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Saudi King Salman tells Trump no Israeli normalisation without Palestinian statehood


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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

The old lion is on his very last leg of his life's journey, once he's gone, the younger lion Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will have his say and he's no fan of the Palestinians and a very modern thinker...

He's able to make cutting-edge decisions! ????

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18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

It’s actually the Saudi royal dynasty that controls the holy cities of Islam nowadays.


They’ve ousted the Jordanian guards out of Mekkah and Medina since the 3rd Kingdom of Al Saud. Historically, those Jordanian religious guards have protected religious cities like Jerusalem, Mekkah and Medina.

Those Jordanian guards in Islam had the same religious status like the Swiss guards in Catholic Vatican.


Royal Saudi family originates from tribes coming from norther region close to Kuwait and Qatar.


US, Israel and KSA are nations created by illegal conquest.

They should not dictate the Palestinians.

The Saudi royal family swear allegiance to the Wahhabi. Always have, still do. Progenitors of 9/11. They swear to the destruction of Israel not subservience to it.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

The old lion is on his very last leg of his life's journey, once he's gone, the younger lion Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will have his say and he's no fan of the Palestinians and a very modern thinker...


Yes, once the old king is out, and the new guy is in, there may be some changes. But until that happens, he's been effectively reprimanded by this statement. As for "no fan of the Palestinians", maybe so, but that does not imply his a fan of Israel, either. He does what he thinks best for his country and himself, not necessarily in that order. A very modern thinker? There were some reforms, there is an acknowledgement that KSA must change. But at the same time, still a very authoritative leader, without certain inhibitions regarding what is acceptable and what not.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:



^^ The crown doesn't rule Saudi, the religious do, but they allow the crown to think they do, IMO.


I don't often support anything Saudi, but I hope they stay the course.



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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

Well done King Salman, sticking to the Peace Initiative of 2002 and repeated twice since. UAE sold out for nothing in return.


The deal has been on the table for decades. It's just Israeli intransigence that they want their cake and eat it too. Not satisfied with land they took 1947-66, they want to annex more, but don't want to annex the indigenous Palestinians living there. Pure racism.


What's so bad about a confederation of two states? Or my preference, a single state with a bi-cameral parliament 50:50 Jewish:non-Jewish reps? With security precautions and penalties for religious fanatics on both sides who may want to make trouble, Israelis and Palestinians could live, work and worship in each other's countries and enjoy full diplomatic, travel, and economic relations with the whole Arab and Muslim world.


Trump and Kushner's fudged apartheid deal with a patchwork quilt of bantustans in a non state for Palestinians ain't going to cut the mustard or bring permanent peace.


Looks like the Nobel Peace Prize is awaiting Biden or Harris, if they can get their act together. Another big fail for Trump. 




As expected, a staggering show of hypocrisy for some posters. UAE rulers opt for normalizing of relations with Israel, and it's tantrum like rants filled with dictators,  oppressive, the people not being consulted or even going on about torture and such. KSA chooses otherwise, and not a word about how the country is run on even harsher lines than the UAE. Apparently, it's alright to be an oppressive dictatorship, so long as your support poster's agenda.


As for the usual nonsense points in the post above:


- The UAE did not sign the agreement for "nothing in return". That you do not accept countries may have interests and priorities differing from your creed of politics carries little weight, and does not make your comments factual.


- The Arab Peace Initiative was rejected by the Hamas, representing a significant number of Palestinians. The hypocrisy highlighted above is evident again, seeing as the Palestinian people were not actually asked for their views, nor voted on accepting/rejecting the plan. Quite obviously, such matters only interest you when they fit your narrative.


- Some of the future participants/signatories of the Arab Peace Initiative fail to address domestic affairs, or indeed, speak in one voice (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Palestinians themselves being easy examples). And yet you would have people believe that nothing changed.


- It's not so much a what-so-bad question, but more to do with sides (yes, not just Israel) unable to agree on things. You want to continue pushing your fringe politics? That's fine, so long as you acknowledge that they do not represent Palestinian public opinion and wishes much. 


