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Younger protesters may lack understanding, warns psychologist


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Just now, 248900_1469958220 said:

Reeducation camps often help with 'lack of understanding"......(cue dastardly, evil laugh)

Ah, the good old 2014 again.. "Attitude adjustment", was it? Same usurpers at full speed back then.

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5 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Just to show what the students are up against:




"Complex politics" my <deleted>. A blind man can see what is going on.

Fantastic article of the Thai Enquirer, showing what lack of any ethics this guy has towards his country Thailand and the Thai people. What a disdain towards the Thai people! Hope that many people in Thailand read it.


Russia, China, North Korea! This guy is a criminal, selling Thailand to these countries and its dictators! How much do they pay him under the table for that?

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Whatever the students are trying to change, please do not change to the stupid Westminster system that Malaysia had inherited from the British. Every country deserves to have a unique political system that suits it, and should not follow blindly from others.


Here in Malaysia, we have a huge problem with mal-apportionment and gerrymandering of election districts.

We have the "freedom" to elect our representatives but our elected representatives have the freedom to jump over to other parties anytime. And political parties have the freedom to jump to other coalitions. Lawsuits have been filed to nullify seats but our courts ruled that the Malaysian Constitution guarantees the freedom of association.

Because of our stupid system, elected representatives have jumped to other parties due to monetary inducement and new state or federal governments fall. Once, a new state government fell after only less than one month after the elections:

1994 Sabah state election


As a Malaysian, voting, to me, has become meaningless. That's why I have said before - the West probably hope China to become weaker by following their stupid system.

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I suppose that would be modern in Thailand, where they are still in the warlord stage of not being able to say anything and following orders blindly.

Or the West where they get their Brains from Twitter n Facebook influencers.

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9 minutes ago, Selatan said:

Whatever the students are trying to change, please do not change to the stupid Westminster system that Malaysia had inherited from the British. Every country deserves to have a unique political system that suits it, and should not follow blindly from others.


Here in Malaysia, we have a huge problem with mal-apportionment and gerrymandering of election districts.

We have the "freedom" to elect our representatives but our elected representatives have the freedom to jump over to other parties anytime. And political parties have the freedom to jump to other coalitions. Lawsuits have been filed to nullify seats but our courts ruled that the Malaysian Constitution guarantees the freedom of association.

Because of our stupid system, elected representatives have jumped to other parties due to monetary inducement and new state or federal governments fall. Once, a new state government fell after only less than one month after the elections:

1994 Sabah state election


As a Malaysian, voting, to me, has become meaningless. That's why I have said before - the West probably hope China to become weaker by following their stupid system.

You got a point there. Representational democracies are inherently flawed, in that you can rarely get rid of somebody before end of term, no matter how far they veer from election promises.


I advocate direct, real-time democracy without nation states. 



It is becoming more and more feasible as the required technology matures, such as digital identities, blockchain and of course internet access.


Edited by DrTuner
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15 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I think they fully understand that the only way forward for Thailand is to get rid of this shambolic, military led, unelected Government, hand picked Senate and all.

Fair comment made by this 'prominent' psychologist. However, I can't help but feel that using an academic observation to maintain the status quo of governance in Thailand, along with all the restrictions on what can and cannot be discussed fairly and openly, is but a smokescreen designed to stifle genuine concerns and curiosity expressed by the next generation of Thai people. 


If a fair, free, and open discussion can be held, looking objectively at the current challenges facing Thailand, then that would be psychologically a much healthier approach to addressing current concerns.

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"Political matters are complex subjects and need to be clearly understood, she added. Students should be encouraged and supported to voice their opinions but also educated so they can think clearly and critically, "

Yes quite right.

But the adults have been brainwashed to think it is useless to try to change anything. 'Nothing will happen I hear them say", when I ask why they do not voice themselves.

Then the young boys are busy going to buy cigarette and getting their motorbikes customised.

Then the young girls are becoming more activists than their male counterparts.

Small wonder

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22 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

You got a point there. Representational democracies are inherently flawed, in that you can rarely get rid of somebody before end of term, no matter how far they veer from election promises.


