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Biden solidifies U.S. election win, Trump says 'time will tell' if he stays in power


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6 hours ago, Lacessit said:

He has a difficult task ahead, getting the pandemic under control and uniting a nation deliberately fractured by Trump.

For me the most difficult part will be trying to "unite the nation deliberately fractured by Trump" because that seems to run very deep at the moment.


I have mentioned in my posts before that I'm surprised the term "commie" or "communist" has come into frequent use by the Republicans and trump supporters, because it really shows their ignorance in not knowing where the Democrats stand on the political spectrum, and it's certainly not on the left.


To further enable that lie, there are groups like the "proud boys" or QAnon and other right-wing publications dealing in such rubbish as "deep state", again all designed to drive a wedge between the two parties, when what is necessary for that country to heal, is a better understanding of their political standings and their policies.


Unfortunately the trump regime has introduced some very unlikeable traits and characters into the mix, and along with his lies and tweets, have corrupted the political landscape, and this will be hard to undo.


So sad, and it brings to mind the last line in a song by "The Nice" (which I saw them perform live) where they burnt the American flag at the end of the song which caused a huge furore, and this was accompanied by the line, "America is pregnant with promises and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable".


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23 minutes ago, xylophone said:

For me the most difficult part will be trying to "unite the nation deliberately fractured by Trump" because that seems to run very deep at the moment.


I have mentioned in my posts before that I'm surprised the term "commie" or "communist" has come into frequent use by the Republicans and trump supporters, because it really shows their ignorance in not knowing where the Democrats stand on the political spectrum, and it's certainly not on the left.



As I have said before, in most other countries the Democrats would be regarded as right of centre. Certainly, they are further to the right than an Australian conservative government. Climate change excepted, but that's our own mess brought about by a Prime Minister who was as toxic as Trump.

I've never had a coherent answer from any American on the subject of socialism when I put the question

" You've never tried it, so how can you know it is bad?"

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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

As I have said before, in most other countries the Democrats would be regarded as right of centre. Certainly, they are further to the right than an Australian conservative government. Climate change excepted, but that's our own mess brought about by a Prime Minister who was as toxic as Trump.

I've never had a coherent answer from any American on the subject of socialism when I put the question

" You've never tried it, so how can you know it is bad?"

I've never tried meth either but I've made a conscious decision to not use.

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4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Not bad as a red herring.

Socialist governments brought in the Medicare and PBS systems in Australia. One can go to any hospital there for free treatment. The PBS means one pays $6.50 per prescription, irrespective of the price the manufacturer has put on it.

Elective surgery, one goes on a waiting list. Some are long, some short. If one wants to short circuit that waiting time, there is private health cover. I pay 2700 AUD per year for mine. I understand it costs families in America that much per month, and Big Pharma drives some individuals into skipping rent and food to keep themselves alive.

So enumerate the benefits of the US capitalist system for the majority of Americans, please. Healthcare certainly is not one of them.

Not going down that rabbit hole. Nothing is free in this world, nothing.

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Considering Trumps History, it does not matter if he stays in Power legally or illegally.


If he could, he would demand that only his votes are counted.


It does not have much to do with politics anymore, it is a cult.


Hopefully the mess can be undone in the future and it can be a great Country again.

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16 hours ago, bendejo said:

An interesting read, on a site which is new to me. What does strike me is just how well prepared the Republican Party was for the post election legal challenges - teams of lawyers assembled, reactions and allegations planned and rehearsed. It is almost as if, cynically, they knew that they were going to lose at the polls, and were prepared and planning to overturn the result!


Then of course it all went to r*tsh*t when it ran into Mr Trumps vast ego, along with Mr Giuliani's antics playing Mutley to Trump's Dick Dastardly!


All those top end lawyers, who it seems had no scruples about signing up to using the legal process to frustrate the electoral process ($$ no doubt playing a part there) jumping ship when they realised just what they were getting involved with!

Edited by herfiehandbag
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3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Yes. Its a historic tweet. Ignore the toxic context. The first two words are the thing. So how long until he allows the transition to begin?

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