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Biden solidifies U.S. election win, Trump says 'time will tell' if he stays in power


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1 hour ago, shdmn said:

He certainly seems to be trying by putting in yes men in the Pentagon.   So looks to me like he is basically attempting a military coup.  At least he is going through the motions knowing full well nothing will come of it. The purpose is most likely to keep his idiot racist base riled up and keep the fundraising grift going.  Supposedly at least half of it is going directly into his own pockets.


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15 hours ago, simple1 said:

Some trump sycophants are going off the deep end - likely to generate even wider chasms of partisan differences, especially with trump's evangelical supporters. e.g. from the Washington Post - no link due to paywall, but you can use Google search.



Trump retweeted a video of actor Jon Voight saying, “This is now our greatest fight since the Civil War, the battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan, because these leftists are evil, corrupt and they want to tear down this nation. . . . Let us fight this fight as if it is our last fight on Earth.”

He made some good films before becoming senile.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:


I always think that they are not really voting for a president but for a party. Otherwise i just can't explain it. 


Someone who is caught lying and cheating all the time isn't that bright and is highly dividing can't be just the choice of those 72 million must be more like they don't like the idea's of the democrats and prefer to vote for their own side no matter how bad the figurehead is.

Indeed !

US politics is so polarised that a monkey wearing a red or blue pin would get overwhelming support from the respective supporters.

It's the independent swing voters that tilt the balance and really they should have voted overwhelmingly for Biden.

Trump does have cult appeal so that might explain why he did better than expected , I thought he would lose the popular vote by at least 8 million.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Don't understand why the likes of Giuliani aren't charged for wasting the Court's time. Once trump is removed from power, hopefully he will also face similar charges, including encouraging insurrection / breach of Oath of Office.


There is going to be a big cleanup, and rest assured the GOP is going to participate.  It's their house that has to deal with the disarray and embarrassment, as well as the personal vendettas of the people he humiliated and had their careers ruined.  It is well within their interest to put the orange mob far away. 

I could see the Biden administration do something like a reconciliation rehiring/reinstating of USG career professionals.



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13 minutes ago, riclag said:

Nah! I have the truth on my side,! It's not official !


1 minute ago, ExpatOK said:

Is it official?

This is like someone telling you that Jesus is coming back next week, and when you dismiss his contention, he asks you to prove  it's not so. Still, if you believe that Trump has a realistic chance of winning, you should take all your money and buy yourself lottery tickets. 

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4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO we will know well before then, as the states certify the results and the Electoral College votes come through.

Unless you have some fantasies about faithless electors overturning the result, or Trump fortifying the White House. Dream on, it's all you have left.

Thank you for acknowledging that biden hasn't officially won!

Some may think and have claimed it!

But truth be told 

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