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Google Maps Covid cases layer here?


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6 minutes ago, Crossy said:

The only cases in LOS are in the various quarantine locations, you have nothing to fear.




The only recent cases. Back last spring there were maps available of cases in different parts of Thailand but no longer being maintained since no more reported cases since I think circa June-July.  This is the website https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/index.php

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Yes it is here. Just tap the layers icon, select Covid 19 from the options, select your data source, I prefer JHU, and then zoom out. It will show Thailand as zero cases and all other countries as they have reported their case count.

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13 minutes ago, Artben said:

High temperature and humidity create an atmosphere that is conducive to mold growth. Suggest you try and ozone generator which should operateIn conjunction with your air conditioning system.

You are aware that breathing ozonated air is not good! Yes, it will clean the air but you don't want to be breathing it.


As Thailand isn't doing much testing they are unable to come up with current "cases" that have tested positive, a good thing - well done Thailand.


The "Pandemic" is over (If there ever was one) now the "agenda" is based on the PCR testing, if it's positive, it's a "case", anyone who understands PCR testing will know the tests and subsequent results are "dubious" at best.

The CDC and others are reporting facts, which are 99.99% recovery, most of the tested cases will never have any symptoms, yet the media is continuing to drive the pandemic, yet all it is is a "casedemic"

Were waiting for the miraculous vaccine to save us from the controla virus that has a 99.99% recovery rate ????

This was never the intended purpose for vaccines.

More chance of getting struck by lightening, we should all carry lightening conductors with us if we follow the current thinking!

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My mother died last week, 93 years old, simple old age. Official cause of death? Covid. We are contesting this, it's a flagrant lie. Just had a PCR test done so that I can fly back for the funeral, doctor says that the tests are meaningless and that he hasn't seen any "cases" since March. The only thing you have to fear is your own paranoia  which governments are instilling in to the weak minded.

Edited by UnkleGoooose
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