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Thailand issues prosecution order for Red Bull heir over hit-and-run case


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On 9/18/2020 at 7:48 PM, Don Mega said:

so 6yrs 3 months till he can come home then, am sure he will manage ok.


My be, but will he be able to live without bodyguards or always looking over his shoulder. He my love longer outside of Thailand then in it.

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14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Hi Tea, the one who queries everybody's posts,???? ......must have nothing better to do.

regards worgeordie

I respond to comments that don't seem to make much sense to me, it is a forum after all and there is so much nonsense posted here (I don't mean from you, of course).  


"...must have nothing better to do".

All I did was ask you a question but you seem not want to answer it.

Maybe some people post inaccurate comments because, to quote you, they have nothing better to do?


The ones who can't answer rationally usually just try to insult me and have a lame dig at my posts (not you, of course) but that's all part of the territory when posting on forums!

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On 9/18/2020 at 8:20 PM, rkidlad said:

The Red Bull family must be p*****. They paid all that money and they thought it was all done. Now they’re being thrown under the bus ‘cos the government’s credibility is at an all time low.


Talk about no honour among thieves. 

Serves them right. The bribe givers and bribe takers should all be thrown in jail.  What a joke of a society where the police won't even stand up for one of their own men who gets killed, as long as they get their 30 pieces of silver. Everything is for sale here.


You can be sure that the bribe takers will soon be going back to the well that has given so generously.


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58 minutes ago, Hi Tea said:

I respond to comments that don't seem to make much sense to me, it is a forum after all and there is so much nonsense posted here (I don't mean from you, of course).  


"...must have nothing better to do".

All I did was ask you a question but you seem not want to answer it.

Maybe some people post inaccurate comments because, to quote you, they have nothing better to do?


The ones who can't answer rationally usually just try to insult me and have a lame dig at my posts (not you, of course) but that's all part of the territory when posting on forums!

Please post something original,and more than a online,

so i can critique your post,because i have nothing better

to do.


Your question. what will a Interpol Red notice do ?

Well it will stop him moving about so freely,he will

have to think twice before attending the next F1 race.

regards worgeordie


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"Please post something original..."

I'll post whatever I like, not something that think you can tell me to post, thanks.


"Your question. what will a Interpol Red notice do ?

Well it will stop him moving about so freely,he will

have to think twice before attending the next F1 race".

How would it do that?  That is what I was asking. 

A Red Notice is nothing more than an advice to police forces, it's not a warrant for his arrest. If he's not wanted in their jurisdictions the chances of his being arrested is small, then there is the even smaller chance that, even if he was held somewhere, he would be extradited at the request of the Thai government.  There has been a Red Notice issued once before for him, do you remember how effective that was?

Edited by Hi Tea
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23 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well I'm totally with you on this one.


Trouble is a lot of the newbies just don't understand how Thai 'justice' works and are filled with indignation.


For the rest of us, you just roll your eyes at the latest piece of window dressing for show.


Nothing will actually happen, maybe a Interpol Red Notice will be issued, but remember we had that piece of theatrics before.

A Red Notice is once again only window dressing, since it still requires the country requesting it to then request the country where the suspect (rich kid) is located to be arrested.

Well like that happened last time after the press was plastered with pics of him emerging from his home in London!


Just get over the fact that this will just rumble on forever with nothing actually happening, other than maybe a couple more committees formed to investigate corruption, and a few underlings sent to jail.


It's very sad country, but I, and most of you will be long gone before anything really changes in terms of a real justice system.

And it requires the respect of the nations who would enforce the extradition order. That is non existent. Number one, Thailand is not considered a real democracy by many nations. Number two, most nations realize that law and order here is virtually non existent, in the classic sense of the word. 

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