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Leading doctor says Thailand shouldn’t open to tourists for another six months


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A large number of comments on this thread provide  examples of why foreigners should not be allowed in;

- use of the term "plandemic"

- claims that  the  infection  will run its course

- references to "conspiracies"

All show that too many foreigners cannot be trusted to behave in a responsible manner. As a result, the  majority of  responsible respectful foreigners will suffer.


On 9/13/2020 at 11:48 PM, Thaiwrath said:

Another rich <deleted>, sitting in his office on a nice salary.

It is not about big businesses making money, it's about getting millions of normal Thais out of poverty, and able to put food on the table for their families. 

how about you  and the others  referencing the economic cost of the government policy, cost out your  position?

- How much will the increase in infections cost Thailand if the borders reopen?

- How would Thailand  handle/manage the  increased number of infected?

- How would  these tourists  who become ill be managed?

- What is the contingency plan when foreign countries impose a border closure?e 


It is easy to criticize, but just once, I would like to see a critic offer a   cost benefit analysis to opening  the borders.


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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

A large number of comments on this thread provide  examples of why foreigners should not be allowed in;

You can just summarize it as don't let anybody who appreciates freedom of speech in. Yes, loonies and conspiracy theorists have it too. It is up to the listener or reader to pick what he wants.


The alternative is authoritarian oppression, death of democracy and eventually, Thailand.

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

How would Thailand  handle/manage the  increased number of infected?

- How would  these tourists  who become ill be managed?

I'd let them die ............. that's the way life is for old, weak people..


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34 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

You can just summarize it as don't let anybody who appreciates freedom of speech in. Yes, loonies and conspiracy theorists have it too. It is up to the listener or reader to pick what he wants.


The alternative is authoritarian oppression, death of democracy and eventually, Thailand.

I'm from Germany (EU), and I can rest-assure you authoritarian oppression is worse there. At least for an anarchist like me. 

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6 minutes ago, micmichd said:

I'm from Germany (EU), and I can rest-assure you authoritarian oppression is worse there. At least for an anarchist like me. 

Well for an anarchist everything except anarchy is oppression, innit? I do partly agree with that though, socialist taxes are a form of oppression.

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8 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Well for an anarchist everything except anarchy is oppression, innit? I do partly agree with that though, socialist taxes are a form of oppression.

I wonder if anarchists are also against compulsory face masks or those are okay

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4 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

I am sure this can never never happen in Thailand

Not to me. The reason why they locked me up was that I wanted to go to Thailand. And they called that a mental disease. As in Germany doctors (however incompetent they may be) are supposed to be always right and even rule the courts there isn't much you can do. 

I was only set free because I had an IT job and money in a bank. So they took the effort to find another mental doctor for me. 

The result was OK, but the doubtful fact remains that I needed mental doctors emigrate to Thailand where I have a family. 


You still think Germany is not an authoritarian country? 

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15 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Not to me. The reason why they locked me up was that I wanted to go to Thailand. And they called that a mental disease. As in Germany doctors (however incompetent they may be) are supposed to be always right and even rule the courts there isn't much you can do. 

I was only set free because I had an IT job and money in a bank. So they took the effort to find another mental doctor for me. 

The result was OK, but the doubtful fact remains that I needed mental doctors emigrate to Thailand where I have a family. 


You still think Germany is not an authoritarian country? 

If Germany is an authoritarian country I don't know what country is NOT authoritarian

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1 minute ago, Anton9 said:

If Germany is an authoritarian country I don't know what country is NOT authoritarian

Not sure. Right at the moment (with CoviD-19) all countries seem to be quite authoritarian when it comes to protect their own people. 

But here in Thailand, Thai people are used to wear masks anyway (against pollution) So they don't have to be really authoritarian to make Thais stick to a national habit. 

Different in the West. 

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how about you  and the others  referencing the economic cost of the government policy, cost out your  position?

- How much will the increase in infections cost Thailand if the borders reopen?

- How would Thailand  handle/manage the  increased number of infected?

- How would  these tourists  who become ill be managed?

- What is the contingency plan when foreign countries impose a border closure?e 


OK, let's take a responsible and reasoned approach to these issues.


The cost to the Thai economy of keeping tourists out is immense. Thai national pride has resulted in official data being 'edited' when it comes down to the significance of tourism for the Thai economy. I know the reasoning behind this, but that's a distraction right now. The reality is that it's huge.


Tourism, in economic terms, is the difference between an economy that is on the global average for prosperity per capita and one that lags way behind that. Thailand is pretty useless when it comes to manufacturing efficiency or technological innovation - lovely people, but not hot on productivity and advancing new tech - there are no Thai Nobel prize winners! Tourism, and the trickle down from tourism, is it's economic bedrock.


