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Expats sought to help Thailand’s tourism industry in its hour of need, end to dual pricing mooted


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7 hours ago, miamiman123 said:

Agree 100% expats should be willing and able to help this beautiful country and the people.

tell us how! 

Learn from the Thai's.....take everything you can get!

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4 hours ago, lupin said:

You clearly didn't see the front page news and video plastered all over Thai media (including thaivisa) about the refusal of service 3 days ago from a restaurant complex in Lad Prao

No, I didn't, but I'll gladly repeat what I wrote before: in two decades of travelling around Thailand, and SE Asia in general, I've never once been denied service. 



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2 hours ago, newnative said:

    I was hoping I would read something useful like they appreciate us so much they have decided to eliminate 90 day reporting.  Instead, just some garbage on dual pricing.  Take another stab at it--and this time put your head together with Immigration and come up with something meaningful. 

difficult when its  struck  up yer backside

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7 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Had a similar experience.
I downloaded the official TM 7 pdf form from the Imigration Head Office and filled it out neatly on my computer. Then had to learn that the Koh Samui Immigration has its "own" TM 7 form and the official TM 7 is not accepted there. Crazy. Then I had to do it all by hand in duplicate again.

I also had the required family photos with me for my application. Family sitting together on the bed, family together in the living room, family together in front of the house number plate, etc.
I had the photos due to their format, vertically on A4 in my documents. I was then instructed that this was not possible. I would have to deliver my photos upright on A4. Well, the immigration woman has her boss's instructions, but that you can't turn a document folder 90 degrees in your hand. Crazy.

Has a letter from the bank with me and the double set of copies of my bank book and also the original. Every 12 year old could have seen that I had the required deposit in my Thai bank account for more than 2 months, sent from abroad. 

But the nice immigration woman insisted that I go to the bank again and let the bank print out the same account numbers on paper with letterhead from the Bank.

Well, the 25-year-old translated copies of my marriage and family documents were no longer good enough. For this I had to fly to Bangkok, have it translated again, have it stamped by my embassy and then have it certified again by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Then again to the local Ampur and got the K22 paper. So I have already helped Thai tourism well. It cost me a lot of money and time. Still, I asked the nice immigration woman how she thinks I got the 12 non-0 multi year marriage visas that are in my passport?

Somehow the administrative processes are totally messed up.

I had the same problem with the nice lady @ the Immigration. She was the same lady that had processed my last two extensions before. The year the family photos needed to be taken in dslr format quality. As I presented my photos, and even though any one could tell who was in the copy, Immigration insisted on improving the print quality of all the photos I presented, showing the proud photo examples on her desk, where indeed someone took with a proper camera, and had printed out on paper far better than my A4, that actually matched the paper this immigration uses for the application form. Per the Immigration request my new landlord had to go to the immigration office and prove he had registered my stay on his property. Tried to get a yellow book, and the local Ampur wants 35,000 bht; for something that is supposed to cost 35 bht. I was floored, so we quietly left. Came back the next week, and was told the same price, by a different staff. I only wanted the hellow book, so I not have to go to this Immigration everytime I need a resident document, which cost 500 bht a print. Naturally I thought if I can get the yellow book and really only have to pay 35 bht for, I would be shocked. I was indeed shocked, just in the other, less positive way. I'm not sure where I got the info about the yellow resident book being just 35 bht, so I could be mistaken about that, though I'm sure the resident book is not supposed to cost 35,000 bht. The Clerks at the office don't even speak the cost, they write it down on paper. Two year drivers license renewal cost was 7,000 bht, even with the immigration and doctor form. I not even have to travel to give back, and when I do travel, that is what the local police are here for, at another 500 bht a pop. Yesterday the police got me again for the rear foot pegs being down. I forgot to check the pegs, so that cost me 300 bht for police fine.


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I hope that the input of the people who are interviewed by the Thai Authorities

about how to improve conditions for tourists, they say, no more 90 day reporting if you

have a 6 month or one year visa. No visa required for any stay 90 days or less.

  No dual pricing at the government parks and attractions. Even in Canada, there was

a discreet reduction if your were a local and showed your drivers license, but as I say

discretion is the key, not big signs, with the dual prices displayed. When a tourist or traveller

has to pay so much to just get to Thailand, plus stay in a Hotel, guest house, or other place

that does cost more than the locals, there should be a good attempt by Thailand, to make

them feel welcomed and appreciated.   Eating in restaurants is also a lot more expensive

than eating at home.


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From what I've seen of the national parks, everything is dilapidated, trashy, and ridiculous.  

