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Trump says he will name Supreme Court replacement for Ginsburg by Saturday


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2 hours ago, Xavnel said:


You are quoting a piece from a hyper-right wing source. And one written by a rather controversial author, especially with regard to the issue above.




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3 hours ago, Xavnel said:


2016 US Presidential Election Map By County & Vote Share

Looks to me like a lot more Red all over. 
Also, if you remove the Illegal Votes, then Trump would have also won the Popular Vote.



Looks like you do not understand what the map shows.

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3 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Nothing like the Steele dossier to throw this statement in the trash. How many millions did Mueller and his hit team spend trying to prove the collusion hoax, etc.


The Mueller Investigation was not a 'hit team', other than in Trump supporters' alternative facts narrative.

The financial income through punishment meted to charged persons during the investigation far outweighed the expanses.

As far as I'm aware 'collusion' was a handy political label used by both sides, but was not a legal goal of the investigation. 

Hoax, though? Guess you missed people arrested, charged, incarcerated.


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3 hours ago, riclag said:

 She obviously didn't get  to her position in life by her looks!

Her parents I think  were cuban exiles ! 

The other thing I like about her, is her possible stance against socilism/communism!

Politically its a better choice imop




The problem is this - your posts on these topic do not indicate that you do not really have a clear idea of what Communism or Socialism are. Quite often your posts label people and policies as either (plus other dubious labels), and then refrain from substantiating or supporting such claims.

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Good point. Why would anyone think that Biden Harris could unite the country any better? Given their propensity for supporting and encouraging those instigating and carrying out some of the civil unrest? They seem to be dividing the country just as much as Trump. 


If Biden Harris are elected, the conservative right just might decide to accept it as well as the radical left accepted Tump.


Just when the world needs a strong, united leader!


Neither Biden nor Harris supported the violence on the streets. Supporting people's constitutional right to protest is a non-issue, except perhaps for Trump supporters. Once again, trying to insinuate stuff rather than discussing things seriously.


Trump already proved he's a divisive President. I doubt that even you could argue otherwise. Like  it or not, Biden does not generate anywhere near as much antagonism. And he's got a better track record when it comes to bi-partisan politics and legislation.


I don't think that Biden being elected would induce a dramatic change in the divide - but it will give some hope things could improve. Trump, on the other hand, is not going to do anything for that.


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12 hours ago, Tug said:

I doubt he has the sielf discipline to hold off till Saturday he will need a distraction before then or just want to troll heck he’s allread calling Ruth’s kid a liar the dude is an absolute cad .noodle that’s trumps stock and trade smear innuendo lie it’s all he’s got but I’m sure you are correct in assuming the democrats will object 

You were on a first name basis with Justice Ginsburg?


Didn't know we have such high caliber of people here on TV.

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56 minutes ago, FlyingThai said:

Biden has no lead. These polls are nonsense.


If  you say so, it must be true. The fact is that Trump did not win a majority in 2016, and the Republicans were defeated in the 2018 elections. Now, you could claim neither were predicted by polls, but you'd be wrong.


Trump might win despite Biden's lead. It doesn't mean that the lead isn't there.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


The problem is this - your posts on these topic do not indicate that you do not really have a clear idea of what Communism or Socialism are. Quite often your posts label people and policies as either (plus other dubious labels), and then refrain from substantiating or supporting such claims.

It makes me laugh when these right wing yahoos come out with the McCarthyist "reds under the beds" yet continue to support a man who is in bed with Putin, the former head of the KGB.



Edited by polpott
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29 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

If Biden has no lead, why then is Trump saying that the election is rigged. Perhaps he realize the polls are accurate. 

To be honest Eric i think he has a lead amongst those that are willing to SAY. Most Trump voters are too scared of the backlash. I do believe, however, that Biden may well take it due to Covid and his being kept out of the way, not taking questions etc. I think Biden had no chance prior to Covid. It will be very interesting and Im staying up all night to watch it.

