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'Our first dictatorship is school': Thai kids revolt


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11 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

If you go to the cinema now, you will see no kids or young adults stand. Totally hilarious. And I was just at the movies a few weeks ago to see Tenet. I stood because I do not need to bring attention to myself. And that is the only reason. 

I always wait outside until the film starts, they must be a bit old school where we are they all stand, good on the kids leading the way though

Edited by Orton Rd
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8 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

If you go to the cinema now, you will see no kids or young adults stand. Totally hilarious. And I was just at the movies a few weeks ago to see Tenet. I stood because I do not need to bring attention to myself. And that is the only reason. 

I stood because I do not need to bring attention to myself.


Looks to me as if that was a fail, and actuall stood out like sore thumb, as only one standing up

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3 minutes ago, Susco said:

I stood because I do not need to bring attention to myself.


Looks to me as if that was a fail, and actuall stood out like sore thumb, as only one standing up

what area are you in? i always thought it was illegal not to stand but it says on thisrupt.com it's actually not. Story on there about youngsters not standing and getting into an argument with oldies

Edited by Orton Rd
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4 hours ago, seajae said:

they realy need to start being original, everything they do is coppied from US movies, the 3 finger salute meant something in the movie, here its just another childish response because they lack the ability to think for themselves. Protesting is their right but copying movies  to do it is not the answer, time for them to use their own ideas and maybe people will take more notice especially when they have genuine protests

There is nothing wrong in following others if it supports your aims

But copuing without thinking is just as bad as learning by rote

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

they realy need to start being original, everything they do is coppied from US movies, the 3 finger salute meant something in the movie, here its just another childish response because they lack the ability to think for themselves. Protesting is their right but copying movies  to do it is not the answer, time for them to use their own ideas and maybe people will take more notice especially when they have genuine protests

If they protested instead with a one-fingered salute would that be copying too...? ????

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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I've seen the words of the Thai anthem; in English. They are not disgusting like the English one.


Children are the future in all countries.

The National Anthem of Thailand. (Phleng Chat Thai)

Pra thet thai ruam luead nu’a chat chu’a thai
Pen pra cha rat pha thai kho’ng thai thuk suan
Yu dam rong khong wai dai thang muan
Duay thai luan mai rak sa mak khi
Thai ni rak sa ngop tae thu’ng rop mai khlat
Ek ka raj ja mai hai khrai khom khi
Sa la luead thuk yat pen chat p’hli
Tha loeng pra thet chat thai tha wi mi chai ch’yo

Thai National Anthem (translated to English).

Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood.
Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.
It has long maintained its sovereignty,
Because the Thais have always been united.
The Thai people are peace-loving,
But they are no cowards at war.
They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence,
Nor shall they suffer tyranny.
All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood
For the nation’s safety, freedom and progress.

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6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

When they've sorted the haircut issue, perhaps they could address the actual teaching quality? 

Or consciously promote and encourage critical, independent, and questioning throughout the society as a whole - less the educational circles.

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I do not know how many of the supportive posters have high school children but if they do do I hope they are more mature than the ones around here. Compared to the west all of them that I talk to are about 4-5 years behind in their maturity. So an 18 yo has the maturity of a 13-14 yo.


And you want to listen to them. God help us.

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33 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

I do not know how many of the supportive posters have high school children but if they do do I hope they are more mature than the ones around here. Compared to the west all of them that I talk to are about 4-5 years behind in their maturity. So an 18 yo has the maturity of a 13-14 yo.


And you want to listen to them. God help us.


I think you may be confusing maturity with worldliness.

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43 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

I do not know how many of the supportive posters have high school children but if they do do I hope they are more mature than the ones around here. Compared to the west all of them that I talk to are about 4-5 years behind in their maturity. So an 18 yo has the maturity of a 13-14 yo.


And you want to listen to them. God help us.

My 15 year old girls homework is draw picture of , and colour it , not forget to copy page from book

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Just now, Foghorn said:

What teaching quality , it’s look at book and copy while teacher plays with phone and DONT ask questions 

My son goes to a Thai government and he is way ahead in virtually every subject than are my nieces and nephews that go to public schools in the US. 

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

what area are you in? i always thought it was illegal not to stand but it says on thisrupt.com it's actually not. Story on there about youngsters not standing and getting into an argument with oldies

It says please stand up to pay respect to the blah blah blah. So it is not illegal but could get a foreigner in extreme hot water. I used to do it with honor and full respect in my too many years here already. Maybe I am getting old and my bones say better to sit. Good excuse anyway. 

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9 minutes ago, nemo38 said:

I bet you will find one or more serious psychological problem with every one of the revolutionaries.

Happy people don't volunteer, that's for sure. They're content with the status quo. It strikes me that the world media attention now being given to these issues must put the powers that be in a bit of a quandary. It was all very well portraying a united society with a few dissidents here and there, but, as we all know, things have changed dramatically. We're talking mass movements here, not some isolated intellectuals doing their thing. Personally, I preferred the old way, and I fear this new way will all end in tears. Strange as it might seem, the actions of individuals do matter. There's always a trade off, if you're in a position of power, between the priviliges you obtain and the public expectation of how you handle those priviliges, ask Prince Andrew and Prince Harry about this.

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am not certain why but at certain school in a certain province - each new school year students of primary level have to buy i normal broom and a hard kind of broom like road sweeper use for cleaning purpose in the school - imagine a school has 1000 students equal to 2000 brooms in that schoool imagine the shock i have when i saw that. it's unnecessary burden on student parents. school wasn't that clean anyway

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