So, against that, what will the cost be of the increased infections when the borders reopen? The treatment of Covid is well worked out now - people are not dying from it any more (that really needs to be shouted from the rooftops - the only deaths now are people already dying for other reasons) More importantly, unlike conditions like AIDS, treatment does not come at immense cost - it is very affordable. 


- So cost is not a serious issue.


Thailand is awash with hospitals, and anyone who has been to a Thai hospital knows they are never over-stretched. Compared to the UK's NHS, they are a wonder to behold.


- The ability of medical facilities to cope has been used as a ruse to justify oppressive lock down regimes in many countries. We should be wise to that one now.


The cost of Covid treatment is very low, if it is needed at all. Against the few tourists who get it badly enough to require medical assistance, insurances could be demanded. The insurers worried about Covid when it first appeared, but now they have the measure of it, should have no problem pricing the risk.


- Let insurers cover the financial hazard.


No country closes its borders to it's own citizens. They may impose quarantine restrictions, but they never refuse them entry.


- The return of tourists is therefore not an issue that should concern the Thai authorities. If Tourists find it expedient to stay longer in Thailand due to events at home, then that is something Thailand should view as an opportunity to further bolster their economy, rather than view as a problem.

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Just now, micmichd said:

And if they'd say the same about you? 

I'm sure you'd be among the first ones who'd then yell "killers!" 

I'd be happy to die, I've lived too long already nothing left to do.

Not really sure why all these old guys want to keep living, I'd essentially finished living my life at age 60.

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On 9/13/2020 at 8:53 PM, colinneil said:


Stuff BIG business, what about the millions who have no work, no hope, no decent future.

Dr Thira needs to come down out of his ivory tower, and see what is happening in the real world.


Yet, this is not how they play the game. 

It's all about them and little else.

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41 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'd be happy to die, I've lived too long already nothing left to do.

Not really sure why all these old guys want to keep living, I'd essentially finished living my life at age 60.

Guess you won't die so soon. You'd rather fade away with dementia. And I'm quite sure you'd rather be in a home for the elderly with music, sun and beautiful nurses than strapped in a Western machine. 

I know what I'd prefer. 

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45 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:


Yet, this is not how they play the game. 

It's all about them and little else.

Then, did Brits care about Indians when it was a British colony? Did US troops care about Vietnamese in the American war? Did any country ever care about anyone else than their own folks? 

So, of course, Thais care about Thai people and little else. And they cared about me - something that the Germans never did. Not even the left loonies in Germany. 

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Here is a quick deepl.com translation of an article of DW, in which Professor Hendrik Streeck of the University of Bonn, one of the leading virologists in Germany, gives his evaluation of the current situation in his country:


'Hendrik Streeck: "Do not limit yourself to pure infection figures In the fight against the corona pandemic, Bonn-based virologist Hendrik Streeck has initiated a debate on the scope and duration of state restrictions. One could "not let life take a break".


"I plead for a change of strategy", Hendrik Streeck, Director of the Institute for Virology and HIV Research at the University of Bonn, told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "We must not limit ourselves in assessing the situation to the mere numbers of infections", warned the 43-year-old scientist. The number of people testing positive in Germany and Europe is increasing significantly. "At the same time, however, we hardly see an increase in the death figures.


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 9349 people (as of 13 September 2020) have so far been registered in Germany who died from or with a SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the number of corona deaths recently rose daily only in the single-digit range.


According to Streeck, infections should basically be prevented, but: "From a social point of view, infections with no symptoms are not necessarily bad. The more people who get infected and do not develop symptoms, the more are immune - at least for a short period of time. They can no longer contribute to the pandemic," Streeck explained.


It is also important to point out that nobody - no politician, no virologist, no epidemiologist - knows the one right way to deal with the pandemic. Nevertheless, Streeck emphasised that "life cannot be allowed to pause". He is also a member of the "Expert Council Corona" of Germany's most populous federal state, North Rhine-Westphalia." '



Now compare this to these two junta-hugging "experts"-clowns from Chula university, Dr. Thira and Dr. Yong, and to their deeply political aganda and their aim to permanently create and enhance panic and paranoia in Thailand. Following their own aganda, these guys act not as experts anymore, they act as demagogues. 