- The usual rosy fantasies of living happily ever after in harmony are cute. Now go visit the ME, and find a single country where full western democracy values are adhered to. Or one in which ethnic groups live without any ongoing or reoccurring strife. Kinda doubt that picking one of the most explosive conflicts, situated in an already problematic region, and applying copy-pasted ideological solutions could be taken seriously. Maybe better places for your kind of social experiments.


- The Trump/Kushner thing is what it is. I doubt anyone seriously expects it to bring about permanent a permanent peace, present acceptable, workable all-around solutions, or answer the wishes of all parties involved. That said, even a measure of normalcy, and less hostility in such a volatile region ought to be sought, rather than disparaged.

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3 hours ago, polpott said:

Kushner and Trump are hailing the deal with the Emirates as "The greatest peace deal ever". Actually its a deal between Israel and a tiny gulf state who are insignificant in the Arab world. The biggest non deal ever. Come back when one of the big hitters such as Iran, Syria or Saudi have signed on to it.


It is definitely not the greatest peace deal ever. For starters, there wasn't even a state of war between the two countries, and even if there was it would have been pretty much meaningless given the distance and relative power. Further, relations were already in place, if unofficially, and for quite a long time now.


That said, it's no nothing-burger, either. Given the relative solidarity (or adhering to similar policies) by Arab countries on this matter, it's quite a break from tradition. In a region dominated by certain semi-permanent narratives, it's quite a move. As marking the path or paving the way for other countries to act similarly, it is significant.


The bit about the UAE being "insignificant in the Arab world" is simply out of touch with reality. Not a big country, for sure, but as for influence? You got to be kidding, or uninformed. Syria, for example, is neither a "big hitter", nor by itself significant. Iran is not part of the Arab world, and Saudi Arabia is generally more cautious making such moves - often letting it's smaller neighbors test the waters first.

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1 hour ago, Thorgal said:

It’s actually the Saudi royal dynasty that controls the holy cities of Islam nowadays.


They’ve ousted the Jordanian guards out of Mekkah and Medina since the 3rd Kingdom of Al Saud. Historically, those Jordanian religious guards have protected religious cities like Jerusalem, Mekkah and Medina.

Those Jordanian guards in Islam had the same religious status like the Swiss guards in Catholic Vatican.


Royal Saudi family originates from tribes coming from norther region close to Kuwait and Qatar.


US, Israel and KSA are nations created by illegal conquest.

They should not dictate the Palestinians.


I'll ignore the irrelevant "historical" waffle on offer, and address the closing bit.


Almost all countries, if one digs back, were created by some "illegal" conquest or something similar. I'm not aware that there's any principal conforming to the nonsensical premise offered. That you raise such an argument is not surprising, but that you'll somehow treat the matter of Palestinian nationhood as being of a higher or not-disputed order is either based on ignorance or an intention to mislead.

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The old king is simply not into rocking the boat, not into following MBS's whims and plans, which are in turn influenced by MBZ's machinations. It wasn't really expected KSA would immediatly follow suit or that change its tune. No surprises there.


On the other hand - air space remains open for Israeli commercial traffic, no negative impact or threats of such vs. the UAE, nor much by way of condemnation and warning for other countries who may consider the normalization of relations with Israel.


I think this was about putting MBS back in his place, cutting him to size some - but also a way of taking KSA off the hook, while not aggressively rejecting recent developments.

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23 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

Bravo the Saudi's The more that stand up to Trump and his land grabbing friends the better. Now about those in country human rights violations!

Just read the history of the 20th century of what we now call Saudi-Arabia: one big conquest and land grabbing for the Wahabites to get in control of the entire peninsula. Even the Hashemites were thrown out of Mekka and Medina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia

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5 hours ago, polpott said:

Kushner and Trump are hailing the deal with the Emirates as "The greatest peace deal ever". Actually its a deal between Israel and a tiny gulf state who are insignificant in the Arab world. The biggest non deal ever. Come back when one of the big hitters such as Iran, Syria or Saudi have signed on to it.


It’s part of the Trump election campaign to keep extending capital support from important influencing groups.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

The old lion is on his very last leg of his life's journey, once he's gone, the younger lion Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will have his say and he's no fan of the Palestinians and a very modern thinker...

'a very modern thinker' - apart from murdering and chopping up journalists.

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