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UK PM Johnson says 'open questions' on whether lockdown came too late


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11 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Scotland has handled the virus far better than England.

Its has been 8 days since we had a single death from corona.

Did Scotland lock down any quicker withe the powers they had?

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10 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

The devolved administrations were hamstrung by the fact that the chancellor has the purse strings. Until he announced his furlough scheme, there was no possibility for the devolved governments to impose a lockdown. 

Scotland has the power it needs to enforce whatever it needs, total BS.

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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

What I cannot understand is why there is no outrage in England? Why are you not marching on Downing Street in anger at what he has done, and what he continues to do to you?


9 hours ago, Kadilo said:

I think the time for retribution will follow.



If they haven't tired of him and his Svengali by January, Tory MPs will certainly get rid of Johnson early next year. If they don't, they know they haven't a chance come the next GE.

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Blitz spirit, maybe?

Not sure. I think when we had the daily briefings it was out there and everyone knew.  Now it just seems that everyone has had enough and just want to get some kind of normality back however diluted that is. 

Sadly the focus on the ongoing death appears to have fallen down the priority list. 


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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

From where would Scotland get the budget to make furlough payments? Unlike Westminster, Scotland is unable to borrow money. So those furlough payments would need to have been funded from elsewhere. What do you think the SG should have done in that case? 

UK Governments economic response has been extremely generous, too generous IMHO. The problem lies when Westminster makes these funds available , yet they are held back by the Scottish Government. 'Disgraceful, putting lives at risk' was how it was described by the largest trade union.



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So Bojo thinks that its possible lock down came too late, 5555555555555.............The UK has never really been in a state of lock-down, theres been a total disregard, by a very high percentage of UK citizens, to any recommendations/advice/restrictions etc his government cronies have attempted to impose. The virus was probably introduced to the UK in early February but only this week its been considered wise to wear a face mask. The Keystone Cops have had the power to fine people who dont conform but i would like to know the stats on that.............There should be a public enquiry into the handling of COVID-19........................................ 45+k dead & counting!

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20 hours ago, RuamRudy said:



You stated that:

and I explained to you, on two occasions, that this was not the case. Don't try to deflect with a puff piece from a union desperate to breathe life into a dying Scottish Labour party and reclaim what they still believe is their right, a Scottish block vote.


The fact remains that the SG, like its Welsh and NI counterparts, could not have implemented a furlough scheme themselves because our union of equals does not allow them to do so. They had no option but to follow Westminster's late lead to that end. 

Deflection? Thats rich from you ????All you do is blame central government for your own failings. There were/are a multitude of measures that could have been undertaken. Not everything depends on furlough........

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Funny how Boris can it get is so wrong all of the time. Latest study says lockdowns had no serious effect:


Lockdowns DON'T work, study claims: Researchers say stay-at-home orders made no difference to coronavirus deaths around the world - but prior health levels DID



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Without a doubt it came too late. But that was the same for everywhere, including Thailand. I was walking Sukhumvit with a mask in February (like 80% of the japanese in the area) and there were no government warnings whatsoever and Chinese accents where everywhere. 

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5 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

Without a doubt it came too late. But that was the same for everywhere, including Thailand. I was walking Sukhumvit with a mask in February (like 80% of the japanese in the area) and there were no government warnings whatsoever and Chinese accents where everywhere. 

Why was it too late in Thailand? Hardly any infections.

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