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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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6 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:
6 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

As Biden says , unless they vote for him, they aren't really Black at all .


That was a major faux pax, and a glimpse into the real Biden. Polls show (as far as we are accepting polls here) the majority of people voting Dem also admit they are not voting FOR Joe, they are voting AGAINST 45. I will vote Joe, but I will be holding my nose as I do. Once again, a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.



21 hours ago, polpott said:

Actually he's not very much at all. Can't wait for the vice presidential debates - if Pence dares to turn up!


Actually, I would have preferred the Democrat ticket to be reversed. Harris would have been one of the great presidents.

Whatever it is you're smoking, I want some of it! ????

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23 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes bit strange country that the one with the most votes does not win. Seems hardly democratic. 

We have been through this a thousand times. We have an electoral college in the USA - we are a Republic - a Federal Republic to be exact. One in which has an Electoral college that prevents NY and California from electing our President based upon their populations of voters alone. It's not Democratic in the sense of a Parliamentary system in which you have numerous minority parties that haggle and eventually select someone that in fact will occupy the position based upon a far smaller margin of voters based upon a quickly put together coalition of back room bargainers. But whatever trips your trigger - to each his own.

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah voting against your own interests crosses all lines.

Only 11 percent of blacks voted for 45 in 2016.

That's a very tiny percentage of blacks.

Indeed among major demographic groups, blacks were the most overwhelmingly anti-45 and still are.

So it's kind of lame to obsess about the outlier black voters. They are not at all representative. 

However, what was accomplished by 45 and his cheeseburger helpers in Moscow is that a way too large a percentage of blacks just didn't vote at all in 2016.

For 45's interests, that's what he's really going for again.

Nobody in their right mind expects blacks to turn towards 45.

'Cheeseburger helpers in Moscow'. What does that even mean?

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46 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

One in which has an Electoral college that prevents NY and California from electing our President based upon their populations of voters alone.

That wouldn’t be the case. It would be the whole electorate electing the president with every citizen having exactly one equal vote. The current system gives some citizens half votes.


46 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

It's not Democratic in the sense of a Parliamentary system in which you have numerous minority parties that haggle and eventually select someone that in fact will occupy the position based upon a far smaller margin of voters based upon a quickly put together coalition of back room bargainers.

I can’t recall anyone suggesting this as an alternative. There are democracies that are federal republics but that give every citizen an equal vote. 

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, J Town said:

That was a major faux pax, and a glimpse into the real Biden. Polls show (as far as we are accepting polls here) the majority of people voting Dem also admit they are not voting FOR Joe, they are voting AGAINST 45. I will vote Joe, but I will be holding my nose as I do. Once again, a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.



Yes it was a political mistake but it was done in the context of a casual joking interview with Biden attempting to be funny and cool. Not really much harm done. The vast majority of blacks will vote democratic again. Also Biden really is trying to connect. Witness his sincere visit to Kenosha.


So anyway as political mistakes go this was no deplorable comment. 

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43 minutes ago, Nout said:

No. This is just a childish diversionary technique to block debate. You would reject links unless they came from a source that matched you ideological back story. Mainstream media won't tell the story and you won't accept other sources. So find your own link.

Unsubstantiated opinion it is then.

3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

When you compare it to what trump has said it doesnt even warrant a mention.

Yes of course but there is a massive double standard. 45 mouths and tweets scads of outrageous provocations and lies everyday. Tragically he has succeeded in normalizing that sleaze. Biden is running as a decent man that truly cares about ALL Americans trying to unseat a horribly immoral man so Biden's faults are amplified.

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Just now, Nout said:

Yes we knew. It was not an really an enquiry on my part. It was an affirmation of liberal prejudice, lies and propaganda and hate of the white working classes - even their food. Border line bigotry.

You crack me up.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Yes of course but there is a massive double standard. 45 mouths and tweets scads of outrageous provocations and lies everyday. Tragically he has succeeded in normalizing that sleaze. Biden is running as a decent man that truly cares about ALL Americans trying to unseat a horribly immoral man so Biden's faults are amplified.

So you say. There is nothing decent about Biden. Inefficient,  corrupt and racist..for the last 50 years. The true face of the Democrats.

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7 minutes ago, Sujo said:

When you compare it to what trump has said it doesnt even warrant a mention.

How would you feel if Trump had said "If you dont vote for me, then youre not a real White person" ?

  • Confused 1
On 9/10/2020 at 10:25 AM, Baerboxer said:


Wow! Not just in the US but in other democracies, it seems to be coming down for voting for the candidate / party that you dislike the least.


What on earth has happened in our Western style democracies? Where are all the high quality leaders?


Sad, given that the alternative seems the no choice totalitarianism and sham elections offered by China, Russia, Belarus, Venezuela etc.


Are we on the cusp of a major change in world politics? 

Such as what? What do you mean - exactly? Western Democracies are functioning as always. They are always flawed - such is Democracy. So what is your point? Please elaborate on this change you are speaking of?

  • Sad 1
Just now, Damual Travesty said:

and I do not know what you are thinking either, but I am not going to make claims to the contrary.

Can you translate that into English?

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1 hour ago, Nout said:

No. This is just a childish diversionary technique to block debate. You would reject links unless they came from a source that matched you ideological back story. Mainstream media won't tell the story and you won't accept other sources. So find your own link.


The first part is pretty much standard netiquette on most discussion boards, and with good reason. If it was not so, "discussions" would be ruled by spurious posts claiming this and that, derailing topics in chase of disproving them. That's not how debating works.


The second part is simply the house rules. Each online venue got it's own set, although many of the more mainstream, general content ones have similar limitations in place - as in not anything appearing on the internet accepted as legit.


Your disdain for both is understandable, seeing as both are anathema for what Trump stands for.

21 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Putin's efforts in 2016 did not affect the results of the election and there was no coordination from the Trump campaign in that effort.


Trump is up to his old tricks of being an oustanding president in his effort to win reelection.

It is unknown whether Putin's help had an impact.


45 is the most corrupt president in history. No contest.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


So if the popular vote doesn't carry as much weight, why do Trump supporters often resort to comments about "majority of Americans", "silent majority" or "landslide victory"? Same goes for denials that "anyone" believes this or that story about Trump, or that "America" doesn't support this or supports that?


The fact is that the popular vote was handed to Trump's rival, and that the 2018 results reaffirmed that. It seems like wishful thinking on Trump supporters' part, or maybe a desire to further "legitimize" their idol's position.


If the popular vote was as irrelevant or useless as sometimes expressed by Trump supporters, there would be no reason for them alluding to it so often.

Because it's nothing more then politics. As in our side is better blah blah blah. How many elections have you lived through sir? It simply happens that on occasion the popular vote and Electoral college differ. This may trend reflecting population shift. I would have to go into a deep dive on that. Not going to. Never the less this is how the American system works. Perhaps you could write a letter to legislators of the USA and request that they look into a constitutional Amendment to please you, or try writing state Governors and perhaps you can get 3/4 of them to agree with you, and then the system can be changed to suit you and your distaste for the American system.

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