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Activist slams Thai judiciary for refusing bail for pro-democracy fighters, yet letting ‘Sia Po’ out


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4 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

And what about that hiso copper who hit a killed a food vendor in his car and literally ran away? (Where’s that story by the way?)


He was given bail for 100k. And yea, if anyone’s wondering, that’s what the American who wrote very mean reviews about a hotel had to pay. Not before he spent two days in jail, of course. 

Would anyone like to remind others how they should respect Thai law? 


Yep quite a few farrang hypocrites on this site, they want to be Thai so much they willingly swallow the lies and corruption and regularly drop their trousers and bend over, you really couldn't make it up yet there are pages of apologists making excuses for a broken Thai judiciary and Police......

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Whispers say people up high don't want the leaders out so they will either remain behind bards or be released and then arrested again on the spot. Democracy activists are perceived as a danger to the folks up high... 

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4 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

Even before they have been put on trial, the young activists have had forced haircuts. The males got short high and tights like police officers and the girl Rung who had colored hair had it dyed a natural dark brown color and cut to a short cut just below the ears. It's sickening.

Disgraceful behaviour from the authorities.  I do wonder what they do when one has a natural hair colour other than black. I heard of teachers insisting all pupils must have black hair, even if that means a kid with non black hair is then forced to dye the hair... I would fear some of these same folks run prisons. Teachers and prison guards have much in common I think.

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12 hours ago, Grusa said:

Can't you spell? it's "tears"! and even that's ambiguous. Isn't the deleted's English wonderful?

I spelt "tiers" as in a two tier judicial system" but thank you for your correction.... save it for another day.

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I just read online that Penguin's mother has lost her job because 'her son isn't loyal'. There's a lot of news out there on this that is not getting coverage. It's depressing to see this going on and so many people totally apathetic to the abuse of human rights or ignorant of what is happening. 

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I have read elsewhere that the three most prominent protest leaders have been released from custody by the courts, and have been admitted to hospital in a somewhat battered state. They are reported to be suffering from sleep deprivation, severe dehydration, bruising and in one case wounds caused by broken glass! At least one is on a drip. Despite the court releasing them, and the opposition of the hospital authorities a variety of "plain clothes policemen" are trying to re-arrest them, no doubt for some more energetic bouts of questioning.

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