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Saudi king urges world to take 'decisive stance' against Saudi's regional foe Iran


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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I and millions of others, urge the world to take a decisive stance against the Saudis, the world's major sponsor of terrorism. Wahhabism is one of the most toxic, hateful and extreme forms of Islam in the world. The Madrasas alone, that they support, create thousands of terrorists to this day. It is no coincidence that so much of the cash filling terrorists' coffers come from the oil monarchies in the Persian Gulf. It is also no coincidence that those countries holding the world's largest oil reserves and those generating most of their income from oil exports, are also those with the strongest support for radical Islam. In fact, oil and terrorism are entangled. If not for the West's oil money, most Gulf states would not have had the wealth that allowed them to invest so much in arms procurement and sponsor terrorists organizations.  


In July 2005 undersecretary of the Treasury Stuart Levey testifying in the Senate noted “Wealthy Saudi financiers and charities have funded terrorist organizations and causes that support terrorism and the ideology that fuels the terrorists' agenda. Even today, we believe that Saudi donors may still be a significant source of terrorist financing, including for the insurgency in Iraq." 



when oil becomes obsolete Saudi Arabia will look like Barstow.

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On 11/12/2020 at 8:22 AM, BobBKK said:


The fact is Saudi Arabia is a despot state full of misogynist nutters who have OIL. Every POTUS has sucked up to them and to suggest Trump was any different is pathetic. Biden did the same and will do the SAME.


False. The Saudis treated Obama very rudely during his visit to Saudi Arabia. They were unhappy with his refusal to provide them with wepons and intelligence  support they wanted to help in the prosecution of the war in Yemen.

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24 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

"You mean the same as the poster of the Trump photo?  you need to think a bit before posting (and brush up on your spelling)"


Original post


I posted the Trump photo. I provided both context and approximate date. You need to get your facts right before criticizing others.

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