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Will the future be very bad or fabulous?

bert bloggs

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I was born in the 50s and to me it's a science fiction world I'm living in. My future horizon is limited so whether the future turns into a dystopian nightmare or a utopian dream is of little interest. Just happy to enjoy the present - stuff we couldn't dream of as a kid.

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On 9/10/2020 at 8:16 PM, AussieBob18 said:

It is going to get better in many ways, and worse in some - for some better and for some not - same as always.



Never give in and never give up - tomorrow is always another day - and then there are no more - so make the most of each one - especially today.


Thats a non statement if I've ever heard one."If things don't change they,ll stay the same" ?

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19 hours ago, jaideedave said:

Thats a non statement if I've ever heard one."If things don't change they,ll stay the same" ?

Thailand is renowned for resisting change.  Stuck in their old corrupt ways. 


Look at their poor attempt at adapting to change with their recent visa offerings and entry requirements.  Treating westerners like they were stupid. 


They just don't get it.    

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