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America about to go full Sweden


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3 minutes ago, SteveK said:

So they're going to use the same approach that has been used every single time in history; let the disease run its course, get back to normal ASAP. By the way, that approach was always successful. What has 6 months of economy destruction achieved? It's just made things a hundred times worse. Covid-19 is nothing compared to the Black Death or the Spanish flu, they survived. What'll we do if something like that comes along in the next few months? 

Have you thought the action taken so far has limited the number of deaths......Oh!.....but you don't care do you?

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1 minute ago, 86Tiger said:

Never since the beginning of this entire episode has any one advocated the measures taken would limit the numbers of deaths or infected.  The numbers would only be spread over a longer period of time: flatten the curve was not designed to eliminate the curve.

Completely and utterly wrong.  China has currently about 40 new cases per day and no deaths.  S. Korea, pop. 51 million, has had 326 deaths and never locked down.  Vietnam, pop. 95 million, has had 34 deaths and no lockdown.  Taiwan, pop. 23 million, has had 9 deaths and no lockdown.


How do you manage to ignore these facts?

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3 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Once this mess is cleared up, I'm certain that historians will look back at it and declare it as a complete and utter disaster, and not because of the virus but because of the gross mismanagement, negligence, stupidity and hysteria.  Let's face it, the number of deaths is almost negligible in the grand scheme of things, in the next few months we'll see more about the poverty, bankruptcies and suicides this stupidity has caused. Family businesses devastated, economies wiped out, industries set back years because of a virus that you probably won't even know that you had unless you got tested......

This is no place for reality.  I got my mask....

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7 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Once this mess is cleared up, I'm certain that historians will look back at it and declare it as a complete and utter disaster, and not because of the virus but because of the gross mismanagement, negligence, stupidity and hysteria.  Let's face it, the number of deaths is almost negligible in the grand scheme of things, in the next few months we'll see more about the poverty, bankruptcies and suicides this stupidity has caused. Family businesses devastated, economies wiped out, industries set back years because of a virus that you probably won't even know that you had unless you got tested......


Last time I looked, about 5000 people per day are dying of CV in the world, including around 1000 per day in the U.S. alone during the past month...  The world is heading for 1 million official CV deaths overall pretty soon.


Are you volunteering to take someone's place?  Or are you just OK when it's OTHER people that you want to allow to die?


From Johns Hopkins Sept 2 update:




EPI UPDATE The WHO COVID-19 Dashboard reports 25.60 million cases (245,984 new) and 852,758 deaths (4,355 new) as of 10:00am EDT on September 2.
The US CDC reported 6.00 million total cases (32,087 new) and 183,050 deaths (428 new).



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Last time I looked, about 5000 people per day are dying of CV in the world, including around 1000 per day in the U.S. alone during the past month...  Are you volunteering to take someone's place?


From Johns Hopkins Sept 2 update:




one person dies every 25  seconds on the roads worldwide to give some perspective = 3456 a  day except theres  no  vaccine for that and thats after  all the safety of airbags abs etc etc

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8 minutes ago, SteveK said:

If I was in my 70's and someone said look, we can keep you alive for another year, but it'll cause untold misery to millions around the world, I'd say fine. I'm only one person. Let me die. I would consider that to be honourable, now some fool is going to reply to this and say that I'm selfish. I'm not worried about self-preservation and generally go out of my way to help others, so suggesting I jump on a funeral pyre to save one business in a purely hypothetical situation is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

What number of deaths is acceptable to you.

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5 minutes ago, bodga said:

one person dies every 25  seconds on the roads worldwide to give some perspective = 3456 a  day except theres  no  vaccine for that and thats after  all the safety of airbags abs etc etc

So you think they should take out the safety features in cars?

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7 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

but people can't live forever in cage!


In case you hadn't noticed, no one in Thailand is trapped in cages.. No one is locked in their homes. No one is barred from going outside. Etc etc....  The economy has not been destroyed. Life is going on... admittedly, with hardship for those whose livelihoods are tied to the tourism industry... 


Probably, a good indicator for the future to not put all of one's economic eggs in one tourism industry basket. Remember when Thailand used to talk about the virtues of a "sufficiency economy," being able to support itself?



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1 minute ago, Sujo said:

What number of deaths is acceptable to you.

No number is acceptable and even less when one is directly confronted to it. All these exchanges are about the force of Nature and the weakness, although sometimes smart, of the Humanity. 

It is definitely not the majority of people who are ready to die whatever their age : 20/50/90

Do whatever you can to escape but in the end the winner is not the Human kind...let it take its course while protecting ourselves but the hard thing is to decide what is the right protection and until which point it is acceptable.....balance is the keyword

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Just now, SteveK said:

If I was in my 70's and someone said look, we can keep you alive for another year, but it'll cause untold misery to millions around the world, I'd say fine. I'm only one person. Let me die


Holy brain aneurysm, Batman. You would make that great sacrifice for all of us, for humanity,  if IF IF IF IF only .... oh wait you won't, you can't, but if you could .... blah blah blah. Do really expect anyone to believe a whopper like that.  :biggrin::biggrin: 

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Herd immunity is a concept that guides vaccine policy to prevent outbreaks, writes . It is not an approach to ending a global pandemic.



Edited by Baht Simpson
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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


In case you hadn't noticed, no one in Thailand is trapped in cages.. No one is locked in their homes. No one is barred from going outside. Etc etc....  The economy has not been destroyed. Life is going on... admittedly, with hardship for those whose livelihoods are tied to the tourism industry... 


Probably, a good indicator for the future to not put all of one's economic eggs in one tourism industry basket. Remember when Thailand used to talk about the virtues of a "sufficiency economy," being able to support itself?



That was figurative. And its cage to me if i can't travel where ever i want when i want! Whitout all extra sht from every place! Test's , insurance, quarantine... It's like North Korea stuff to me! I believe in personal freedom!

Have to put this again!





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14 minutes ago, alyx said:

If I were a US citizen I would welcome this move


Please explain to me how this is good...



The US has 4% of the world's population but 25% of its coronavirus cases



The above news report is a couple months old, but the basic ratio has remained similar.



More Americans have died from coronavirus than in wars in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan



More Americans also have died of coronavirus in less than five months than in all of World War I. That conflict took the lives of 116,516 American soldiers.


And yet, there are still Americans like Trump and his fans who proudly go about refusing to wear a simple face mask, claiming it impinges on their "freedom."  A total and complete lack of social responsibility, and thus the virus spreads and more people get sick and die.


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8 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

That was figurative. And its cage to me if i can't travel where ever i want when i want! Whitout all extra sht from every place! Test's , insurance, quarantine... It's like North Korea stuff to me! I believe in personal freedom!


Ohh... poor boy.. Your freedoms are being impinged upon again???


You mean, like when Immigration tells you what you have to do with the money in your bank account... Or 7/11 tells you you can't buy your beer between 2 and 5 every day?  Or when your own government takes money out of your income every month via taxes?


You can live with all that, but not simple precautions to protect yourself and those around you. Instead, you want a country that gives you the "freedom" to get sick and then turn around and infect other people and make them sick?  That's your idea of "freedom"?


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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