I advocate direct, real-time democracy without nation states. 



It is becoming more and more feasible as the required technology matures, such as digital identities, blockchain and of course internet access.


Direct, real-time democracy without nation states? Interesting idea, but realistically, politicians in power would not be that stupid to agree to change to a system that renders them irrelevant or weakens them. Also, direct democracy may only work for a very small country which has a homogeneous population, or else, the demand for independence would always be a problem because the majority would tend to discriminate against the minority.

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40 minutes ago, Selatan said:

Direct, real-time democracy without nation states? Interesting idea, but realistically, politicians in power would not be that stupid to agree to change to a system that renders them irrelevant or weakens them. Also, direct democracy may only work for a very small country which has a homogeneous population, or else, the demand for independence would always be a problem because the majority would tend to discriminate against the minority.

Yes, it's always hard to replace any political system. I have an idea of dynamic societies, where people of same mind would make their own rules, by voting on said system. They'd naturally be inclined to find their own "sort" geographically and form their own cells, in effect small countries but without formal borders. It's a kind of a return to the past, before all the passport hooplah, but with a very new twist - no kings, presidents, strongmen or other power grabbers. Just people and their free will.

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6 hours ago, mr mr said:

o stevie stevie stevie 


you are showing your age good fellow. 


the smart phone changes everything. it's dinosaurs like you that just emphasis the point of these young kids. you are totally disconnected with the reality of the modern world. as i said before maybe sit this one out. you are making it really easy for people in here to make you look bad. 

ok mr emphasis

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Got to feel sorry for the Thai youth.

They've always been robbed and what little they had left has been taken away with the massive reaction against a flu virus.


IMO, They are quite right to be mad as หell and they have showed massive restraint actually.

Im sure if this was happening to my generation when we were young we would not have copped this sหit laying down.


But then again, what can one expect?

Thai society has been dumbed down and brainwashed for many years, never having been taught a conclusive and accurate version of world history. 


Maybe thats why that kids placard says "educate yourself"

quite fitting

Edited by pookondee
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18 hours ago, Theoutsider said:

What about TV thai's like yourself. 


Don't worry about them students their brain haven't full developed yet????

We will split them up later into red and yellow.


Have they cut you in the ONE BANGKOK deal yet.

The guy is Australian (i think?)

Id wager he doesn't even believe most of the cรap he comes out with, just trolling for fun and to get a reaction. 

The persona he takes on is not only part and proof of the problem, 

its EXACTLY how certain people would want ALL Thais thinking.


If i was him Id be to ashamed to even come on a thread like this.

Guy should just stick to waving around his uncle Too flag.


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On 8/20/2020 at 3:31 PM, Grumpy John said:

It will be interesting to see where the student protests leads to.  Does the government still have the Attitude Adjustment camps?  Maybe the whole country can be an Attitude Adjustment camp.  ????

1976 again ?

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On 8/21/2020 at 3:11 AM, webfact said:

This was because they could access more information than in the past and analyse and react to it faster, she suggested.

She is precisely correct. They recognize corruption, decay, autocracy, and injustice when they smell it. And they're not stupid. It's getting harder to 'keep the boys down on the farm anymore'. 


It entirely possible that it's the 'Powers That Be' that don't understand the situation. 


It was my generation who took to the streets in America protesting the Vietnam War (the American War as its known in Vietnam). 

And we were correct; And it did end. 


This is the only way change has historically been driven. The existing governing elite seldom willingly relinquish their death grip on power. 


America may well face a similar crisis of leadership sooner rather than later. 

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Just now, faraday said:

I doubt that the 'man of many watches' has any clue as to how young people are feeling.

Man with two watches never knows what time it is. 

He may be just starting up get a clue. Or not. 

Some people don't see a stampede until it runs over them. 

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On 8/21/2020 at 3:11 AM, webfact said:

may lack a deep understanding of the political situation, a prominent psychologist has warned.

Struggling daily to survive in the real world gives them a much better understanding of the situation than any of you privileged prats will ever be able to comprehend. 

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