Thailand is more geared towards the "ride an elephant" crowd.  Which are, incidentally, starving to death as I type this.  I wonder if all those nim-rods who travelled here and supported that trash even think about their legacy... but I digress.  

My rambling point is, make it the same price, I would still choose not to go anyways.  That's just me, good luck with the movement.   

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15 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

TM 28 abd 30s have been reformed , have they not ? Isnt that a long term result of the FCCT Forum ? Isnt that the government acting ? As far as Im concerned it worked and a big " well done" to all involved.  Lets move on shall we ...

i must of missed this ? i was fined this year (January) because i was renewing my Married to a Thai visa

and i had been to Udon Thani and my landlord had not filled in a TM30 ?(he was sailing in Australia) 

They told me this had to be sorted before my visa was granted. does that sound like reformed?

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9 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Hey. Years ago, and I am talking I have been here a long long time, they had their welcome arms out for us. It is just this way in the last several years that their (regime) uppity hi so attitude of dislike for us is showing in more ways than one. You also need to pipe down with your attitude as your statement of go back blah blah blah isn’t making you any friends here. Probably the most unliked thing you could say on this forum.

Hey. I have only been here 10 years so maybe I don’t know as much as you.You think.As for your comment about making friends on here it’s a forum for opinions not a dating site.If it’s friends your looking for get a pen pal.What I posted was my opinion and the opinion of some other posters who aren’t disgruntled expats with nothing but negativity to post about their place they chose to live over their country of origin for whatever reason.But maybe I will think about not upsetting sensitive people such as yourself. 

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9 hours ago, Joe Mama said:

I'd love to discover more of Thailand by traveling about to help increase domestic travel; however to facilitate that, I need a couple of changes to be made; 1) An end to the 2 tier pricing scheme in Thailand's public tourist venues & hotels!  2) An end to the ridiculous 90 day process & TM-30 process!  (Why not instead just put a chip in our passports or cellphones when we arrive so you can track our where abouts all day long?)  3) I need to see a 50% drop in the beer & wine prices! I refuse to pay 300 baht anymore for a bottle of <deleted> wine that I used to purchase for less 150 baht!  I believe Thailand may currently have the most expensive beer & wine prices in the entire world!  Let me know when you have resolved the above 3 items, & in the meantime I'll have my bags all packed & ready, & Good to Go!

Beer is still fairly cheap in Thailand. I pay 65thb ($2) for a big Chang in my local and it is served (and topped up) by a pretty. 


Wine is a rip off. I've always wondered why people bother drinking it here? 


Thailand is not a wine friendly nation unfortunately, but it has always been that way since I can remember. 

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10 hours ago, Joe Mama said:

I'd love to discover more of Thailand by traveling about to help increase domestic travel; however to facilitate that, I need a couple of changes to be made; 1) An end to the 2 tier pricing scheme in Thailand's public tourist venues & hotels!  2) An end to the ridiculous 90 day process & TM-30 process!  (Why not instead just put a chip in our passports or cellphones when we arrive so you can track our where abouts all day long?)  3) I need to see a 50% drop in the beer & wine prices! I refuse to pay 300 baht anymore for a bottle of <deleted> wine that I used to purchase for less 150 baht!  I believe Thailand may currently have the most expensive beer & wine prices in the entire world!  Let me know when you have resolved the above 3 items, & in the meantime I'll have my bags all packed & ready, & Good to Go!


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18 hours ago, Mavideol said:

555....555 now they want/need us and came back begging......, all good no problem but we have a couple requests such as : No More dual pricing at ANY facilities, that includes hotels, restaurants, water parks, natural parks and so forth and since our purchasing power has been dropping on a daily basis due to baht appreciation, once and for all just depreciate the damn baht to allow us to spend some more money

Anyone with a long term visa (O or OA) should be able to present it and be charged Thai prices.

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1 minute ago, Farang99 said:

Anyone with a long term visa (O or OA) should be able to present it and be charged Thai prices.

Disagree. Only taxpayers should get local rates. 


Temporary visitors here for purposes other than tourism pay the tourist rate. 


My reason: they don't contribute taxes that pay for the upkeep and staff manning the facilities. 

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17 hours ago, lensta said:

When I see Anutin down on his knees apologizing, then I will think about it. After all I am one of the dirty unwashed Ai Farang so why would you want me travelling around your precious country mixing with the superior thai people

He was on about masks ...


As it turns out , HE WAS CORRECT , and most Western countries are now , finally embracing them.


Put some humble pie in it !

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