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Will the future be very bad or fabulous?

bert bloggs

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32 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

A nephew of my wifes ,has learned new technologies ,he is in computers works from home ,earns very good money ,has no friends ,hardly ever goes out ,gets up and sleeps when he likes then works ,him and our son shared a room at university ,,our son has a very good job runs a company ,has loads of friends and a lovely girlfriend and a real life .

moral of story ,working from home could turn out to be a bloody disaster . is this going to be the new norm as technology progresses?

Probably no. 

Working from home is not an eternal solution. Don't they have any office there where employees meet face to face sometimes? 

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This is a very broad topic. Depends on alot of variables. Many are predicting world population will begin to drop. There are alot of nations at zero population growth, or negative population growth. This will help alot. Not to sound xenophobic, which I am not, but we need to figure out a way to slow down Muslim population growth. 24 of the fastest growing nations are Muslim. That is a huge issue. The world does not need alot more people, at this point in time. 


I believe the environment will be our top issue and concern. Despite the naysayers (usually politically motivated) I see signs of man made global warming all around me. It is getting hotter, and drier. Just look at California. That will likely result in a lower quality of life for future generations. I believe mankind will survive for a long time to come, but the overall quality of life will be lower. Water quality, air quality, depleted fish stocks, etc. It can be turned around, perhaps, but it is going to take alot of wisdom and political will, and there do not seem to be many politicians these days with any wisdom or concern about the future.


On the other hand, within 10-20 years, I am fairly certain that 80% of all vehicles will be electric or hybrid. Oil and gas demand will drop precipitously, which will benefit the planet enormously. Few have compassion for big oil, so they either get with the program, or get left behind. As for Gen Z, it remains to be seen. If Thailand is any indication, we might be in good hands. The youth here are impressive, and seem to really care about the future of the nation. They will likely drive out the spectacularly toxic Thai army. Much change will take place here. Hopefully, the dinosaurs like Prayuth, Prawit, Pipat, Anutin and many others will be a historical footnote, about regressive men and their greed, ignorance, apathy, and lack of vision. 

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On 9/9/2020 at 5:47 PM, bert bloggs said:

However my fear is for the future ,now there are 7 billion on the planet ,with many of the poorer ones trying to get to the richer nations ,by 2050 there will be 12 billion ,mainly in those poorer regions

and that is why you have pandemics & specially vaccinations (20x return on investment according to bill gates), to make sure the population will not grow too mutt

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51 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Maybe yes, maybe no. 

Fact is they're working on self-driving cars (controlled by AI) everywhere in the world. 

Really ?

When are they due to be made and produced and available in Thailand ?

What is their expected range ? like, will they be able to drive from Rangong to Chiang Mai for example, without stopping ?

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I don't see any bright horizon for future people. The major cause is high populated Earth without enough resources and climate change will make it much worse. Perhaps some Hollywood movies are good examples of what possibly will happen. 
Interstellar movie is a very good sample.  



Edited by The Theory
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Parts of human nature seem to like the actions that improve their own lives and that of the majority. Other parts of human nature see a different reality that wants to become solitary or join their mob, discourage and blame others, and enjoy schaudenfraude.. I guess we all have both parts depending on our genes, education, mood, the pain and hurt we've suffered, stage in life etc.

Not sure which parts of human nature are going to win. Will we end up with a Star Trek Utopia or an idiocracy or just struggle on somewhere in the middle. 

There's a lot less poor than before so that's hopeful.

Covids not helping. Climate change isn't helping. Thought the internet would help but some people seem to stay in their silos. Me too sometimes.

Often meet young people and see them on the internet who seem nice and smart so that's hopeful.

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'The future will be better tomorrow' - Dan Quayle


Reality - better for some, worse for just as many. The period 1850-1950 saw probably the greatest advances in technology the human race has experienced in its entire lifetime. From the stagecoach to jet aircraft, from the cannonball to the nuclear bomb. Unfortunately change brings new problems as well as benefits, and the rapidity of that change brought appreciation of all the benefits long before the resulting problems were able to be dealt with. We are still dealing with the problems from that 100 years, let alone any new ones.


It is now time to concentrate on resolving the problems rather than hurling our species into new dilemmas. There is a lot that needs fixing, and if we do not do it now the future will be a less pleasant place.


Being optimistic, there are some good signs. The growth in world population is slowing, due to rapidly falling birth rates, and some projections suggest that the population will stabilise at about 10-11 billion. Climate change and CO2 - although we are now seeing rapid changes, the growth of renewable power technologies has been incredible. In the UK, it is now the dominant source of electricity - 25 years ago it was about 2%. Levels of pollution in the developed world are now falling (and have been for the last 50 years). So, problems are being resolved, but i think the next 30 years are pretty critical if we are to avoid massive, irreversible changes.


The world our children are inheriting isn't better than ours was, but if we are lucky our grandchildren will benefit.