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12 hours ago, Tug said:

Ahhhh nooo I listened ,to a normal person what trump said is impossible to deny he is what he is 



Put up or shut up.  If you have evidence that Trump said that, then post it.  Otherwise what you are touting is nothing more than your dislike for the man.  It is fine to dislike Trump but outright fabrications and falsehoods is something that no one should do to another person.  That is slander. 

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5 minutes ago, Thomas J said:



Put up or shut up.  If you have evidence that Trump said that, then post it.  Otherwise what you are touting is nothing more than your dislike for the man.  It is fine to dislike Trump but outright fabrications and falsehoods is something that no one should do to another person.  That is slander. 


You, and other Trump supporters, do not seem as outraged about such things when the President does them (and rather often, at that).

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13 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

To be honest Eric i think he has a lead amongst those that are willing to SAY. Most Trump voters are too scared of the backlash. I do believe, however, that Biden may well take it due to Covid and his being kept out of the way, not taking questions etc. I think Biden had no chance prior to Covid. It will be very interesting and Im staying up all night to watch it.


What 'backlash'?


Even if the lead is smaller than advertised (and I think that's a fair assessment), it's still there. Trump did win the most votes in 2016 - and that was when he was a relatively unknown quality, and while running vs. a more controversial candidate. Following that, Republicans failed in the 2018 elections. These ought to give some clue as to how things stand.





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1 hour ago, pixelaoffy said:

Any Americans who actually support Trump and his republican hypocrites liars and pimps are responsible for what the US is close to becoming ! Divided and irreparable! If the crook in WH isconfident about winning why doesnt he wait until he wins ?

Why should he wait lol ! Decade upon decade with Millions and millions of people before him continuously gave the office of the POTUS the right to act in accordance with the  law of the constitution ! 

To nominate a successor to be SCJ during his term!


"Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, known as the Appointments Clause, empowers the president to nominate and, with the confirmation (advice and consent) of the United States Senate, to appoint public officials, including justices of the Supreme Court".

Edited by riclag
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5 hours ago, Thomas J said:



Put up or shut up.  If you have evidence that Trump said that, then post it.  Otherwise what you are touting is nothing more than your dislike for the man.  It is fine to dislike Trump but outright fabrications and falsehoods is something that no one should do to another person.  That is slander. 


One of the richer ironies of life is the fake new spewers are usually the most ardent seekers of "evidence,"  the slanderer decries slandering and the con man most likely the one who should forewarn impending fraud: "The only way we can lose this election is if it is rigged."

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17 hours ago, Sujo said:

Fact check


Daughter says what her dying words were.

Trump says schumer, shiff, pelosi made it up.


trump is calling the daughter a liar.

I'm highly skeptical that the woman is laying on her deathbed surrounded by family and her last thoughts are about presidential appointments. It does help the media narrative though

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24 minutes ago, nattaya09 said:
18 hours ago, Sujo said:

Fact check


Daughter says what her dying words were.

Trump says schumer, shiff, pelosi made it up.


trump is calling the daughter a liar.

I'm highly skeptical that the woman is laying on her deathbed surrounded by family and her last thoughts are about presidential appointments. It does help the media narrative though

Yeah, highly unlikely isn't it?

Same with "I don't get it - what was in it for them?" to the father of a dead serviceman.

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7 hours ago, Smigel said:

Trump is merely doing his job efficiently and filling a vacancy as he is constitutionally required to do.

Do you expect anyone to believe that nonsense? Really? The constitution says nothing about filling it with indecent haste, which it normally isn't. You've really got it bad.

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Sometimes I think Trump was born under a lucky star.

Winning by a few votes in the key states.

Inheriting a good and growing economy from Obama. You could argue his tax cuts for the rich, and ridding of some regulations, helped but the already growing economy was to his advantage and his tax policy has probably just lead to higher debt. 

The way he seems to be able to avoid getting in serious trouble while those around him fall by the wayside.

And now when the country is mainly focused on his poor efforts on Coronavirus this Supreme court thing falls into his lap.

I can't see him winning still but who knows what's next. I just hope this issue energises democrats more than republicans.

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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