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Immigration: Red Bull "Boss" removed from blacklist on July 14th - no record of him coming back to Thailand


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The thing that astounds me most in this whole sordid mess is that they made a big song & dance about it. Announcing to the press. Little doubt that BIG money was exchanged for this "service". Wouldn't one think it best to let sleeping dogs lie under the circumstances ?  Why raise a red flag ?  Now its become international news.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Red Bull "Boss" removed from blacklist on July 14th

Something fishy about this news. 

Please come back to Thailand so we can arrest you and lock you up for life?


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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

If 3,000 plus illegal immigrants can get past this formidable immigration team, I'm sure there are ways for a fugitive billionaire to enter under the radar !  

In a similar fashion, Yingluk Shinawatra was able to LEAVE Thailand without being detected!

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...isn't it strange how a fresh eye-witness suddenly crawls up out of the asphalt and makes some un-tested, un-challenged statement to the police, and suddenly they believe them and drop the case..well i never!

Edited by tandor
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43 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You reckon that was his double, a doppelganger, photographed in London at the family residence there then?

It wouldn't be beyond the bounds of possibility now, would it? It would make staying under the radar (media not Police - that radar was switched off from the start) rather easier.

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So he must be in quarantine if he returned from outside of Thailand.... Or do these rules only apply to 'normal' people and not the super rich? Ahhh of course.... he is not a dirty Farang who will spread CV-19 amongst the Thai people.

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57 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You reckon that was his double, a doppelganger, photographed in London at the family residence there then?

and at all the Formula 1 grand prix. He was an avid F1 fan and had been photographed at every race since 2012.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The last record of him having exited Thailand was on the 25th of April 2017

So he was in the country while being wanted on a Interpol red notice and wanted by the police . Yet when he exited the country no immigration official thought oh wait this guy is wanted !! ????????

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This will soon blow over

Most working Thai people wont be to concerned over this

 will be more thinking about putting food on the table and getting jobs back 

The privileged class all stick together wont be many of them complaining 

The  policeman's family have been well compensated 

Cant see the Government backtracking on there announced statement its closed

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4 hours ago, crazykopite said:

The police officer was killed in 2012 but Boss didn’t leave Thailand until 2017 that’s five years after he killed this police officer yet nothing was done to apprehend him WHY ?

They probably popped round to his house when he didn't respond to their invitation to come in for a chat, was told he wasn't in and then went away again. Then forgot all about him, being as busy as they are.

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

He's probably been in the country just prior to the announcement that they were dropping the charges, all part of the plan.


We probably won't see or hear from him for a while as his family wouldn't want him on the local radar due to the flack they have been receiving of late, you know, bad for business. 

I don't believe for 1 minute it's bad for business, a vast majority of Thai's couldn't care less and the others are probably smart enough not to drink the rubbish anyway, plus outside of Thailand nobody would have a clue about "Boss" and his antics. 

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3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

So very thoughtful and proactive, let's hear it for the police: hip, hip, hooray!


I'm sure he will call on the police if he needs his bottom wiped, however, I don't want to read about it.

I think mummy still looks after his toilet needs, very similar to another spoilt brat who has a number of his family dodging for cover overseas.

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