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On 9/9/2020 at 12:47 PM, bert bloggs said:

However my fear is for the future ,now there are 7 billion on the planet ,with many of the poorer ones trying to get to the richer nations ,by 2050 there will be 12 billion ,mainly in those poorer regions .I think it is going to be a very different world from the one we have inhabited. What are your thoughts, what do you think it will be like?

Some studies says that the population increase will phase out by 9 to 10 billion people.


Relative, there are fewer absolute poor people in the World now than before, 10 percent, or around 735 millions, in 2010 the absolute poor rate was 15 percent. Even looking at number of people, instead of relative percentage, the number has been decreasing during the past decade.


I found the graph showing absolute poverty from 1820 to 2015...


Source: Our World in Data.


Actually, it seems like the World statistically has become at much better place, even we are more and more people on the Planet.


I've also experienced the 1960s and 1970s with the happy hippie era, including some "swinging London" even I'm from a Scandinavian country. It was a great time that will not come back, no matter how much we would love to relive it for nostalgic reasons. However, I've found a lot of the atmosphere from that era here, where I live in Thailand, and even it's combined with smartphones and Internet, I have the same feeling of the happy past.


Those a generation younger than me talks about the 80s and the 90s – I have lots of friends that even try to virtually stay in that nostalgic period, almost like "living in the past" – to me that experienced both periods, the 80s and 90s were way different and cannot be compared with the happy hippie era; however, the generation younger than me might either totally disagree, or envy me for having experienced that part of the past.


I'm lucky that I can enjoy the moment of now – perhaps because I moved out from my home country to a place with feelings similar of my past – but most of the young folks of today will sometime in the future talk about how cool it was in the 2020s; nothing would ever be able to compare to the to 20s...????

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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This is a very broad topic. Depends on alot of variables. Many are predicting world population will begin to drop. There are alot of nations at zero population growth, or negative population growth. This will help alot. Not to sound xenophobic, which I am not, but we need to figure out a way to slow down Muslim population growth. 24 of the fastest growing nations are Muslim. That is a huge issue. The world does not need alot more people, at this point in time. 


I believe the environment will be our top issue and concern. Despite the naysayers (usually politically motivated) I see signs of man made global warming all around me. It is getting hotter, and drier. Just look at California. That will likely result in a lower quality of life for future generations. I believe mankind will survive for a long time to come, but the overall quality of life will be lower. Water quality, air quality, depleted fish stocks, etc. It can be turned around, perhaps, but it is going to take alot of wisdom and political will, and there do not seem to be many politicians these days with any wisdom or concern about the future.


On the other hand, within 10-20 years, I am fairly certain that 80% of all vehicles will be electric or hybrid. Oil and gas demand will drop precipitously, which will benefit the planet enormously. Few have compassion for big oil, so they either get with the program, or get left behind. As for Gen Z, it remains to be seen. If Thailand is any indication, we might be in good hands. The youth here are impressive, and seem to really care about the future of the nation. They will likely drive out the spectacularly toxic Thai army. Much change will take place here. Hopefully, the dinosaurs like Prayuth, Prawit, Pipat, Anutin and many others will be a historical footnote, about regressive men and their greed, ignorance, apathy, and lack of vision. 

Slow down Muslims? This kind of bigoted thinking is creating different problems in the world.  The problem is not Muslims or Islams. The problems are fundamentalism Islams, Christians and yes Buddhisms. 


You can see this everywhere. With Jerry Falwell Jr and David Koresh in the US and with the Burmese in their massacre of the Rohingyas.  The New York Times has a article on this using interviews with Burmese soldiers. We all know the devastating impacts Bin Laden and his ilks.


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On 9/11/2020 at 2:15 AM, Nout said:

Not really nothing has changed.  Nothing ever does. Hundred years ago the great had just finished, Spanish flu was around the corner, the storm clouds of communism were looming, the great depression waiting in the wings....life went on..life goes on and on..

A few billion more people on the planet all wanting to live the American dream of conspicuous affluence - that's what has changed and is going to doom us.

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19 hours ago, khunPer said:

Actually, it seems like the World statistically has become at much better place, even we are more and more people on the Planet.

Just because more people survive and live a better life than 200 years ago does not make it right to overpopulate the planet and destroy the environment and exterminate other species.


Sea life is at crisis point from over fishing.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Once AI robotics replaces most work and people struggle to survive on the "living wage" the :hit-the-fan:.

I can remember back in the seventies it was all over the media, "robots to replace workers". the general consensus was that it would lead to a 20 hour working week. Never happened unfortunately. Just Luddite scaremongering.

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12 hours ago, Skylight said:

Slow down Muslims? This kind of bigoted thinking is creating different problems in the world.  The problem is not Muslims or Islams. The problems are fundamentalism Islams, Christians and yes Buddhisms. 


