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I received a text today saying that I have an appointment at BHP at 1 o'clock tomorrow at their Surgery Unit. I have absolutely no idea why. It says bring your appointment slip which I dont have. The last time I was in the Surgery Unit was 6 months ago after slipping over and damaging my ear which need some surgery to repair. I went back after it healed and the Surgeon said  OK. 

What should I do? Ignore it or goand see what they want. The trouble with that is they hit you with a 220 baht bill for having your blood tested (which I do myself and 600 Baht for seeing the Doctor. I dont want to waste 800 Baht for nothing. I'm due to see my Heart Specialist this month anyway.

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It seems like a simple follow up. 


And yes, you are quite right, they will charge you for taking your weight, height, blood pressure and temperature even though you are perfectly healthy !!!! 


I remember choosing to colour outside the lines / go off script and object to these tests one time when I visited a hospital just to get a ‘Doctors Letter’ (just a precaution to carry Clexane on a flight to the UAE) - So I didn’t see the need for the blood pressure tests etc - when the bill came I was charged for the ’nurses fee’. When I enquired what the ’nurses fee’ was, I was told it was for blood pressure test etc, I was then told I have to pay it anyway whether I had any of those tests or not !!!!! 


They’re just a small money spinner, the problem is no one argues the logic and blindly pays the bills which is why this stuff manages to continue to exist - the bill would be padded another way or form anyway. 


Anyway - simple solution: Don’t go if you don’t need a doctor to tell you your ear has healed. 



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20 minutes ago, Puccini said:

I would reply to the SMS with "You sent this to the wrong number. I have made no appointment."

Any reply via SMS will be ineffective. 


The SMS’s are sent from a computer - SMS Automated Appointment Reminder (a program) no one will read any response, the same programs also send out e-mails from addresses such as <[email protected]>


If you want to find out what its about you’ll have to phone the hospital, however, the receptionists won’t know, they’ll put you through to the relevant nurses station, but the nurses won’t know. 


The only time the Doctor will know is when he reads through your case notes 5mins before your appointment to trigger his memory of who he is seeing and why you are supposed to be there !!!!





I recall having a kidney stone. Lots of pain. X-Ray, CT Scan. Diagnosed. Medicated. 

Returned for a check up 2 weeks later - it must have passed, all pain gone. 

Dr Recommended another CT Scan (10,000 baht). I ask why. To see if I still had the stone. 

I asked what if I still have the stone, he said, more of the same medication. 

I pointed out that if I have more pain its still there, if not, its gone. Dr agreed, no need for another CT scan. 

Then wrote on the appointment for a CT Scan in 3 months !!! - same discussion !!!

I added, if I’m in agony in the same area, I’ll come in for the same medication. If I’m in agony on the other side or anywhere else he can do a CT Scan !!!! 



Private Hospitals in Thailand are a business. They’re great, the treatment and tech are excellent, but one has to be cynical if paying for the OPD treatments / scans / imagery etc themselves as the Doctors will recommend every and any possible test which I often classify as a  ’nice to have' but not as a 'need to have’ 


.... and just like the Ops appointment - is it a ’nice to have' or a 'need to have’  ??




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Either just ignore it, or call and cancel the appointment (assuming there is one). Usually an SMS like this will have a number to call.


Re "nursing fees" these are the hospital surcharge, nothing to do with whether or nto your blood pressure is taken (that is just something clerks make up to tell farang who demand a "reason"). The word for hospital and nurse is same in Thai. It is a fee for use of the hospital facilities; the consultation fee goes direct to the doctor.

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