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UK warns EU on Brexit: We won't blink first


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25 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Oh, that one's easy. The tories won a landslide victory because our dull-witted electorate proved just how stupid they truly are when they voted against a fairer voting system and chose to stick with a model that clearly works against their interests. 


3 minutes ago, transam said:

That was an excellent post, just shows us where you are coming from. Thank you..????

The populace were wrong again and you are right....:crazy:......................????

The 'fairer voting system' was rejected by referendum in 2011, long before Brexit. The actual Brexit referendum was a simple majority - can say fairer than that. The 2019 GE worked in favour of the electorate's previous and updated wishes, so also pretty fair.

The Remainers (and EUs) are always coming from their notions of superiority over Brexiteers. We the Brexiteers were not stupid enough to settle for May and the Remainers' dirty tricks and lies about not actually Leaving. Now Boris's team are negotiating they are not stupid enough to allow capitulation to a Non-Leaving deal. I guess the populace was right all along and the stupidity is stuck with the EU at the moment.

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5 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

Teh times of the "Old Empire are gone already a 100 years. The English still think they can negociate as during Kitchener: "We insist and dictate the terms, you follow humbly, and.,. when you behave well, we might consider a few extra crumbs for you".

67 mln towards 45o mln Union.  Ilove this cartoon. With many thanks to Jos Collignon and the Volkskrant.

Second: why 1019109596_sometimes..somebodyelsetakesthedecissions.jpg.da29f0dbbb2c000d10acf94f696518d6.jpg with a country, who even do not horour their agreements of even less as a year ago: Financial times of today: UK plan to undermine withdrawal treaty puts Brexit talks at risk.. or https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-54051933 or https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/sep/06/five-weeks-clinch-brexit-deal-uk-move-boris-johnson-to-say


Just 4 months left and then... Schengen visa, international driver licence and insurances, import duty according WTO for all imports into the EU ( 10% on cars etc) . The British can buy their fresh from Canada , Australia etc. 



I hope you're not having sleepless nights chap.....

 I think the Dandy comic is still available online for your cartoons.....☺️

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46 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

They do. When it comes to fishing rights, the ECJ, state aid, they claim that that is not what people voted for.  Even though what people voted for has already been implemented and is done. 


You said: "Still brexiteers try to tell others people in fact voted for many other things, such as the details of a free trade agreement, which, of course, was never part of the referendum and ballot paper". But they didn't. 

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Good grief, you don't have to be Hercule Poirot to know.????

At least you Vogie show he has (some..) intelligence ????….. hut why in heavens name you vote for this ….Boris guy then ?

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

No the brexiteers voted for something not on the ballot paper ,

"have the same advantages from the club as before while being not a member and for free …..as " they (the E.U. ) need us (the U.K. ) more than we (U,K.) need them " ????

What sort of club exists that some members pay other members subscriptions.............oh I know the EU Jolly Boys Club.

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18 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You said: "Still brexiteers try to tell others people in fact voted for many other things, such as the details of a free trade agreement, which, of course, was never part of the referendum and ballot paper". But they didn't. 

They do. When it comes to fishing rights, the ECJ, state aid, they claim that that is not what people voted for.  Even though what people voted for has already been implemented and is done. 

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2 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

The only one, who speaks about fisheries are the British. The EU speaks about financials, industrial output, 

yes, a part for A'dam , Paris & Frankfurt ….???? handling our Euro ourselves :whistling:

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2 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

They do. When it comes to fishing rights, the ECJ, state aid, they claim that that is not what people voted for.  Even though what people voted for has already been implemented and is done. 

You still think Brexiteers are stupid? We voted to Leave. Not half in half stay, which is only what has been implemented so far.

At the end of the transition period we will have fully Left. No half stay deals that keep us tied to EU.

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Just now, welovesundaysatspace said:

They do. When it comes to fishing rights, the ECJ, state aid, they claim that that is not what people voted for.  Even though what people voted for has already been implemented and is done. 

If the details of these negotiations mean that we are still subject to EU rules, laws, regulations and conditions, evidently, it is not done. The EU want to include all the things that you mention as leverage in a trade deal and that is the problem.

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13 minutes ago, vogie said:

What sort of club exists that some members pay other members subscriptions.............oh I know the EU Jolly Boys Club.

Damn you are becoming smarter & smarter ….. but why you would have to like something to do with them ….. just take your independence country and run it by yourself... on yourself ''alone" ...:whistling:

Edited by david555
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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So what did you vote for then? Given that either remaining in the single market or leaving the single market are the only possible options.

I just wanted the UK to leave, same as the option on the ballot paper. And same as WLSAS's post 115 above.

Edited by nauseus
+ And same as WLSAS's post 115 above.
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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Are you suggesting that the main backers of Vote Leave never made hundreds of millions on Brexit night and are not lined up to make even more as they crash the UK economy? Are you suggesting that our government, from the very top down, is not genuinely corrupt?

I'm.suggesting...no I'm telling you the facts . The EU is a protectionist racket that only protects it's strong members! Not had it's account verified for years ! And the fact it still whines about the UK leaving. It wants it's money. Hates anyone leaving it's club .. maybe others might do the same soon 

Edited by pixelaoffy
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