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Thai govt must protect right to peaceful protest, says global watchdog


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Thai govt must protect right to peaceful protest, says global watchdog

By The Nation




Thai authorities are using the police force to suppress peaceful demonstrators in “what appears to be a new crackdown on freedom of expression”, said Amnesty International today (August 7).



Responding to the arrest of two prominent activists today and further arrest warrants against other protesters ahead of planned anti-government protests over the weekend, Piyanut Kotsan, Amnesty International Thailand’s director, said:

“This is yet another entirely disproportionate response from the Thai police to peaceful activism, clearly intended to intimidate and dissuade protesters from taking to the streets this weekend.


“Having endured months of harassment, Anon Nampa and Phanuphong Jadnok now face a repressive new set of criminal charges simply for exercising their right to protest.”


The rights watchdog called on the Thai government to ensure the protection, safety and security from reprisals of any individuals whose names have been linked to ongoing demonstrations over the past week.


Police arrested lawyer Anon Nampa in front of his residence in Thailand’s capital Bangkok, and student activist Phanuphong “Mike” Jadnok at Ramkhamhaeng University. The two are currently being held at Bangkok Criminal Court.

Another student activist Parit Chiwarak, member of the Student Union of Thailand, also has an arrest warrant against him.


Anon and Phanuphong face up to seven years in prison. Charges against them include sedition, assembly intended to do act of violence, and violation of the emergency decree.


Reports indicate that five other demonstrators have pending warrants with the same charges.

Amnesty said that since emergency law was imposed on March 26, officials have continuously detained and initiated criminal complaints against individuals engaged in peaceful protests and activities. Demonstrators have also reported numerous incidents of harassment and intimidation by police officers solely for their involvement in peaceful protests, including ongoing student-led peaceful demonstrations calling for a new constitution, resignation of the government, and an end to police harassment of the opposition.


Amnesty International called on the Thai government to guarantee that its law enforcement arm avoids the use of force as far as possible and adhere to non-violent means.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30392631



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-08-08
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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thai authorities are using the police force to suppress peaceful demonstrators in “what appears to be a new crackdown on freedom of expression”, said Amnesty International today (August 7).

Mean while in Oz the Victorian police force are being used to suppress people's right to association in what "appears to be a new crackdown on freedom of expression",said me today (August 8).Looks rather similar to what's happening here in Thailand.

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9 minutes ago, Wongkitlo said:

They are trying to make people wear masks and  stay at home. If you try to walk into any shopping centre in Thailand without a mask you will be stopped. If you insist on entering you will be arrested . They have stopped the curfew in Thailand but during it thousands of people were arrested. Comparing an anti-virus restrictions movement in Victoria to a pro-democracy movement is wrong and an insult to all those in jail in Thailand for trying to stand up for democracy.

Both countries are restricting the right to assemble and associate.Both countries are using emergency powers and both countries are using the police to enforce these restrictions.In Oz this has never happened to try and stop a virus without any way of knowing if it will work or just prolong the pain and suffering.The Thai government are using the emergency decree to stop the virus and these activists are contravening these laws according to the officials as stated in other news reports.There have been several arrests in Oz of people who are peacefully protesting against what are seen as infringements of their rights there is even a vid of a police officer kneeling in the neck of a woman they are arresting.

Contrary to your belief that I'm insulting those imprisoned in Thailand for standing up for democracy I'm not but in fact I'm trying to draw a comparison between the two.

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15 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

The Gangsters running this country don't care what the outside World thinks; they will use every weapon at their disposal to stay in power, that's why they buy so much Military Hardware, the only serious threat they are under is from their own people but the day will come when the whole country will turn on them, including factions of their own Military, then the day of judgment will come !

Don't many countries use their military to help enforce peace and order in times of unrest as seen recently in the US and Australia?I do agree it's wrong to do so by the way.

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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“This is yet another entirely disproportionate response from the Thai police to peaceful activism, clearly intended to intimidate and dissuade protesters from taking to the streets this weekend.

it's called Democracy Thailand way ...sad to see what's happening

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1 hour ago, Wongkitlo said:

You should try explaining to a Thai person that they are protesting the need to wear masks in public. They would think You are crazy.  I don't believe that just because people don't believe what scientists and doctors tell them, gives them the right to go out and spread illness among the population. Being subjected to a rigged election, having opposition politicians  banned from Parliament and anyone who protests charged does give people a right to protest. You need to ask what the results of the 2 protests would bring. With the Victorian one there is a chance it can spread the virus and kill the protesters. The Thai one could help democracy. In the first the government is doing it to protect others, in the second they ate doing it to hold onto wrongfully obtained power. Do you really think the Victorian case is more just? I guess so because someone on  the Internet has told you the virus is a hoax.

