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DDC watching closely after saliva test of some travellers from Thailand Covid-19 positive at Japanese airport


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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Thank you Sandy, enjoy your weekend as well.  Like you I do feel safer here as well instead of back in the states being in the same vulnerable category.  Yes 5 days of rain here in my part of Bangkok as well.  The rain at least has made it cool enough.  Cool enough to open up the penthouses sliders and let the breeze pass through.

I first came here early Oct 99 and it was like a sauna, high 30's and high humidity. We have not had the aircon on for a week and it was intermittant before then.

One thing's for sure, we will go into the dry season with a high water table so no problem next year, even if it doesn't rain till June. With no mains water it is always a bit of a concern.

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5 hours ago, Marco100 said:

What about the 8 people tested positive arriving from Thailand in Hong Kong ?

But foreigners should wear bracelets n di 14 days quarantine ????????????

Everyone arriving in Hong Kong is tested at the airport and you cannot leave the airport till you get the result, my mate was 10 hours.

All that test positive are taken to a hospital and others have to self isolate at home for 14 days wearing a bracelet. Self isolation means exactly that and If you cannot you are taken to state quarantine.

Think it is the 9th day you have to do a self test and if that is negative they come on the 15th day and remove the bracelet. If positive you are off to hospital.

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On 10/10/2020 at 7:49 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Why would hospitals be over run by asymptomatic people or those with minor symptoms that resemble a cold or the flu at a low level.  Give it a rest will you. Many people do not go to a hospital or a clinic when they feel unwell.  Just look around you and you will see people coughing, sniffling etc....so time to get off the high horse.

so no need to worry then

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On 10/10/2020 at 4:26 PM, Paul DS said:

Impossible...Thailand has told us for months that there is no Covid anywhere.


Yet send a plane to Japan and there are seven Thais showing positive results?  That might mean Thailand would / could be lying! Never!

More garbage. There has been 15 cases picked up by saliva tests and 8 were negative on a PCR test. The 2 that have tested positive were Japanese children, not Thai.

The other 5 of undisclosed nationality are still awaiting results.

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50 minutes ago, sungod said:

so no need to worry then

You kind of missed the point of the OP and what I wrote.  No need to worry about covid if its run through the country at a low level, but when those people test positive after arriving elsewhere that is the real issue as far as FACE with this government goes.  They really have no idea of the true spread of Covid in the country other than those who are testing positive in quarantine and those that were hospitalized early on.  Covid may be spreading again, but they will never know unless it requires hospitalization, and of course unless they test randomly then they will never have an idea.  We can agree to disagree, but that's my view.  What could the percentage of those that are exhibiting common cold and allergy symptoms be if it was covid, again that will more than likely never known.  Does it concern me, well on a scale of being someone who has a comorbidity it does to a certain extent, and then my curiosity gets peaked as to what the true numbers may be when I see reports such as these.  Does it mean they have Covid, or may have had Covid based upon the test reacting positive to antibodies.  That is another unknown.   

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4 minutes ago, sungod said:

I do get your point, but I really dont think we should worry if some people are asymptomatic, some have mild symtoms. As long as people are not getting seriously ill or dying then we are doing OK.

I agree with you 100%, it is the unfortunate way the Government here wants everyone to believe that it does not exist within the country that allows people to become complacent.  Then when people do test positive outside after leaving here, it makes the house of cards they have built start to falter.  Then add in the STV Visa issues, and the ridiculous requirements they are requesting and it makes you wonder what the end game is.  I wont even try to guess what they are trying to accomplish, other than they are hurting there own people, just like most of the world is doing right now.

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I agree with you 100%, it is the unfortunate way the Government here wants everyone to believe that it does not exist within the country that allows people to become complacent.  Then when people do test positive outside after leaving here, it makes the house of cards they have built start to falter.  Then add in the STV Visa issues, and the ridiculous requirements they are requesting and it makes you wonder what the end game is.  I wont even try to guess what they are trying to accomplish, other than they are hurting there own people, just like most of the world is doing right now.

Well Ryan, the Thai population is generally risk adverse on anything you cant ward away with an amulet. I dont think they are ready to admit its around us ........... ????

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6 hours ago, sungod said:

I do get your point, but I really dont think we should worry if some people are asymptomatic, some have mild symtoms. As long as people are not getting seriously ill or dying then we are doing OK.

I'd like to see data on pneumonia related cases in hospitals for 2019 and then for 2020

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A covid explosion in cases in Thailand would be a death sentence for the current administration, which is on shaky grounds already, smelling like revolution a bit for various other reasons.


There will be no covid in Thailand, by whatever means necessary, instructing hospitals to refuse testing, messing with lab results at central level (where the hospitals send the samples), controlling the media, and so on.

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On 10/10/2020 at 12:50 PM, CGW said:

have you ever heard of "search" engines?

Um, yeah... did that also. Nothing like an 88% false negative rate came up. Of course, that sort of response on your part kills off your credibility. Make a dubious claim and expect others to source it for you. Doesn't work that way


Anyway, you might want to check the latest from the Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30453-7/fulltext


"Globally, most effort so far has been invested in turnaround times and low test sensitivity (ie, false negatives); one systematic review reported false-negative rates of between 2% and 33% in repeat sample testing."


That's a recent research review... far off 88%


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At least you now know how to use a search engine & you know what a false negative is.

Next you need to learn how to bypass the filters!

Hers a starter:- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7357270/ & another https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/covid-19-story-tip-beware-of-false-negatives-in-diagnostic-testing-of-covid-19

have fun.


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