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Ripped off by PhiChit PO.

Grumpy John

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Not a humungus amount but............... It is still a ripoff.  Needed to send a letter to Oz.  Go to PhiChit PO and ask: Can you send a letter to Australia.  Answer: No,  but we can get DHL to do it.  So I  pay the money.  A few days later I get a phonecall from the PO, no can do! So come back and get letter.  But I didn't get a refund!  After 15 days I GEt the refund and it's short.  Apparently I have to pay even if the guy at the PO makes a mistake!  Well I  feel it's a blatant ripoff.  But who do I  complain to? 


Edited by Grumpy John
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11 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

From OZ to Canada cost me over 200 dollars for a registered/secure document package sent from the post office.




The OP did not spell it out but with Pichit PO he obviously means a post office in the province of Pichit in Thailand, without identifying the particular post office if there is more than one in that province.


Therefore, your post is a few thousand miles off topic (are you still using miles in the land of Oz or have you gone metric)?

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18 minutes ago, Maestro said:


The OP did not spell it out but with Pichit PO he obviously means a post office in the province of Pichit in Thailand, without identifying the particular post office if there is more than one in that province.


Therefore, your post is a few thousand miles off topic (are you still using miles in the land of Oz or have you gone metric)?

The OP should have gone to a major Post Office.

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5 hours ago, Nout said:

The OP should have gone to a major Post Office.

I assume it is the main PO in Muang PhiChit...but I can't be sure.  Ended up sending by Whatsap to my son in Oz, he printed it out, put it in an envelope and posted it.  Will check with Human Services tomorrow to make sure they got it. My loss in monetary terms is tiny, less than a cup of coffee but someone else made the mistake, someone who works on the counter at the PO and should know better!

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