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6 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

What Cats hate the most?

90lb hunting bow with rubber arrow tips. I am not into killing animals, better to show them on their merry way. Even the soi dogs don't come around here no more.


We had the stray cats khrapping on our flower bed, turns out our next door neighbour was putting food out for the cats in a bowl in our garden. I can only assume it was because she has a dog ????


Anyway I didn’t stop to ask and threw the bowl, c/w food, over the opposite fence onto some wasteland.

I think she got the message, it never happened again.


We used a bag of Lime from Homepro ( 19 baht for a 500gr bag ) to break the cats toilet habit , works well.

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Daiso the Japanese 60 baht shop sells cat repellent tablets, put it around the car port. Cat came in the other night and messed all over my shoes, strays, so much for that idea

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, JAS21 said:

And Moth Balls ...especially if ground up and spread around ... 

Poo from another animal higher up in the food chain.

  • Haha 1
On 10/1/2020 at 6:05 AM, baansgr said:

Move it to outside her house...this is a common problem with these so called animal lovers feeding dogs etc....never do it near their house

I don’t know where her house is... it’s definitely not within 10 houses distance from ours!

10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Daiso the Japanese 60 baht shop sells cat repellent tablets, put it around the car port. Cat came in the other night and messed all over my shoes, strays, so much for that idea

Has it worked well for you? I bought it once and didn’t notice any difference. ????

11 hours ago, JAS21 said:

And Moth Balls ...especially if ground up and spread around ... 

I sprayed lime liquid dishwashing liquid around. But I can’t keep spraying if she keeps coming to keep feeding the cats! ????

12 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

We had the stray cats khrapping on our flower bed, turns out our next door neighbour was putting food out for the cats in a bowl in our garden. I can only assume it was because she has a dog ????


Anyway I didn’t stop to ask and threw the bowl, c/w food, over the opposite fence onto some wasteland.

I think she got the message, it never happened again.


We used a bag of Lime from Homepro ( 19 baht for a 500gr bag ) to break the cats toilet habit , works well.

You mean the fresh lime fruit or...? I am interested to know more please. ????????

16 hours ago, squawkorama said:

No need to hurt the poor cats just because of one inconsiderate person's behavior. Better to find a way to get her to put the food in front of her own house.

Sadly that’s easier said than done. We have told her if she love the cats she should take them back to her house to feed them... and we promptly got a rude reactions from her. Everybody who spoke to her about feeding cats got the same treatment. She wouldn’t take the cats to her house but would come every night, rain or not, to feed the cats. Really mental...

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, douglasspade said:

90lb hunting bow with rubber arrow tips. I am not into killing animals, better to show them on their merry way. Even the soi dogs don't come around here no more.

paintball gun requires  less  effort

14 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

You must have had a great upbringing.

I doubt you would be impressed with a slow and agonising death for yourself or family.


perhaps he  doesnt <deleted>  outside  peoples  front  doors

  • Haha 1
19 hours ago, Mamasun said:

Instead of fighting and wash up the food of this poor cats,, Maybe can you first with an interpreter ask her if you can help ! and then instead of wash up the food can you wash up the <deleted> and others desagrements..will take you 5 mn !!! like this can you maybe slowly make her understand its better to find a safer place to put the cats food !!

Oh I have tried all you said. We were polite to her about feeding elsewhere. We also told her the poop problems. Then she still came back to do the same every night. So we waited until she’s gone, threw away the cat food, and she came back to check and found we threw it so she cursed loudly outside our house like want to pick a fight. I surely do not want to fight her. What if one day she comes round with a weapon? She’s already crazy as it is. And cannot talk reason with her. I must stress that we have never spoken rudely with her. We were always polite. Even when my neighbour had a full confrontation with her which became a verbal assault, they also never spoken rudely with her.

19 hours ago, Oldie said:

I would say this lady has a mental disorder. Perhaps there are relatives that could talk to her. 

She’s 110% mental. And rude. And threatening.

