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76 people killed on Thai roads on Tuesday, 483 killed in August - year's fatalities top 8,500


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All the people in this forum know how the Thais drive . We can see it every day .Plus having a useless cop force don"t help. Might as well put the Keystone cops on the roads here They would do a better job

Just having  moment of laughter here The media says to Thais when tired don"t drive I got better advice to Thais"Don"t drive at all because you cant drive"

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10 hours ago, mr mr said:

these stats are totally useless and boring now. why bother even reporting on them ?


who cares ? nobody.

who's going to do anything about it ? nobody.

what's going to change ? nothing. 


over 95% of ALL thai should have their licence taken away. everyone knows that driving here is a clown show. 

As long as foreigners are not injured I honestly don't care...

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8 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

My favorite...some clown riding a MC in the wrong direction...looks up and is surprised to find another vehicle heading in his direction...the audacity of that other driver!   ????

Both are riding on the footpath as well ????

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

76 people killed on Thai roads on Tuesday, 483 killed in August - year's fatalities top 8,500

Prayut should declare a state of emergency with the transport ministry concerning these numbers, he could get them down to zero in 3 months !

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Who needs a virus. Atrocious figures for Thailand, the government should be ashamed of themselves, there's more to life than a few submarines, rusted out aircraft carriers and Chinese's tanks,  like proper learning procedures and education on road behavior..  

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Can we try to be logic 5 minutes ladies and gentlemen ? follow me and feel free to subtract, add or what ever in this first logic test:


Here is my first idea to start a little equation:

COVID-19 death people count number in Thailand should probably be wrong (because not enough test provided and because of unrealistic probability logic between infected people and death linked, and also because of people who goes out of Thailand tested positive and never detected in Thailand), we can admit to multiply COVID-19 death people there by 20 (but i don't know, maybe 10, maybe 50, at total end time, it should not goes up to new death record recorded this year 2020 compared to 2019 when COVID was not there... that is the logic of maximal number who can not be up by logic, and this number is around 2500 people dead more than 2019 at the half of this year).


ok, for COVID apprimation better real number of death for 20 times upper:

so 58 x 20 = 1160 (from February, so in 6 month (half of what can be the maximum)


now let's try something for people dead on the road...

6 month is around 6 x 30 days = 180 days

let's say 68 dead people on the road is a record. Let's divide by two to be very optimist (a lot then)...

34 x 180 = 6120 people dead in 6 month.


And there is only Thai people there... we should make the calculus with number of Thai nationals dead one the road and falang or foreigners to be sure to know what we are talking about. But, i think it should be close to the same number around 50 people to subtract maximum.


So road is between 5 and 6 times more dangerous than COVID-19 for Thai nationals.

And between 2 and 3 times more dangerous if we are close to the real new dead people exceed in 2020 (2500 to be the very maximum never tested probably COVID death).

And not only for low power people or very old one or very seek ones, but on the road, for anyone, young, baby, female, old, anyone because can be killed by a crazy driver (there is many, you see that, right ?)



Let's follow the panic way of action (to trust the choices made) same than with COVID-19 and then, let's close the road to anyone now and for ever ! For ever, because it is not a virus, it is a fact and there is nothing made to decrease this number. the question remain the same: why nothing done there and why close border and panic for a less killer problem ? very strange...


Soon, if they did that (close anything who can be a dangerous life), they will have to consider people dead because of alcohol... and sugar, and no more sale alcohol, no more product and sale sugar...


Next, they will have two other problems: how to care health of people who has no money at all (because of no job with no activity and no road, no tourism, no nothing then... no importation also, nothing !), and how many people will dead because of to much poor ? (time life hope is very less for poor people than for rich people).


If we follow there logic, we will never find the best solution but we will be very poor and very fragile, and infected the same (because we never see a kind of this pandemic be stopped really, but be the time, it is not the EBOLA virus), very soon.


maybe i'm wrong, please tell me.

Edited by jerolamo
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1 hour ago, Happyman567 said:

All the people in this forum know how the Thais drive . We can see it every day .Plus having a useless cop force don"t help. Might as well put the Keystone cops on the roads here They would do a better job

Just having  moment of laughter here The media says to Thais when tired don"t drive I got better advice to Thais"Don"t drive at all because you cant drive"

You want they (policemen) have problem again ? It is dangerous for them. How long is the time of life if we walk on the road there ? 10 minutes ? 20 minutes ? Same for the policeman, don't you know what's happen there ?


you see that there is already some very good, very rich, very Thai High So level people who had problem with policeman who crossed the road with his motorbike in the same time they drive at... between 60 to 177 km/h... and have no time to stop to look at this policeman. Don't you remember that ? Looks like the policeman (who die) was wrong...


