and then drive them out from Crimea. After that appetizer drive the commies back to Motherland and slam the door shut. Could do an example of the illegal Chinese in Prado to get that started.

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I've walked through the "China Town" of Prado and I've never seen an explanation of how the Italians allowed that to develop, nor why they do nothing and allow it to go on. It's actually not a horrible neighborhood, and there is no way of telling who might have documents and who might not, but it is totally egregious. I almost want to say that any country that allows that deserves what they get, and I love the Italians.

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40 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Good riddance. Europe is for most part not North Atlantic, they should do a European Defence Union. Let Americas and Little Britain do the atlantic thing. Start by bolstering the border to Russia, another bully, and then drive them out from Crimea. After that appetizer drive the commies back to Motherland and slam the door shut. Could do an example of the illegal Chinese in Prado to get that started.

I've struggled for the past 10 years or so about what exactly the purpose of NATO is in the 21st century.


I think the Obama policy of a pivot to Asia was correct for a couple of reasons.


I can't really see the prospect of mass tank movements on the Polish/Kaliningrad border in the same way as war games used to imagine tanks rolling over the border into West Germany. 


I think Putin, as Head Spook in Chief, has rather cleverly recognized cyber warfare and destabilization is a much more effective, and cheaper way to cripple the West.


In the East however, China is the USSR of the 50's & 60's pursuing aggressive military solutions and that in my mind at least demand that the US do, as it did/does in Europe have a robust military in the region


So that leaves me wondering what NATO is really for. I don't see the point of having permanent US bases in Europe. Europe is not a poor region it can afford its own defense, with an American alliance of some sort, but not the NATO of today.


I would move every single man and piece of machinery out of Europe and redeploy them to Asia. That would send the right signal to the people who need to hear the message.  

Edited by GinBoy2
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19 hours ago, Morch said:


And for all that (Corona and Covid-19 aside) there are still quite a lot of Chinese wanting to live, study and work in that awful democratic failure. Same goes for people from many other countries. Go figure.

Go figure ? Try, learning from the best Universities .. Then go back to China and make once fortune ....   Sure many also want to stay .. it's a mix.


Would have been interesting to see some statistics

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27 minutes ago, Enzian said:

I've walked through the "China Town" of Prado and I've never seen an explanation of how the Italians allowed that to develop, nor why they do nothing and allow it to go on. It's actually not a horrible neighborhood, and there is no way of telling who might have documents and who might not, but it is totally egregious. I almost want to say that any country that allows that deserves what they get, and I love the Italians.

Greed. That "Made in Italy" tag in the handbags is a lot cheaper when using illegal cheap Chinese workforce instead of Italian craftsmen. Wife almost flipped when I told her about it, in her mind her Gucci bags are lovingly made by an old master of his trade in an ancient workshop ????


It's a real spot of shame. I like the Italians too and wish they'd get rid of that. And require "Made in Italy" to be "Made by Italians" - at least three generations descending at that.

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