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Incentives after years of recedency an millions of bath


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Just now, BritManToo said:

Dton Yang Yai ........ big rubber trees.

The monks had to protect them as the destroyers were trying to cut them down. They all have a cloth wrapped around them. I think it's great they make motorists suffer to protect trees. Didn't affect most as most used m'bikes.

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4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Ton Yang Yai ........ big rubber trees.

I used to live between Hang Dong and San Patong, just a bit past CarreFore and often got the Yellow Songtaw.

Never been on the Blue one.

Will be driving past the rubber trees this morning as I go to the Transport Office in CM.

Had to get the correct number yellow bus depending on destination. I think one went all the way down to the town past the Doi Inthanon road.

Blue one goes along the old road through the big trees

If going from the Airport Mall to Home Pro or Big C I jumped on any yellow songtheaw- 5 baht. I'd take them the other direction to the moat as well.

Lucky guy seeing those trees. I loved them. Give them a wai for me ( but please don't have an accident doing so ).

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On 8/2/2020 at 10:47 AM, torturedsole said:

Keep squeaky clean and they've no reason to tap you up for tea money.  My wife and I have been stopped on the bike dozens of times and no fines. I've always found the BiB to be polite as well.



I've never been asked for tea money at a road block, but I never went anywhere with road blocks without my wife in the car. Might have been different if I was on my own.

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On 8/2/2020 at 12:56 PM, Titan1962 said:

Yes I agree,but when your riding in a group of say 10 to 20 Thais after leaving the intersection and you see the Thais just Cruze on thru the check point,You know once they spot you it’s a 95% chance they are going to pull you over. No problem as I have a Thai license,but just gets a bit frustrating. Mind you since Covid arrived I have noticed that there are very few checkpoints around at the moment. Less tourists means less tea money as they know the Thais are struggling with jobs and money. But it’s all part of living in the LOS.

In Lamphun they had to stop the Thais at the helmet check point as no farangs to stop ( I never went when the checkpoint was in operation ). Loads wore a helmet just for the checkpoint and took it off after through.

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On 8/1/2020 at 9:23 AM, Beowolf said:

I wish the government of Thailand would give us long staying farangs some incentive to stay here.

I used to dream of that, and when I accepted it wasn't going to happen I went home.

During the course of my love affair with LOS I started with 90 day visa exempt at the border back to back as long as I wanted. When that stopped used easy to get cheap tourist visas or 30 day visa exempt.

Later it was more expensive T Vs and visa exempt.

After I got married it was non O based on marriage with extensions which was expensive, inconvenient and a huge hassle that got worse every year.

Then it was bye bye LOS forever. Can't say I'm sorry to miss the ever increasing difficulty of gaining extensions.

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  3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even women that smile when they catch me admiring them. Zero of them in home country.

Are you looking at me?   (bm2 comment)


rumak:   yep,  2 totally opposite reactions from the females......depending on whether its a Thai or

western specimen

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On 8/1/2020 at 4:23 AM, Beowolf said:

It`s because of the girls, I know, and I know they sacriface themselves for the good of the family.


I tried once, but I felt I was raping the girl so I let it go. 

I used to feel violated when the girls raped me yet then wanted me to pay them for having all that pleasure. Just didn't seem fair.


However, I finally took pity on them and got used to it. They never charge me more than I can easily afford. Bless 'em. 

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On 8/1/2020 at 4:23 AM, Beowolf said:

I find it a bit sad that after 21 years of continuous living in Thailand that I still have to met up at the police station (emigration) as a common criminal.

I go once a year and am treated nicely. Don't feel like a criminal at all.


On 8/1/2020 at 4:23 AM, Beowolf said:

I wish the government of Thailand would give us long staying farangs some incentive to stay here.

I don't know what government offers any what you might regard as big incentives for old people to move to their country and get cheap medical care subsidized by their taxpayers. What this is, is the typical silly "they don't love me just for being me" whinge.


Now Malaysia has its Second Home program, showing how much they'd love you to move there, so why don't you take advantage of that?

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On 8/1/2020 at 7:29 AM, daveAustin said:

Yep, and they don't want you I'm afraid, yet these guys can do anything in your own country. I think it'll only get worse, with most expats being squeezed out in favour of Asia-centric tourism.

"Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, and western countries for everybody".

It really should be standard practice to make entry requirements reciprocal -- how come Somchai can go the long term visa route for a couple hundred $$ and then use that as credit for a PR down the track, when you need to be able to sing the national anthem backwards and translate it into Issan dialect to get the same in Thailand?

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2 minutes ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

"Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, and western countries for everybody".

It really should be standard practice to make entry requirements reciprocal -- how come Somchai can go the long term visa route for a couple hundred $$ and then use that as credit for a PR down the track, when you need to be able to sing the national anthem backwards and translate it into Issan dialect to get the same in Thailand?

Not a good suggestion, its much easier for Westerners to get visas for Thailand than it is for Thais to get visas for our Countries 

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7 hours ago, rumak said:
  3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even women that smile when they catch me admiring them. Zero of them in home country.

