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'It'll be carnage': British companies dread a Brexit border breakdown


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1 minute ago, vinny41 said:


The only twisting and denial I can see is in your posts

you posted "Four years ago we were told that Brexit would have no effect on our membership of the single market or customs union. Those who pointed out the absurdity of this assumption were accused of 'Project Fear!'"


Clearly that statement you made is incorrect 

When Cameron, Osbourne and Gove stated that a leave vote when mean that the UK will leave the EU and the single market

When did Gove say we would leave the common market.

The problem with your line of argument is that ALL you Brexiteers ignored what Cameron and Osborne etc were saying and just parroted lies and slogans from vote leave.

The people who did listen to Cameron and the remain campaign vote to remain.

But you knew what you were voting for right? 

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10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:


The only twisting and denial I can see is in your posts

you posted "Four years ago we were told that Brexit would have no effect on our membership of the single market or customs union. Those who pointed out the absurdity of this assumption were accused of 'Project Fear!'"


Clearly that statement you made is incorrect 

When Cameron, Osbourne and Gove stated that a leave vote when mean that the UK will leave the EU and the single market

As I was responding to a quote from a Brexiteer  I thought it was obvious that I was repeating what Vote.Leave and others told us.


Was that too subtle for you, or, more likely, are you trying to shift the blame for this mess onto the Remain campaign!


Gove? Yes: Michael Gove says leaving EU would mean quitting single market  "Mr Gove, who is also justice secretary, said he wanted the UK to be “outside the single market but have access to it."


In other words, not have to follow any of the single market rules, whilst enjoying all of it's benefits!


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16 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

When did Gove say we would leave the common market.

The problem with your line of argument is that ALL you Brexiteers ignored what Cameron and Osborne etc were saying and just parroted lies and slogans from vote leave.

The people who did listen to Cameron and the remain campaign vote to remain.

But you knew what you were voting for right? 

Most people I know listen to both the remain and leave camps and then made their decision on the ballot paper

and yes I did know what I was voting for thanks

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57 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

Populists fail .... and always blame someone else, even though they are the ones in charge.


They have this very astonishing ability to attack others and shift the blame, and then make even more false promises.


To shift the blame, sometimes, they start wars


Immunity and absence of accountability, that's the problem with the populists in power



There must be some Euro logic in there somewhere, however much it is warped and twisted. From Remainer & EU plotting and scheming to Donald Trump in one jump, must take some wierd association.


You are almost there with one point though, but got the wrong responsible party:

Immunity and absence of accountability, that's the problem with the EU Commission not Donald. He is actually elected by the people of his nation, whereas the commissioners are not. Populists, the enemy of the authoritarian elites.

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2 hours ago, puipuitom said:

Why I cannot understand the British focus on.... F I S H ,  0.12 % of their GDP...  I would worry about the  make" industry and the financial service...

Which item are the French, Netherlands, Irish and a couple of other countries interested in at the moment Fish or financial services

Which countries are telling the UK they want the same access to UK fishing grounds as when the UK was a member of the EU

When everyone knows you can't have the same access outside the EU club as you had when you were in the EU club


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1 minute ago, Surelynot said:

Most people I know have been reading the Mail and the Express, since the year dot, and had their minds made up for them way before any mention of a referendum......they did not have a clue what they were really voting for.....sad

The Mail has a circulation of just 2.2 million. And 34 percent of its readers voted Remain. There are millions who don’t read these papers and yet who voted Leave.

Voting ‘leave’ meant leaving the single market - and most voters knew it


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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Not the first time you've been completely flummoxed and bamboozled and unable to post an adult response so had to resort to these childish accusations.

"Ficker than us" expired on 13 Dec. Cheerleading your own posts while desperately flogging that dead horse brings nothing whatsoever to the debate which is why you had to be 'outed'.

I enjoy these threads and am up for a bit of banter but prefer to give the 'snakes-and-ladders' approach a wide berth.


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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

Most people I know listen to both the remain and leave camps and then made their decision on the ballot paper

and yes I did know what I was voting for thanks


So did you believe all the remain campaign's warnings about the dire effects to the UK economy etc. of leaving but still voted leave despite the damage it would do to the UK?


Or did you swallow the Project Fear pony from the leave campaign?

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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

Things must be quiet in the remain camp as this topic was discussed 14 months ago on this forum



 That topic was about a no deal Brexit; this one is about the chaos that is more than likely to be caused by the government's inability to provide useful guidance on what paperwork and procedures will be required by UK hauliers and exporters to the EU after the end of the transition period; deal or no.


Obviously, no deal would only make that chaos worse.

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10 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

ven if the UK (or rather Scotland since English fishing quotas already have been sold out) shares its fishing zones, it's over.

So what is Macron's problem then? English fishing quotas sold already. What are the eight coastal fish thieves up in arms about?

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19 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

We only want to be in self control and trade freely with the whole world.


20 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

As to "trading freely" did you read the first post of this thread? 


.. "Trading freely" will be done and over in a few weeks whether directly with the EU or through the 29 FTA the UK had thanks to the EU.


Did you miss the part about "...freely with the whole world"? The EU does not trade freely with the whole world because it is a protectionist bloc.

If trading freely between UK and EU is over in a few weeks the EU only has itself to blame. We will still trade regardless of the Remainer rhetoric, but there will be new rules from January. The extent and impact of those depends on the EU now, but we have left already and won't sign up again to the old EU restrictive rules and regulation that apply to its members.

Remainers, Euros and those with vested interest will continue to play up potential or imagined problems about that trade, as we see in the title of this topic. Why have none of them who complain so much come up with some solutions over the past four years? 


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