No there is not to much death because of Thai comportment, no... if people die on the road there, it is not because the drive card is very easy to obtain in 2 days, it is not because no one know to park a car, it is not because all of them, how little they can be, want a very big car (and no relation between little sex and a big car... no... never !), not also because they never turn the head before to turn on the road, not because they don't signal before to turn, not because they sometimes drive in the wrong way, not because sometime they don't have the light in the night, not because they drive very quick (and same with a 2T up weight pick up), no....

it is because of there karma.... you don't know this man ?

hooooo come on... falang don't understand nothing at all, falang stupid, dirty... (big laugh).

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Nearly 1000 deaths a month, and I don't see any rush to shut down the highways, nor beef up the highway patrol. In reality I do not ever see a highway patrol, until after an accident. Yet, a nearly complete economic shutdown over 58 covid deaths. The priorities seem distorted. 

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Nearly 1000 deaths a month, and I don't see any rush to shut down the highways, nor beef up the highway patrol. In reality I do not ever see a highway patrol, until after an accident. Yet, a nearly complete economic shutdown over 58 covid deaths. The priorities seem distorted. 


Could be a 1000 deaths a day if there was nothing put in effect to stop a pandemic

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10 minutes ago, AndrewMciver said:


Could be a 1000 deaths a day if there was nothing put in effect to stop a pandemic

Absolute panic mongering. Only the US is averaging 1000 deaths a day. With five times the population, a horrific diet and astonishing incompetence at the federal level.


You are claiming the potential for 3,650,000 deaths in 12 months? A pure and unadulterated Zombie Apocalypse mindset. 

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20 hours ago, Pilotman said:

This report does not provide comparative figures.   A daily monthly or annual figure is a bit meaningless without context. How does Tuesday compare to other holiday days, how do the annual figures compare to previous years, how many of the  dead were on motorbikes, what is the age profile of those who have died, what locations are more deadly?  Without those comparative numbers, this report is not even interesting, let alone useful in drawing conclusions. 

it just points out HOW BAD it is to be on the roads......if NOT educated in how to drive correctly.....and obey the laws/rules of the road....which of course many Thais....do not have a clue about.....THERE is, actually a Thai HIGHWAY CODE....how many of them know/have read it. ??

when I was learning to drive years ago...to pass my test (which i did first time) I  read highway code over and over again.....so that when asked any questions from it I would know the answer.....

What do they do here NOTHING !!!

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On 8/13/2020 at 11:17 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

There are many reasons that Thais drive as they do.

1 - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Thai, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

2 - The Thais have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Thais do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Thais do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.

5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

7 - Thais do not seem able to join the dots, and realise that if, for example, they drive at 120 kms an hour five metres behind the vehicle in front, or drive at night with no rear light (or front light if they are driving on the wrong side of the road because they have no concept of the danger), then they would have no time to react if the vehicle in front breaks suddenly. Ask any Thai what their safe braking distance is and they would have no idea.

8 - There are zero police patrols to help prevent accidents by pulling aside selfish and stupid drivers. Their only presence is setting up road blocks which seems in my experience to have only one purpose - to check your tax disc is in the window and up to date.

9 - Police have absolutely no interest in enforcing the law even when they are static beside the road, watching kids three or four on a bike go by with no helmet, no license, no ability to properly control the bike they are on. And that goes also for the parents and schools who allow Thailand's future to play Russian Roulette every time they go out. The police know they get paid anyway, so why work?

10 - The government does nothing to resolve the road death/accident toll as nothing practically can be done. The problem began decades ago when Thais first began to drive in numbers. No meaningful test was introduced and enforced, and now it is far, far too late. It would mean retraining every driver (and who would do that - it would be similar to those who teach English not being able to speak the language themselves). And it would mean the drivers having to take a proper western-style test before gaining a license. And it would mean police patrols to catch those who drive as if they are playing a video game. Now, anyone can drive as they like and put themselves and others in danger as they know they have zero chance of being caught. They can drive that way with total impunity. And it would require said (non-existent) police to actually enforce the law. And not one of those things is possible in Thailand.

To finish, nothing can or will change and survival on Thai roads will continue to be a lottery. All we can do is remember the words that were used in the 70s police drama Hill Street Blues as the force were sent out on patrol - 'Let's be careful out there'.

Every single word of this post is rubbish   it merely epitomises the startling prejudices and ignorance that dominates so many expats thinking on road safety.


BTW, numbering  the paragraphs doesn't make any of the arguments more valid.

Edited by Airbagwill
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5 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Every single word of this post is rubbish   it merely epitomises the startling prejudices and ignorance that dominates so many expats thinking on road safety.


BTW, numbering  the paragraphs doesn't make any of the arguments more valid.

Out of nine people who have reacted, you are the only negative one. Can you please expand on why, as a minority of one, you consider "every single word is rubbish?" Otherwise, your sweeping statement has zero validity. At the same time, perhaps you might like to give your own view on why and how Thailand has one of, if not the, highest road death toll in the world. Thanks.