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25 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

Here is a quick deepl.com translation of an article of DW, in which Professor Hendrik Streeck of the University of Bonn, one of the leading virologists in Germany, gives his evaluation of the current situation in his country:


'Hendrik Streeck: "Do not limit yourself to pure infection figures In the fight against the corona pandemic, Bonn-based virologist Hendrik Streeck has initiated a debate on the scope and duration of state restrictions. One could "not let life take a break".


"I plead for a change of strategy", Hendrik Streeck, Director of the Institute for Virology and HIV Research at the University of Bonn, told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "We must not limit ourselves in assessing the situation to the mere numbers of infections", warned the 43-year-old scientist. The number of people testing positive in Germany and Europe is increasing significantly. "At the same time, however, we hardly see an increase in the death figures.


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 9349 people (as of 13 September 2020) have so far been registered in Germany who died from or with a SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the number of corona deaths recently rose daily only in the single-digit range.


According to Streeck, infections should basically be prevented, but: "From a social point of view, infections with no symptoms are not necessarily bad. The more people who get infected and do not develop symptoms, the more are immune - at least for a short period of time. They can no longer contribute to the pandemic," Streeck explained.


It is also important to point out that nobody - no politician, no virologist, no epidemiologist - knows the one right way to deal with the pandemic. Nevertheless, Streeck emphasised that "life cannot be allowed to pause". He is also a member of the "Expert Council Corona" of Germany's most populous federal state, North Rhine-Westphalia." '



Now compare this to these two junta-hugging "experts"-clowns from Chula university, Dr. Thira and Dr. Yong, and to their deeply political aganda and their aim to permanently create and enhance panic and paranoia in Thailand. Following their own aganda, these guys act not as experts anymore, they act as demagogues. 

Who told you there's a contradiction between Thailand and the German doctor's opinion? 

In Thailand they'd check you for symptoms, they don't look for asymptomatic "superspreaders" 

And they simply want to avoid to get the Euro-Coronavirus into the country. 

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On 9/14/2020 at 4:15 PM, welovesundaysatspace said:

1. I was referring to the world wide numbers, as the poster that I was replying to claimed that the rest of the world can open “just fine”. 

2. Thailand’s low numbers indeed show that it is good to close the borders and not let tourists in. 

Not true. 

Chile got very strict authoritarian lockdown and one of highest covid counts. 


Sweden open no lockdown and its fading away. 

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14 minutes ago, Xaos said:

Not true. 

Chile got very strict authoritarian lockdown and one of highest covid counts. 


Sweden open no lockdown and its fading away. 

To me that looks like a question of population density rather. 

The population density in Sweden is low. While the population density in South American and Western European countries is comparably high. 

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23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'd be happy to die, I've lived too long already nothing left to do.

Not really sure why all these old guys want to keep living, I'd essentially finished living my life at age 60.

You mean in the morning he just looks at your feet and doesn't stare you in the eye anymore??


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23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'd be happy to die, I've lived too long already nothing left to do.

Not really sure why all these old guys want to keep living, I'd essentially finished living my life at age 60.

You mean in the morning he just looks at your feet and doesn't stare you in the eye anymore??


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On 9/15/2020 at 1:40 PM, Flying Saucage said:

Oh yes, and not only this!


In Italy they test! And in Italy they publish the results transparently and unbiased, and do not hide and fake! And there they have been investing a lot in  new ICU facilities! And there they take care of their economy at the same time! And Italy does not blame foreigners on Covid and all the other evil in the world! And in Italy they apply sensible measures to fight the pandemic, and keep the borders open to help the people. And in Italy they do not employ biased so called "experts" to promote panic in order to support another hidden political aganda. And......I could continue endlessly.


Oh, and in Italy the daily deaths of Covid and traffic together are less than 20% of Thailand's daily road carnage now.


These are only some differences between a developed first world democracy and a third world banana republic with a totalitarian military government.

Sorry to burst ur bubble but pcr tests are over sensitive, so testing is broken too. 


Italy played fake drama with thier fake coffins photo from 2013 from sunk immigrants ship. 


Same photo used for italian hospital and ny hospital, and general panic scare china style. 



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On 9/15/2020 at 7:43 AM, Victornoir said:

This doctor is probably anticipating the release of a safe vaccine. Tests are currently being carried out on all continents, so it is very likely that it will be available next spring, allowing the restrictions to be lifted.

So, who's the moron ?

You believe in safe never made before dna alternating rna vaccine, that is rushed and made to skip animal trials straight to humans. 


Normally vaccine take decade to develop, and u say safe covid vaccine in few months ???? You can't know long term effects of this vaccine. Not to mention its just the business for rich... 


We got flu vaccine for 70-80 years now, yet flu didn't move an inch. 


So who's moron? 

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