You can see this everywhere. With Jerry Falwell Jr and David Koresh in the US and with the Burmese in their massacre of the Rohingyas.  The New York Times has a article on this using interviews with Burmese soldiers. We all know the devastating impacts Bin Laden and his ilks.


Bigoted thinking? This is the problem with the world right now. You cannot say anything without being accused of not being PC. I care not one iota for PC. Means nothing to me. The facts are the facts. Check out these charts, and then tall me about Koresh, Falwell, and the Burmese. 



Rank Country Population growth rate (%)
1 Syria 7.37 g.gif
2 Angola 3.49 g.gif
3 Malawi 3.31 g.gif
4 Burundi 3.23 g.gif
5 Chad 3.23 g.gif
6 Uganda 3.18 g.gif
7 Niger 3.16 g.gif
8 Mali 2.98 g.gif
9 Sudan 2.93 g.gif
10 Zambia 2.91 g.gif
11 Ethiopia 2.83 g.gif
12 Burkina Faso 2.76 g.gif
13 Guinea 2.75 g.gif
14 Tanzania 2.74 g.gif
15 Gabon 2.73 g.gif
16 Benin 2.68 g.gif
17 Western Sahara 2.64 g.gif
18 Togo 2.61 g.gif
19 Liberia 2.59 g.gif
20 Cameroon 2.54 g.gif
21 Nigeria 2.54 g.gif
22 Iraq 2.5 g.gif
23 Guinea-Bissau 2.48 g.gif
24 Mozambique 2.46 g.gif
25 Madagascar 2.46 g.gif
26 Equatorial Guinea 2.41 g.gif
27 Sierra Leone 2.4 g.gif
28 Egypt 2.38 g.gif
29 Afghanistan 2.37 g.gif
30 Senegal 2.36




Edited by spidermike007
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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I care not one iota for PC. Means nothing to me. The facts are the facts. Check out these charts,

Good to know that you are not PC. I hate PC. It's why I wanted to live in LOS.


As for the populations that increase too fast I care not so long as they stay in their own country. It's when they emigrate to and ruin some western country that I get "annoyed".



Edited by thaibeachlovers
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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good to know that you are not PC. I hate PC. It's why I wanted to live in LOS.


As for the populations that increase too fast I care not so long as they stay in their own country. It's when they emigrate to and ruin some western country that I get "annoyed".



I get what you are saying, but in reality a higher world population taxes all resources, and denigrates the quality of life for everyone on the planet. Just stop having babies. Such a simple solution!

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25 minutes ago, polpott said:

I can remember back in the seventies it was all over the media, "robots to replace workers". the general consensus was that it would lead to a 20 hour working week. Never happened unfortunately. Just Luddite scaremongering.

They didn't have computers like now then. Not at all the same situation. If you have not noticed all the jobs eliminated by automation you must be too busy looking at your phone.

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

I get what you are saying, but in reality a higher world population taxes all resources, and denigrates the quality of life for everyone on the planet. Just stop having babies. Such a simple solution!

LOL. Too many people think that having babies is what their life is about. Ever noticed that when some actress gets bunned the media goes crazy about it.

More women are seeing the light and remaining childless, but as long as western countries pay women to have children it's not going to stop.

In NZ a solo mother had a better life than I had working full time because they stole taxed my wages to give to girls that didn't know about contraception.

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On 9/10/2020 at 7:47 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

While life was peachy for us rich western people, life sucked for most other people on the planet.


For the vast majority of people on the planet life is <deleted>.

You have been watching to many poverty porn documentaries

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On 9/10/2020 at 9:18 PM, Brunolem said:

We are not becoming richer, but poorer by the day. 


Our apparent wealth is only the result from massive borrowing from the future. 


In other words, we are crumbling under mountains of debts, owed by states, cities, corporations and people. 


There is a word to sum up our situation: unsustainable

Clinically depressed maybe?

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On 9/10/2020 at 9:08 AM, Yinn said:


self drive cars. Be so good. Have bed in my car. If I go north thailand can sleep. Get drunk if you want. 



looking at the road toll thats how many already roll..... minus the self drive car part !!

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just because more people survive and live a better life than 200 years ago does not make it right to overpopulate the planet and destroy the environment and exterminate other species.


Sea life is at crisis point from over fishing.

I totally agree with you that overpopulation is a major problem. The statistic facts just proves that some things might not be as bad as some people think they are, or some people predicts the future. A point that is really worth noticing, if climate change is caused by human made CO2, is that of all the various things humans can do to reducere CO2 – from being vegetarians to stop long flights for holidays in Thailand – is a reduction of humans itself the most effective; i.e. reduce the number of people living on the planet by for example not making too many babies...




Even more scary it is that when talking reduction of poverty – and a huge number, if not most, of the relative poorer people actually wish to move up and live on Western living standards – we will need three or four planet Earth to fulfill the need for resources...:whistling:

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