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Phone of key ‘Boss’ case witness destroyed, say police


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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

How did anyone get access to the possessions of a patient or deceased person in a hospital unless they had identification as a immediate relative?

How did they know about the accident and which hospital he had been taken to unless they were part of the arrangement of the "accident" and on the spot at the time ?


Never under estimate the number of hangers on these types accumulate!

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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

How did anyone get access to the possessions of a patient or deceased person in a hospital unless they had identification as a immediate relative?

How did they know about the accident and which hospital he had been taken to unless they were part of the arrangement of the "accident" and on the spot at the time ?


Plus, how come the police had not very quickly gathered his belongings and any other items at the scene, and at his abode etc., and put them under controlled lock and key?


This whole case from day one, the ensuing 8 years, and events/decisions in the last 2 or 3 weeks stinks to high heaven and must hold world records for lack of proper police investigation, lack of respect for numerous players, god knows how many scaly police involved in corruption and disgraceful & unprofessional police and prosecutory work. An utter shambles and nobody seems to really care. 

Edited by scorecard
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10 hours ago, Wiggy said:

But weren’t these guys defending the spoilt brat by saying he was driving less than 80kph? This is what I find strange. 

Perhaps he is now not in a position to change his story and that was important to someone. RIP to him, he may well have paid a high price for compromising himself. I doubt we'll ever know.

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Khun Lan what is your explanation sir?

"I wanted to win the local election and so I thought STEALING the phone would help me. After all I want to be seen as a REAL POLITICIAN"


But Khun Lan don't you think people will think Thais will think you are hiding something?


"You have heard of the 'Theory of Everything'?  well, we have a "Story for Everything" and it works! 

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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Lan claimed he was close to Jaruchat and had stolen the phone because he did not want to be linked with the hit-and-run case as he was running in a local election

Ah......So now your new campaign slogan can be, "There are no flies on me. I'm just an honest thief"

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The important thing for them is not to get caught lying, and just keep making up nonsense and more lies to obfuscate further and further. 


I've said it a million times before and I will say it a million times again, you cannot trust anyone here especially when it comes to money. This is a nation that willingly sells their daughters into sex-slavery.


Totally different morality from us in the West, some would call it immoral, and as usual the Police, the largest criminal gang in the country, are right in the middle of it.

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Only in Thailand do the police not protect their own. Even they will gladly accept cash to bury evidence and apparently murder a witness to this case. Police in any other country would be pulling out all the stops to arrest this dirt bag. grease the skids and they look the other way. 


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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Murky waters indeed, and much suspicion and doubt raised given the previous shenanigans seen here.

This all started with an "accident." The condition of the driver at the time irrespective. Boss didn't set off home with the intention of ploughing someone down, that just happened.

His performance after is totally disgraceful, but expected, given what the elite here get away with every day.

The suggestions about this latest "accident" would raise the stakes dramatically if an intentional murder has occurred though.

The reasons given for stealing and destroying the phone do seem hapless.

Would be awesome and totally ironic if the corruption that has blatantly gone on here, (given Prayuts insistence he would stamp it out),  causes the level of anger needed that brings the apple cart down. Many folk righteously angry out there right now after all and not just about this. The Government in general is not overly popular, or trusted with many.

Not overly popular ???? I find that the junta is not disliked, it is hated with a vengance

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12 hours ago, YetAnother said:

thailand; land of the half truth, to land of the no truth

Correction: land of lies, and more lies.

If the phone was stolen, destroyed; the sim-card removed/lost then the death was no accident !!!!

The autopsy may have shown cause of death to be injuries related to a road accident, but this proves there was a motive behind it !

Time to put this fiasco to bed Mr PM

Edited by hotchilli
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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

stolen the phone because he did not want to be linked with the hit-and-run case as he was running in a local election


In America that alone would be a felony and he would be put in jail for a long time.  But in Thailand, it's a 1000 ฿ spot fine to a local cop.  


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12 hours ago, Susco said:


Looks like LAN made the wrong decision

Perhaps not so wrong. There is a remote possibility that he could have been paid a considerable amount amount of money to get up to various acts of mischief. The price will have gone up now, if it means that he might have to put his heels up in a prison for a few weeks.  And even worse, he might need compensation for the possible loss of his planned run for a public office career. What a pity. How sad that the Thai electorate missed out on the opportunity of having this Sterling character as a public office holder. But I'm sure it will all work out for him one way or another. Money or another accident.

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Every thing is so convenient for this Guy everything just falls his way.

i urge everyone not to buy or drink the Red Bull just to be honest to yourself and protest against this Injustice to the Deceased Policeman.

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1 hour ago, Geoffggi said:

They really do not understand when enough is enough, PLEASE stop all of the BS and man up, it is clearly obvious to anyone with a modicum of intelligence that this whole thing is a complete and utter charade and a travesty of justice - any more need to be said ...???

I actually agree with you but my cynical side says that there is still lots more money to be made out of this BS and the  payers have very deep pockets. More of the same still to come, I think. Pull up a chair and get another cold one.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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12 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

You couldn't make this up .. 


Don't get much better than that does it .. thieve a dead man's possessions to cover your own backside .. and he was running in an election .! Is that not as good a reason to ban him from ever running again .. 

No, in Thailand this qualifies him to go all the way to the top.

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