Meanwhile, I was out yesterday evening. Just a 10 minute journey. Outward, I saw three motorcycles that had been involved in an accident, all driven by children. And about 10 people riding illegally in the back of a pickup with a kid of about four years old standing up in the back. Inward after dark, I saw three motorcycles with no rear light on a road with no lights, and the car in front of us swerved over to the far right in front of oncoming traffic, and over-corrected so much it almost ended up in the ditch on our side of the road, totally out of control.


Perhaps where you come from all that is normal. Where I come from it isn't.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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On 8/13/2020 at 5:17 PM, Bangkok Barry said:

There are many reasons that Thais drive as they do.

1 - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Thai, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

2 - The Thais have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Thais do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Thais do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.

5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

7 - Thais do not seem able to join the dots, and realise that if, for example, they drive at 120 kms an hour five metres behind the vehicle in front, or drive at night with no rear light (or front light if they are driving on the wrong side of the road because they have no concept of the danger), then they would have no time to react if the vehicle in front breaks suddenly. Ask any Thai what their safe braking distance is and they would have no idea.

8 - There are zero police patrols to help prevent accidents by pulling aside selfish and stupid drivers. Their only presence is setting up road blocks which seems in my experience to have only one purpose - to check your tax disc is in the window and up to date.

9 - Police have absolutely no interest in enforcing the law even when they are static beside the road, watching kids three or four on a bike go by with no helmet, no license, no ability to properly control the bike they are on. And that goes also for the parents and schools who allow Thailand's future to play Russian Roulette every time they go out. The police know they get paid anyway, so why work?

10 - The government does nothing to resolve the road death/accident toll as nothing practically can be done. The problem began decades ago when Thais first began to drive in numbers. No meaningful test was introduced and enforced, and now it is far, far too late. It would mean retraining every driver (and who would do that - it would be similar to those who teach English not being able to speak the language themselves). And it would mean the drivers having to take a proper western-style test before gaining a license. And it would mean police patrols to catch those who drive as if they are playing a video game. Now, anyone can drive as they like and put themselves and others in danger as they know they have zero chance of being caught. They can drive that way with total impunity. And it would require said (non-existent) police to actually enforce the law. And not one of those things is possible in Thailand.

To finish, nothing can or will change and survival on Thai roads will continue to be a lottery. All we can do is remember the words that were used in the 70s police drama Hill Street Blues as the force were sent out on patrol - 'Let's be careful out there'.

Well said but sadly nothing will change, Thai drivers are a law unto them selves.

I was coming back from Bangkok last Wednesday overtaking a slower in the middle lane, I had queue behind me, the car immediately behind jumped into the middle lane to try an undertake me, unfortunately as he drew along side the gap he thought he could get through had gone and now instead of waiting a few seconds until I pulled over he had been sent to the back of the queue, patience is not in the Thai dictionary.

It is better to arrive late than never arrive at all.

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2 hours ago, nong38 said:

Well said but sadly nothing will change, Thai drivers are a law unto them selves.

I was coming back from Bangkok last Wednesday overtaking a slower in the middle lane, I had queue behind me, the car immediately behind jumped into the middle lane to try an undertake me, unfortunately as he drew along side the gap he thought he could get through had gone and now instead of waiting a few seconds until I pulled over he had been sent to the back of the queue, patience is not in the Thai dictionary.

It is better to arrive late than never arrive at all.

So long as people spout rubbish like this, of course nothing will change...like the authorities this post diesnt know the first thing about road safety.

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6 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Out of nine people who have reacted, you are the only negative one. Can you please expand on why, as a minority of one, you consider "every single word is rubbish?" Otherwise, your sweeping statement has zero validity. At the same time, perhaps you might like to give your own view on why and how Thailand has one of, if not the, highest road death toll in the world. Thanks.


Meanwhile, I was out yesterday evening. Just a 10 minute journey. Outward, I saw three motorcycles that had been involved in an accident, all driven by children. And about 10 people riding illegally in the back of a pickup with a kid of about four years old standing up in the back. Inward after dark, I saw three motorcycles with no rear light on a road with no lights, and the car in front of us swerved over to the far right in front of oncoming traffic, and over-corrected so much it almost ended up in the ditch on our side of the road, totally out of control.


Perhaps where you come from all that is normal. Where I come from it isn't.

I have already explained not MY view but the international road safety scientific view on road safety.. .unfortunately people are too caught up in their own prejudices to find out exactly what the problems are.

I would suggest you start by educating yourself on the "Safe System" adopted throughout Europe and places line NZ and now even Australia.... in fact any country with low road crash rates.

That fact that nothing has changed of significance in Thailand for decades would indicate that the thinking both by the Thai authorities and those on this thread is totally out of touch with the reality. 

Road deaths and crashes  cost up to 8 % of GDP in Thailand so although hugely costly, the extensive reforms required would eventually pay for themselves.

Anyone who thinks that "driving" and road safety are the same thing is on a hiding to nothing in the first place 

Quite frankly I think that racist attacks inulting Thai people on this thread are quite disgusting and do nothing but display the profound ignorance of the posters.

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