Are you looking at me?   (bm2 comment)


rumak:   yep,  2 totally opposite reactions from the females......depending on whether its a Thai or

western specimen

Westerners are not use to dating grandfathers.

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On 8/1/2020 at 5:45 AM, possum1931 said:

Incentives after years of recedency an millions of bath.

I can understand this post, there are posters with their Sad and Confused emoticans, this I cannot understand. The OP has a very valid point, many thousands of expats and retirees have contributed millions of Bahts to the Thai economy over many years and taken many Thai families out of poverty.

There should be some incentives to expats for the contribution, ie permanent residency to any expats who have lived in Thailand with a Thai wife and family after ten years of being together.

If someone has also had no criminal convictions, and proved themselves to be good, solid Thai citizens, then why not?


Do you understand the goal of the Thai government is too make huge amounts of money for them to put in their own pockets?


What financial benefit do THEY get for helping foreigners? The answer is zero, that is why you can expect no favors.


Who in their right might, that was a billionaire in Thailand, would waste time being a politician, if there wasn't even more money to make?


Thailand doesn't work on giving incentives to the do-gooder's.


It works on putting as much money as they can into their own pockets, to buy power and make even more money.


You expect politicians to think rationally about all the good expats are doing rescuing women and children from poverty?


How much will that put in their pocket?


That is exactly why you will never reap any benefit from living in Thailand.

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3 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Do you understand the goal of the Thai government is too make huge amounts of money for them to put in their own pockets?


What financial benefit do THEY get for helping foreigners? The answer is zero, that is why you can expect no favors.


Who in their right might, that was a billionaire in Thailand, would waste time being a politician, if there wasn't even more money to make?


Thailand doesn't work on giving incentives to the do-gooder's.


It works on putting as much money as they can into their own pockets, to buy power and make even more money.


You expect politicians to think rationally about all the good expats are doing rescuing women and children from poverty?


How much will that put in their pocket?


That is exactly why you will never reap any benefit from living in Thailand.

You have everything spot on, I know that what I have said will never happen. I used to always say that the good outweighs the bad when you compare Thailand with the UK, but the UK government ministers are very well educated to a high standard, and although as corrupt as the Thai equivalent, they have the brains to hide it where the Thai soldiers don't have the education or brains to run a country.

But what you said in your first sentence could probably apply to any government, but the soldiers attempts at hiding corruption fools nobody.

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12 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Do you understand the goal of the Thai government is too make huge amounts of money for them to put in their own pockets?


What financial benefit do THEY get for helping foreigners? The answer is zero, that is why you can expect no favors.


Who in their right might, that was a billionaire in Thailand, would waste time being a politician, if there wasn't even more money to make?


Thailand doesn't work on giving incentives to the do-gooder's.


It works on putting as much money as they can into their own pockets, to buy power and make even more money.


You expect politicians to think rationally about all the good expats are doing rescuing women and children from poverty?


How much will that put in their pocket?


That is exactly why you will never reap any benefit from living in Thailand.

one of the best if not the best post i,ve read.

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21 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

It's possible you were really and truly treated like a criminal, but I doubt it. You didn't give the details. I think more than likely, like the OP, you didn't like the treatment you received or the hassle of the procedure so you exaggerate to make your point more believable.

You were not there so I suggest you cut the speculation and take what I say as how I felt at the time. I left because I thought she was going to arrest me if I stayed.

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13 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

What financial benefit do THEY get for helping foreigners? The answer is zero, that is why you can expect no favors.

What amazes me constantly on threads like this is that posters actually think that the authorities in LOS are like those back home.

Costs a lot of money to get to be an elected politician in LOS and it has to be made back once in power.


Those IMO naive posters don't even realise how badly Thais are treated, but if they do they think they, as aliens, should be treated better than citizens, just because they bring a few thousand baht to give to lo so Thais.

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13 hours ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

"Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, and western countries for everybody".

It really should be standard practice to make entry requirements reciprocal -- how come Somchai can go the long term visa route for a couple hundred $$ and then use that as credit for a PR down the track, when you need to be able to sing the national anthem backwards and translate it into Issan dialect to get the same in Thailand?

Welcome to the real world. The Thais, quite rightly IMO, decided that they wanted to make it as difficult as possible for other nationalities to become Thai citizens. That's their right, and I wish western countries were the same.

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On 8/1/2020 at 6:25 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

I know that you, and many other farangs, think that you are single handedly saving Thailand by the money you bring in, but in the context of all Thailand it's insignificant. Every farang married to a Thai could leave tomorrow and it would make no difference to the country at large, though it would be an individual tragedy for all those Thai families with farang ATMs.

Well said. Some falongs think they are so valuable and should be treated special. The truth is they marry young vulnerable girls who quickly learn how to take advantage of the old guy. The girl and her family survived before and could do it again, but if there is money falling from the tree they'll pick it up. 

The problem is the corruption of values this brings.

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