Why would I try to explain to a Thai person why they are protesting?Seems a bit irrational as I'm sure they think they know why they are protesting.Same as they people protest against the draconian laws in Oz.People should have the right to protest in both countries should they not?Are you suggesting that people in Oz should not be able protest against something just because you think what the government are doing is right?As to your last comment where do you get your info these days?From the news paper or did someone on the internet tell you?5555555 I don't think the virus or the pandemic is a hoax what makes you say that?I know I never mentioned it anywhere.I'm just expressing my concerns on how it's being managed and raising questions.Another thing is the Victorian Government has clearly mismanaged the quarantine which is responsible for the second wave and the cause of many deaths and the pain to it's citizens and the economy so why should we trust them?Oh because they said so just like in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Why would I try to explain to a Thai person why they are protesting?Seems a bit irrational as I'm sure they think they know why they are protesting.Same as they people protest against the draconian laws in Oz.People should have the right to protest in both countries should they not?Are you suggesting that people in Oz should not be able protest against something just because you think what the government are doing is right?As to your last comment where do you get your info these days?From the news paper or did someone on the internet tell you?5555555 I don't think the virus or the pandemic is a hoax what makes you say that?I know I never mentioned it anywhere.I'm just expressing my concerns on how it's being managed and raising questions.Another thing is the Victorian Government has clearly mismanaged the quarantine which is responsible for the second wave and the cause of many deaths and the pain to it's citizens and the economy so why should we trust them?Oh because they said so just like in Thailand.

When I mentioned "explaining to a Thai person " I was referring to explaining an anti mask protest. They would think You are crazy. If there are 400 plus new cases a day it is irresponsible holding a public  protest. You complained about how the virus was being handled which is why I thought you are a flat earther. What else do you suggest they do to handle It? Letting it run its course was tried in US and UK and was very unsuccessful. 

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thai authorities are using the police force to suppress peaceful demonstrators in “what appears to be a new crackdown on freedom of expression”, said Amnesty International today (August 7).

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same thing, only stronger, would have happened in Singapore and Malaysia, with their tough sedition laws. AI has picked on them before, but to no avail. Now, why not pick on Thailand -- another SE Asia country with its own non-Western definition of democracy (i.e., managed democracy). And, of course, AI doesn't waste similar energy on the Asian commie countries, whose citizens seem ok with their current situations. That would definitely be a urination into the wind.

But, yeah, pick on Thailand, whose fragile attempt at democracy is getting hit over the head with pandemics. Certainly there need to be avenues for criticism, and Prayut needs to remain sensitive to this. But maybe not mass street rallies, as both Singapore and Malaysia have laws against - maybe too should Thailand.....

AI, you're not in the West anymore, Toto.

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33 minutes ago, Wongkitlo said:

When I mentioned "explaining to a Thai person " I was referring to explaining an anti mask protest. They would think You are crazy. If there are 400 plus new cases a day it is irresponsible holding a public  protest. You complained about how the virus was being handled which is why I thought you are a flat earther. What else do you suggest they do to handle It? Letting it run its course was tried in US and UK and was very unsuccessful. 

I haven't mentioned an anti mask protest so I would agree that if I did try and explain that to a "Thai" person I would be crazy or maybe crazier might be a more apt description.If how ever some were to feel the need to protest the mask wearing I would not mind in the slightest.I do find it disturbing when the Victorian Premier announces that four people had their car windows smashed and dragged out the occupants because the didn't adhere to the "health guidelines" in one week,I think that's a bit heavy handed.I think the handling the pandemic should be handled with a little more dignity and on a more evidence based front take Norway and Sweden's approaches for instance which are quite similar with subtle differences which "appear" to have had a dramatic difference in outcomes.Norway with very few deaths compared to Sweden but Norway are saying it's not over and are fully expecting a second wave and have said the are even more prepared with testing and tracing and isolation rather than lockdown measures and the heavy handed smashing of car windows and dragging out the occupants like I mean who does that these days and to what benefit?They also say that the numbers of those that don't comply with the government's recommendations are not enough to affect the final out come of infections.I also believe we should be closely monitoring what other countries do and their outcomes and learn from those that show success.Don't you agree?Amnesty International are voicing concerns about Thailand's heavy handed approach to it's citizens and I'm saying the same could be said for Australia.

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56 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Amnesty International lost all credibility years ago. No one cares what they say and they have zero influence.

I just wonder, what they have chance and whitch coverment have ever do something what they say?

Muammar Khadafi, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-un, CIA, KGB, Vladimir Putin,Robert Mugabe, Slobodan Milosevic....... Nobody has listen they agenda.Sad but true! 

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Protester leader being arrested last night:


Protesters gather at MBK many of them middle age not only students




Protesters hold up Red Bull cardboard cutout shouting Police get out.



A lot of Cops don't remember seeing any at the yellow shirt protests



Ee42efsU0AAzGa5s - Copy.jpg

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7 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Didn't PM promise not to use Emergency Decree against protesters?
And yet here we are yet again he didn't keep his word.
Hopefully the protesters will continue without them.

And grow nationally.

There should be a huge backlash to these arrests for purely voicing an opinion.

And the PM say's he's open to dialogue?

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5 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Two protest leaders have been released on bail have they been released on condition they don't take part in any protests?




And didn't other people promise there would not be a coup? The duty to dislodge the lying dinosaurs is clear.

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