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Alternate Quarantine Hotels


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Can regular guests stay in quarantine hotels?  My hotel will be accepting quarantining guests starting on the 20th and has told me that I must move out by then.  Does anybody know if this is the policy at other quarantine hotels?

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The quarantine hotels have to meet many requirements - I imagine one of them is that it is used solely as a quarantine hotel to avoid the potential for virus transmission. 


It’s a fairly moot point. They’ve asked you to move out, what are you going to fight them with?


They’ve given you 10 days which should give you time to find a new place. Other hotels must be offering highly favourable rates at the moment. 



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I have no intention of fighting them.  I am just disappointed that they will be transferring me to a room at a different hotel that will not be as comfortable.  The purpose of my question was to discover if this is standard procedure at all of the i9quarantine hotels.  My understanding is that centralized air conditioning is a problem for many of the hotels.  It could spread the virus throughout all of the hotels that have it.

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Right.  My hotel is converting only certain rooms to fit ASQ requirements.  My understanding until Friday night was that we regular guests could remain and I was shocked to find out then that I must move out.  I will be transferred to another branch to a room that is not as comfortable.  My impression is that some hotels are allowing regular guests to stay.

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11 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

I have no intention of fighting them.  I am just disappointed that they will be transferring me to a room at a different hotel that will not be as comfortable.  The purpose of my question was to discover if this is standard procedure at all of the i9quarantine hotels.  My understanding is that centralized air conditioning is a problem for many of the hotels.  It could spread the virus throughout all of the hotels that have it.

Can central aircon really spread the virus?

how does it work on board flights And airports? Yes, airplanes have hepa filters.

but not all the air we inhale are filtered 



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3 minutes ago, mjakob007 said:

Can central aircon really spread the virus?

how does it work on board flights And airports? Yes, airplanes have hepa filters.

but not all the air we inhale are filtered 

I'm more concerned about the comfort of the bed and bedding.  As long the air-con is working then we're fine.  

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I am getting a free upgrade to a two-bedroom apartment.  The problem with the new rooms is that there is very little storage space and very few electric plugs.  I imagine that the second bedroom will be stuffed with boxes and suitcases full of my things.  The rooms are beautiful, but there's just no place to store my stuff except in the second bedroom.

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A panel interview on TV of four doctors from UCSF revealed  that the air on airplanes is not efficiently filtered.  Fresh air comes from the top down and bodily emanations rise.  The result is that the air is pushed sideways.  Three doctors said that they would not get on a plane at this time.  The airplane sanitization expert said he was waiting for airplanes to provide filtered air from the bottom of the cabin and draw the dirty air off from the top.

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