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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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21 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

I think it's Cute the way non Americans take an active interest in the US. 


I think that your view on this matter were addressed numerous times. They have not become more welcome with each repetition.

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14 minutes ago, JohnOFphon said:

If Biden wins, it's very likely he will pass away before he gets to the end of his term.

Take a look at the VP. Want her in the oval office??? Not me.


It is not "very likely". It is a view pushed by Trump supporters, based on nothing much.

While not a fan of Harris (and the same goes for Biden), I still think she would be a better choice than Trump, or for that matter, Pence.

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23 minutes ago, J Town said:

I just had this discussion with a good British friend of mine. He gets it - not his country, not his opinion. I'm the same way. I ask my foreign friends about their respective countries to engage polite conversation, but I have no iron in that fire, I have no opinion.

Every person in the West has an iron in America's fire. When the most powerful leader in the world, who also used to be the leader of the free world, suddenly starts pandering to/fawning over dictators and insult and alienate old allies the effect is felt far outside the US borders.

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23 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Let me explain again clearly for you, I am a paleo conservative. Donald Trump seems - by the policy that he has accomplished - to be a conservative - more so a paleo conservative - then the previous incarnation of neo-conservatives that plagued the last conservative administration, and played a major role in the Amerian policy consensus that then existed between the two parties often resulting in the accusation that both parties are nothing more then a two headed coin which functions basically the same. With Donald Trump that consensus has ended.  I hope this is understandable to you. See Patrick J Buchanan as another example of paleo-conservatism. We tend to advocate a non-interventionist foreign policy, reigned in domestic spending, low taxes, anti-Abortion, strong immigration law, bi-lateral vs multilateral trade agreements, etc etc. When Trump is gone I will still hold these views. I am against wars like Iraq Afghanistan, Libya, further incursion into the Syrian mess, I don't believe NATO any longer serves a good purpose as I believe our interests have diverged with Europe, I strongly believe in confronting China where they have been aggressive, a strong military for the purpose of keeping the peace. And I advocate the removal of all American forces from Europe. I would look to strengthen ties with Asian nations that seek to oppose China. I think the USA should work with the UK and Australia on mutual programs that strengthen our Navy's in a matter that would save money such as building the same type ships etc regardless of who creates the design. I believe in a massive buildup of the American and Australian Navy, and Japanese Navies. I could go on but will stop there. Long after Donald Trump my beliefs remain.


Thanks, I am aware of Paleo Conservatism - a simple Y/N would have sufficed to answer my question, but some may gain further insight into current trump administration thinking. I disagree with a number of issues you've raised, moving along...


For other members who may be interested there are number of articles talking to the link between trump and Paleo conservatism - to my mind quite revealing into the really unappealing aspects of trump administration policy.

Edited by simple1
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28 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Never spoken here, all news items devolve into a Trump is bad childish mini rant by all who post, and the good or bad of individual policy initiatives of the USA are no spoken of. The only terms are Trump bad - insult Trump - repeat - over and over again.  Conservatives we know who we are and what we are about. And we know what the left is about. The left does not like to say what they are about. You can read it in on their websites, you can see it in their policy actions, but they don't really like to explain themselves in a way that is rational and without emotional outbursts. You are more then welcome to explain what US policy positions foreign and domestic you support.

I have noticed this psychosis in most of my "Trump hating" friends and acquaintances.  They tend to rant on with disparaging remarks with little knowledge or care of the real performance of the Trump administration, almost like it's trendy to hate Trump, 'no brain involved'.

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27 minutes ago, JohnOFphon said:

If Biden wins, it's very likely he will pass away before he gets to the end of his term.

Take a look at the VP. Want her in the oval office??? Not me.

Probably, in-essence, the Democrats tactic to get a women on to the chair. History is well littered with this old ruse 

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8 minutes ago, JIMHILL said:

I have noticed this psychosis in most of my "Trump hating" friends and acquaintances.  They tend to rant on with disparaging remarks with little knowledge or care of the real performance of the Trump administration......

Like his performance since the Covid outbreak, like his man-love for Putin, Kim and other dictators, like his disdain for the military and fallen heroes, like his........forget it, it's like shooting a brick wall with a pellet gun and expecting penetration.

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3 minutes ago, JIMHILL said:

Probably, in-essence, the Democrats tactic to get a women on to the chair. History is well littered with this old ruse 

Ah, since you obviously are a history connoisseur please enlighten us with some examples of this devious Democratic ruse that history is "well littered" with.

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10 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Ah, since you obviously are a history connoisseur please enlighten us with some examples of this devious Democratic ruse that history is "well littered" with.

Dont ask for facts, it sends them scurrying to the basement.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

Who would handle defeat better, biden voters or Mr Trump voters? By better I mean less theatrical crying and tantrums.

given the example set by trump to date, I vote for Biden supporters

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

Who would handle defeat better, biden voters or Mr Trump voters? By better I mean less theatrical crying and tantrums.

Well, if Trump's supporters follow his likely example in the event that he loses, I think the answer to that is clear. I mean, even though he won the last election he was crying fraud.

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I noted that somewhere in the thread someone objected to the Reuters-Ipsos poll because it polled more registered Democrats than Republicans. If anything, that's proof of its validity. In the USA there are a lot more registered Democrats than Republicans.


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On 9/9/2020 at 9:49 AM, Damual Travesty said:

The President of the United States of America is not an abomination. He is the President of the United States of America, the Greatest Nation on planet earth, he has done an admirable job. His re-election is all but secured and obvious to all who are not in the Democrat bubble of blindness.

I swear I could hear the theme to The 3 Stooges as I read this total piece of Fox News dictated excrement. Fix your remote control dude and find the other 1000 channels on your satellite dish. 

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