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600 facing quarantine after Thailand’s first locally-acquired COVID infection for 100 days


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On 9/4/2020 at 4:48 PM, Cake Monster said:

A good question indeed.

Is the Virus among us at  all times, and this guy was only found to be Positive due to a Policy of testing all people who are about to enter Prison.

Or, has he been in contact with a " Super Spreader " who is still walking the Streets completely unaware that they are the source.

Or, is the Virus in the Sewage system of Bangkok

All these possibilities, and more need to be investigated, and quickly.

I suppose we will now see how good the Thai Authorities really are at dealing with these situations. With 600 people having to enter State Quarantine, this will be a good practice session for the return of Tourists.

There's a lot more to this story and it will be all illegal 

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25 minutes ago, chang1 said:

To me this is the discussion that should be given far more exposure, especially within governments. Not just in connection with covid19, it would help with much of what government's deal with. How much is a human life worth? Does it change for sick, elderly or for those with problems that are partially self inflicted through drug abuse such as tobacco or alcohol etc.? How would chronic injuries be factored in that were acquired during recreation like sports? Are high achievers worth more than those on benefits? Obviously I think my life is worth more than everyone else's in the world combined - some others may disagree. 

This discussion is had all over the world in places like hospitals and by people designing things, such as roads or cars, and standards but there is no consistency or formula due to it being so contentious. No-one likes to hear they are worth less than someone else or that they are too expensive to be prioritised. 

Each country could have its own scale - maybe useful when deciding where to retire. I would expect Thailand to value Thai hiso's a tad higher than a retired factory worker from Bolton but not so much in the UK. 

For covid19,  you then have to factor in vaccines and improvements in treatments, both of which can only be guessed. Next how will covid19 evolve? Will it get stronger or die away? More guesswork. It is then simple to decide how much your strategy should cost and where to concentrate the effort. Some tweaking may be needed for industries like tourism where a ridiculously low covid death rate may be preferred to a reasonable death rate on the roads. 

You talk about a billion dollars per covid death then a billion to prevent your covid death. These are 2 totally different things that you are confusing. The billion dollars are not spent on each of those that died, they are spent on preventing many more deaths - possibly including yours, if it stopped someone spreading it in your direction. A few billion spent in Wuhan early on, may have been a good investment (instead of silencing the doctor who warned us about it - f'''ing CCP). Per death it may have been very expensive but it may have saved hundreds of thousands lives and saved the rest of the world trillions of dollars. 

Another thought - if covid19 is like a bad flue, should we be doing more to stop the spread of flue? Just think how many more valuable lives could be saved! Then, what about road deaths, alcohol deaths, smoking... Maybe we should all be wrapped up in cotton wool and never move again - but then would that be unhealthy and who will risk their life to bring me food?

Sensible, philosophical thoughts!


All societies and countries in the world decided long time ago already not to abolish car traffic, and to accept a certain number of daily deaths. Some more restrictive (Europe, lead by Scandinavia), some less (Thailand is the best example). Also all countries decided not to shut down everything when a flu hits the country and people die from this.


What should be learned from that for the Cofid crisis?


Sure, Covid was (and still is) not the same as a flu. But, after successfully implying the "hammer" six months ago, meaning the week-long lock-downs, and after sensitizing a major part of the populace to accept social distancing and to wear masks where it makes sense (inside of buildings with others in the same room), etc., now in the very most countries the R0-value is around 1 only anymore, and the deaths are single-digit per day (European countries, many Asian countries).


This means the numbers of people dying from Covid are now similar to the number of traffic deaths in most countries, and also the numbers of those suffering from a healths impact of Covid for years later might be similar to those surving serious traffic accidents. And, as long as R0 stays around 1 not much will change. As long as this situation stays stable, no other exagerated measures are ethically justifiable. And it stays stable in every European country. There is no second wave. Look to the number of people really suffering from Covid, look to the R0 values. Not to the number of newly discovered asymptomatic cases due to more testing, which by the way now is the driving force increasing R0.


This means, as long as the society is willing to cooperate by following a minimum of rules, applying the hammer again is completely over the top, and lock-downs or closed borders are unethical.


Give the people back their freedom, give the people back their life! But make sure R0 stays at around 1, and make sure the people follow some basic rules.

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5 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

Why not just lock everyone up!  Apparently to some ‘scientists’ the effective aerosol range of this strain ‘SARS-COV-2’ is about 7 miles! So social distancing is pointless, as are masks as the particles are so small they just pass through or via the gaps in these pathetic face masks... No country agrees on anything and are all doing there own thing... The science is so diverse on conclusion its akin to a village of idiots trying to determine who is the biggest idiot! 

If they could, they would.

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15 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

It seems the covid-19 test is so sensitive it picks up old infections so this one guy who has tested positive in Thailand may have caught the virus weeks ago so no reason at all to panic.



Agreed, I said this months ago... PCR tests is not reliable, according to WHO .. only 4% accurate and based on the amount of amplification, so even further accuracy reduction. everyone is positive if having the flu in the past 10 years with 50* amplification... 

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2 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

It's all about the infections now rather than the deaths. You can only con people for so long, restrictions and media hysteria need to stop.

I think the Europeans are over the hysteria and the media is starting to follow in an attempt to try and remain relevant for me the news lost relevance when I changed the channel on the TV and the same stories were running at the same time,that was about 45 years ago.Here's a story running in Oz today.



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27 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

It's good to see there are some sane people actually studying it instead of hiding under a rock and hoping it will go away,which it will when it has spread through the entire human population even if some people think they can stop it.

It's actually complete nonsense that this or any virus would spread through the entire human population. That isn't the way any virus works. It appears the herd immunity threshold for Covid-19 is about 20% which is where places like Stockholm, New York and London got to before tailing off.

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On 9/4/2020 at 3:48 PM, Cake Monster said:

A good question indeed.

Is the Virus among us at  all times, and this guy was only found to be Positive due to a Policy of testing all people who are about to enter Prison.

Or, has he been in contact with a " Super Spreader " who is still walking the Streets completely unaware that they are the source.

Or, is the Virus in the Sewage system of Bangkok

All these possibilities, and more need to be investigated, and quickly.

I suppose we will now see how good the Thai Authorities really are at dealing with these situations. With 600 people having to enter State Quarantine, this will be a good practice session for the return of Tourists.

At whose expense are these unsuspecting 600 people going into quarantine? Why should innocent people walking around in public before it's to pay for this? Oh I forgot this is Thailand...

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3 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

At whose expense are these unsuspecting 600 people going into quarantine? Why should innocent people walking around in public before it's to pay for this? Oh I forgot this is Thailand...

I'm pretty sure 600 people aren't going into quarantine. They're probably just being asked to self isolate.

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