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100.000 USD coverage not only for Covid but also as a general medical insurance ?

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These instructions, that I have received through the Italian Embassy in Bangkok, but are reported also on the facebook pages of the Thai Consulate in Sidney, seem to require, in addition to the famous 400k/40k insurance, also a " Medical and travel insurance with a minimum of 100.000 USD coverage, including but not limited to Covid-19 treatment throughout the stay in Thailand ".


In my mind the two insurances were supposed to be complementary, but with different coverage object.


Am I wrong ?


Shall we have two different insurances for the same general health coverage ?




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You need insurance that specifically covers covid 19 with a minimum of $100,000 coverage and standard insurance that meets 40/400 requirement or one that meets both requirements for certain visa categories (OA for example). Others only need covid 19 for the length of your allowed stay.

Their are companies that have policies that will meet both requirements. For example Pacific Cross has this one.


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For the COVID insurance they definitely are accepting policies limited to COVID. In fact most Embassies when asked ditect people to the tgia website which are COVID only.


Depending on your overall needs you could either (1) get a single policy that covers you for at least 3 million baht and includes COVID i.e. 1 policy for both OA visa and COVID requirement or (2) Get a minimum 400k/40 policy and then a policy to meet the COVID requirement e.g. a travel policy that includes COVID (some exclude it) or one of the tgia COVID only policies.


While option 2 might be cheaper it leaves ypu withput decent voverage fpr mon-COVID illnesses (400k is totally inadequate)

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6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Their are companies that have policies that will meet both requirements. For example Pacific Cross has this one.


Two things to be aware of when getting an insurance:

1. Some of them have a waiting period; thus, not covering when arriving in Thailand. The Pacific Cross insurance is world wide; meaning, that if you get it 15 days before going to Thailand, it will cover from day 1 in Thailand.

2. If you choose an insurance with deductions, then the deductions may go for the COVID coverage as well. With the Pacific Cross insurance, the deductions are for both the normal coverage and for the COVID coverage.

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

For the COVID insurance they definitely are accepting policies limited to COVID. In fact most Embassies when asked ditect people to the tgia website which are COVID only.


Depending on your overall needs you could either (1) get a single policy that covers you for at least 3 million baht and includes COVID i.e. 1 policy for both OA visa and COVID requirement or (2) Get a minimum 400k/40 policy and then a policy to meet the COVID requirement e.g. a travel policy that includes COVID (some exclude it) or one of the tgia COVID only policies.


While option 2 might be cheaper it leaves ypu withput decent voverage fpr mon-COVID illnesses (400k is totally inadequate)


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9 hours ago, bish said:

anyone know where a 78 year old can get insurance to cover 1 year stay in Thailand.

Do you want the insurance required for a OA visa or only covid 19.

For covid 19 the insurance from TGIA can issued up 99 year old.

For 40/400k baht coverage you will not be able to get it from a Thai company.

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