19 hours ago, kiwiinasia said:

I had this same problem with a dog lady a few years back in Bkk.

She fed them on the road outside my gate. I never spoke to her.

I watched her one day, picked up the food (it was put out on a nice piece of cardboard), followed her home and threw it over her gate, swore at her in english and walked home.


She never did it again.

Normally if you approached someone like that they get the message and won’t do it again. Yeah we also had a dog lady who did that some years ago. We just needed to tell her and that’s it.


but this cat lady... wow she’s from a different world or something. A world of no reason and no communication... 

17 hours ago, Oldie said:

These people feeding strays create a lot of problems. One of many is that dogs for instance will protect the area where they get their food. If you walk there as a stranger they might threaten you. I never forget when I walked here in Pattaya at the area where now Tree Town is and was suddenly surrounded and stopped by eight aggressive dogs. Luckily Thai people came to my rescue. Otherwise... 

that sounds really frightening... it’s the same problem as people keep puppies because they are so cute. Of course they are! And once the dog grows big and became a problem (often due to lack of training) they just put the dog at the temple. Because people will feed them right? They think they are being kind to the dogs. It breaks my heart hearing this kind of stories. Same with the cats. If the cat lady really loves them, take them to the vets, get vaccination and maybe get the procedure done so the cats cannot have more and more kittens and create more problems.

16 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Take the cat food and dump it at her house, feed the cats a bit while doing it so they follow you.

I don’t dare to do that given her aggressive nature. ????

16 hours ago, tifino said:

yes especially the pepper... it works well 


I had first heard of it a a kid, where mum would sprinkle table pepper over the garden. This stopped the cats (we has 11) from scratching thier poo, and disturbing her plants 


Best pepper is white, and the most Finest of thew powder that you can get your hands on 


be very liberal all of the old ladys discarded scraps

- but fingers crossed it doesn't rain to soon after... 


buy Bulk   (remember 'Not' Cracked or the like peppercorn) 


Ok, I’ll get a big bag. That will solve the cat poop problems. What about the crazy cat lady? Can pepper repel her too? ????

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, mushroomdave said:

I would just have someone with a dog who has the same time free, to come and sit right where she puts the food.....I am sure your neighbor would allow the person inside his gate and relax in a nice comfortable chair until she shows. If she realizes they won't come around to eat the food, she may stop. 

Also, I would just keep the watering the food down the drain trick once she leaves.  The only way she can solve that is she would have to stick around and make sure the strays come eat the food but if she is that imbalanced, she likely has other things to do lol!!!!

Once she found out we removed the food, she did stick around until the cats finished the food. And yeah she’s that imbalanced. But she couldn’t stick around every time after a few consecutive days. So now it’s a long battle between us and her. See who has more patience? 

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13 hours ago, polpott said:

My wife does the same with chicken mixed with rice. She puts it outside her friends house 1/4 mile away. I'm saying nothing.

Why? I mean what is the logic of putting food outside somebody’s house????

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3 minutes ago, Shu Ting said:

Why? I mean what is the logic of putting food outside somebody’s house????

Often the motivation is for  "Merit" but knowing that dog poo outside your own gate is  not a desirable.

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32 minutes ago, Shu Ting said:

You mean the fresh lime fruit or...? I am interested to know more please. ????????


Garden Lime is crushed limestone 


Builders lime is hydrated Lime and in powder form.

Either are safe on gardens.


I used this:



Take care when using this as it can cause a burning sensation if touching the skin.


The theory is the cat crouches to “ do his business “ the powder touches his skin or fur , causes an unpleasant burning sensation and is never seen again !!

  • Thanks 1

OP. You can buy live animal traps. These don't kill or hurt the animals...they are a metal cage with spring loaded door.


When the woman is not there put cat food in the traps and catch a few cats each day.


Then cover the cage with a blanket so cat does not get stressed and drive it to another location far away to release it. Do this till all the cats are removed. 

  • Thanks 1

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