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Ex-Marine 'could die alone in Thailand' after massive stroke as borders stay shut


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14 hours ago, Card said:

Also closed for people to leave. A Cambodian friend has been stuck in Thailand for 4 months so far.


True of land borders but there are still flights out (not however to Cambodia).


And in this case it may be a charter flight.


Tell your Cambodian friend to try either the Chiong Cham crossing in Surin or Ban Laem in Chantaburi, I know of Khmer being let into Cambodia through both (though can change day by day). Definitely nto the Aran/Poipet crossing.



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Not disparaging the guys situation, which is pretty awful, but being an ex-marine gives you some kind of saintly status? Plenty of guys and gals die alone, Scotland has a whole unit devoted to dealing with them, the Ultimus Haeres Unit, and a lot of these people led valuable and fufilling lives. As they say, it's not the destination that counts, it's the journey.

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Can the ex Marine take a military flight back home? 

Can his insurance pay for any flight(s)? 

There may be a connecting flight if no direct flight to his home. 

Contact the Embassy Chief and ask if he will help - all he can do is say yes or no. 

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On 9/5/2020 at 9:35 AM, GAZZPA said:

"Dumb UK masses", a bit harsh don't you think. Are you one of the "enlightened" ones with vastly superior intellect who see through all the lies????? We all know you cannot fully trust the tabloids, welcome to the party.. You sound like a "class" warrior to me.

Needs to be harsh. Populist tabloids distorting the truth with a clear political agenda like the Daily Mail are ruining democracy. Dont know about 'enlightened' and certainly not 'vsi', but yes I can see through a lot of the lies. I dont know what a class warrior is.

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@babyjesus is very close to Colin's situation.  His condition has improved substantially from the quoted report of his health in June.  He is leaving soon.  Much earlier in this thread, Sheryl asked "so what's the problem?"  The problem is that Colin must travel with an escort and there are difficulties in bringing a UK escort into Thailand and with having a local foreign escort travel with him to the UK and then being able to return to Thailand because of the Covid situation. 


As Colin's sister posted in the GoFundMe page, the family received a quote from a Thai medical repatriation company for Thai medical personnel to escort Colin at a cost of 120,000 GBP --- beyond their means.  Remember the Thai staff would have had to quarantine both entering the UK and returning to Thailand.  That's a month salary for a doctor and nurse.  The UK repatriation company is more reasonably priced and issues with the escort and Covid quarantining both coming and going for the escort seem to have been worked out.

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1 hour ago, NancyL said:

Remember the Thai staff would have had to quarantine both entering the UK and returning to Thailand.

Why should they quarantine in the UK? They can hand the patient over to medical personel at the Airport and fly back. 120,000 GBP sounds like he would fly with a special plane for medical repatriation.

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9 hours ago, NancyL said:

the family received a quote from a Thai medical repatriation company for Thai medical personnel to escort Colin at a cost of 120,000 GBP --- beyond their means.


This is something the ( I don't buy insurance & If I ever have a big problem I will just fly home to my country ) crowd should note. This is the reality even without covid of what an air ambulance costs


If you are sick/injured badly enough you surely cannot/will not be allowed to take a flight home.

Instead you need an air ambulance & they cost crazy baht

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On 9/5/2020 at 9:03 AM, colinneil said:

You ask why the Embassy is not helping him.

The answer is simple, they dont give a s++t about British citizens here.

so why have an embassy in any country??

an embassy is supposed to be a place where a person CAN GET help from THAT countries embassy.....!!


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Just now, essox essox said:

so why have an embassy in any country??

an embassy is supposed to be a place where a person CAN GET help from THAT countries embassy.....!!


The Embassy is not an extension of the NHS , the welfare state , bank, insurance company or repatriation companys , Thai visa providers or get out of jail free card issuers  .

  People are expected to make provisions to take care of themselves .

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