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STV: Chinese will be first foreign tourists allowed in, then Scandinavians


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5 hours ago, Silencer said:

In other words, Samui, Phuket, Pattaya and other popular tourist destinations will not be hiring back the 10's of thousands of workers that have departed anytime soon.

Only a few going to Phuket, to buy up the bars and guest houses and turn them into gold shops and high class spa parlours. 

The rest going to Bangkok for medical treatment. 

The next wave after Xmas will be Chinese and Russians that have been vaccinated 6 million Chinese lined up then Sputnik 5 Russians will follow, long time for vaccinated euros to be allowed in as they are to busy fighting over who will be the winner of the vaccine race 

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They’re right in the load of rubbish




The Royal Thai Embassy has arranged with Thai Airways for a repatriation flight to bring Thai people from New Zealand to Thailand on 22 October 2020.  Qualified non-Thai nationals will be able to register for this flight.  Please see below for details.


1. Flight Details:  TG492 

you have put your name down by 6 October the flight is on 22 October I just taking ties Kiwis Aussies

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4 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

The whole thing doesn't add up.


Announce a proposal, couple weeks later announce 150 people (not 147 or 152) will arrive under the proposal yet the final plans of proposal not announced.  


Insinuates 150 people standing with papers in hand and all book flight immediately upon Thailand saying 1, 2, 3 go.  As well as the consular stamping all said papers immediately as well as all covid tests, fit to fly, etc. etc. etc.


But, whatever.....

These 150 and then the other 120 odd from China will be " Specially Selected Guests "

They will be people that have a huge influence over where the Chinese will be allowed to Holiday, also " Investors " in Real Estate and large Business

These people will have been chomping at the bit to get here and pick through the Covid carnage for bargains, and it would have all been arranged several weeks ago.

The State coffers cannot keep running on fumes, and these kind of " Investors " will add a large amount of Money to the Economy in the absence of Tourists.


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Even if i had the chance to be amongst the 120 "lucky ones i'm not sure i would spend money on a ticket to Thailand.

Thailand can withdraw their offer faster than i can sneeze, and then i'm stuck with a plane ticket and hotel bills.




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5 hours ago, userabcd said:

Why not.


They seem to have the virus under control and they do make up approx 18% of the world population and are perhaps by tourist numbers spending and investing the most in Thailand travel/tourist/property industry.


Unfortunately, in the US, UK and many countries in Europe, the virus is out of control as the inhabitants of those nations feel their freedom of whatever is important.

It is out of control in Switzerland. Yet Thai embassy Berne publishes entry rules for OA and OX visa holders. Switzerland is in Europe.

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Ah....the Chinese knocking brigade will always be out in some force they are entitled of course

What they need to take into account Is the amount of revenue that the Chinese guests generate
directly and indirectly through just being in the country

By encouraging them and other Asian nationalities to visit Thailand (when the time is right) will benefit all visitors and expats in the longer term. The UAE is a prime example 

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6 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

And so Thailand is the first to reward China and totally overlook that they created the virus that wreaked havoc on the world whether intentionally or unintentionally released. I wonder whose pockets are going to bulge from this?

China was certainly the first public victim of this virus.

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1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

How did you jump to your silly conclusion? The poster didn’t say to let in people from any of the five countries you just listed. Now tell me how an American or Colombian who tested negative for covid 72 hours or less before their flight and stay in a ASQ hotel 14 days and were fit to fly have more of a chance of having covid then the guy from China or Sweden after doing this????

Because there are three days to get infected, easy in the US, not so easy in Guangzhou.

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6 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

And so Thailand is the first to reward China and totally overlook that they created the virus that wreaked havoc on the world whether intentionally or unintentionally released. I wonder whose pockets are going to bulge from this?

Why don't you stop this BS Chinese created this virus!!! This is the idiot trump talk which has brought USA to its knees. This is a Virus called Covid-19. It is Pandemic. World wide and we need to that it accordingly.

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26 minutes ago, lumply said:

Ah....the Chinese knocking brigade will always be out in some force they are entitled of course

What they need to take into account Is the amount of revenue that the Chinese guests generate
directly and indirectly through just being in the country

By encouraging them and other Asian nationalities to visit Thailand (when the time is right) will benefit all visitors and expats in the longer term. The UAE is a prime example 

The only who benefit from revenue in this is they who always benefit, here.???? 

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If you have got foreigners that have signed up to this program then great, regardless of nationality.

How this will solve the problem? We need many more people in Thailand to go out to eat and hope and enjoy the beaches. This not even a drop in the ocean. What is your plan to recover the loss of 12% of GDP ?

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4 hours ago, thaichina said:

Your chinese familly and friends must love your forum activity.



what can I say, besides that I am loved, sorry better say I am adored... all of them know that I always speak my mind and the truth, they hoped they could do the same but they had a different upbringing and speaking the truth or their mind, unfortunately,  was not allowed, they respect me as I respect them.... since you lived there, I am quite sure you must know some who don't agree with the way some of them behave, unfortunately they can't say it loud

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4 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


4.5 million chinese millionaires (and 400 billionaires) disagree.

money can't buy "class"/ etiquette....



What does it mean to tell a person they have "no class"?

Edited by Mavideol
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Fact is not many countries, other than in Europe, have opened up their borders.

Can imagine there are competing voices within countries, including Thailand about the speed of opening up. Australia and NZ are musing again about the Tasman and Aussie PM Morrison said they're also looking again at the safe countries bubble concept.

Expect this dismal first STV exercise is a test to satisfy some in the Thai decision group. Chinese are easy to marshal and not surprised they're first, followed by the Nordic snowbirds, good on 'em.

I'm hopeful this will soon broaden into the original safe countries bubble talked about before the 2nd wave freaked everyone out.

I'm calling November a month of more movement in the region and many people where they want to be by Christmas.

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