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Biden says UK border with Ireland must be open


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19 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Because you are trying to blame everyone else. You were warned before the referendum that voting to leave would jeopardise the Good Friday agreement. Now its everyone else's fault what you were warned about is happening.

There is only one group to blame and that is the 'I didn't vote for anything' group. As we say in Yorkshire, if tha dunt vote fer owt, thall get nowt.

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:


Because you are trying to blame everyone else. You were warned before the referendum that voting to leave would jeopardise the Good Friday agreement. Now its everyone else's fault what you were warned about is happening.

I was warned?i was threatened by a load of bullies using stolen taxpayers money who said the end would be nigh if punters voted brexit.the only people i,m blaming are the remainers who did all they could to overturn a peoples vote,a democratic desicion made by the electorate,weakening the uks bargaining position and strengthening barniers.

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh, Hitler’s turned up already.


When you stated “ the uk will be able to govern ourselves and make our own decisions“ did you forget the topic of discussion is the US President Elect telling the UK there shall be no hard border in Ireland and precisely why he’s able to do so?




He didn't tell us anything. He stated his preference, and we duly ignored him.

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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

Of course you are correct, it couldn't be the fault of the electorate that voted for Brexit, because democracy can never ever, nay thrice never, be ever called a fault. Only can be called a fault by subversive groups and people who do not respect how democratic voting works. 

We can all be disappointed if something doesn't go the way we wanted it to go, but for 5 years now to be still bleating about it really takes a special kind of a person, seeking councilling may help some, but sadly not all, some are just too far gone.

But in Joe Biden, many remainers have found him to be something else to hit the Brexiteers over the head with and it won't make a ha'penny worth of difference in the end what he says.

The gaping hole in that argument is where democracies elect a tyrant.


A turn of events predicted by Plato in his ‘The Republic’ and born out by the tragedies elected tyrants have brought upon humanity.




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12 minutes ago, vogie said:

There aren't any tyrants chomper, nor are there any holes, all we have is what the UK voted for. 

You're wasting your time Chomper bless him will never be in favour of leave. 

He like TM as Prime Minister and she is still chomping away. ????

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6 hours ago, kingdong said:

All your post does is illustrate how you feel its ok to give into bullies",junker made it absolutely clear,"so did hitler.in 1939 lucky we had a prime minister who had a bit of bottle at the time as we have now,true what with the coming depression there may be short term pain but at least the uk will be able to govern ourselves and make our own decisions,these colours don,t run (sounds familiar?)


The Brits are such a hoot.  They sat safely on the sidelines while the Red Army defeated the Wehrmacht and the Americans defeated the Japanese.  Russian casualties: 27 million, Indian casualties: 2.5 million, British casualties: 450,000.  Well done, Winston. 



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1 hour ago, cmarshall said:


The Brits are such a hoot.  They sat safely on the sidelines while the Red Army defeated the Wehrmacht and the Americans defeated the Japanese.  Russian casualties: 27 million, Indian casualties: 2.5 million, British casualties: 450,000.  Well done, Winston. 



What’s this got to do with the topic

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1 hour ago, cmarshall said:


The Brits are such a hoot.  They sat safely on the sidelines while the Red Army defeated the Wehrmacht and the Americans defeated the Japanese.  Russian casualties: 27 million, Indian casualties: 2.5 million, British casualties: 450,000.  Well done, Winston. 



Indian casualties 2.5 million?that general custer has a lot to answer for.

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2 hours ago, cmarshall said:


The Brits are such a hoot.  They sat safely on the sidelines while the Red Army defeated the Wehrmacht and the Americans defeated the Japanese.  Russian casualties: 27 million, Indian casualties: 2.5 million, British casualties: 450,000.  Well done, Winston. 




   Why you hate British people so much ?

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9 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

Multiple times from many of the Brexit "winners".  Maybe that should be Brxit "whiners"



Whos whining?certainly not me,we won the peoples election and we,re out 31 dec,all the whining is coming from remainers unable to accept democracy.a new dawn awaits.

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9 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Why you hate British people so much ?


I do very much dislike arrogant, self-serving lying of the kind typified by the we-stood-alone-against-Hitler posturing of the previous post or the lying about Brexit.  And the Brits do a lot of it.  Of course, I realize Britain is more than the Eton crowd that runs it, but they are the face of your nation.


If it's any consolation I like even less the same behavior among Americans, who have a far worse effect on the world nowadays than the Brits.  

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12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

How quickly they forget. It's long been a claim of Brexiters - a baseless claim but still a claim - that a free trade agreement with the US would go a long way towards making up for the loss of such with the EU.

I'd say the reverse was true. Remainers were rubbishing the whole idea when Trump was keen on it. Chlorinated chicken, low food standards, selling the NHS etc.


Now "Oirish Joe" Biden is threatening to prevent it, they're acting like we've lost the Crown jewels and we must immediately bend to all EU demands. 


Make your minds up guys. Or better still, accept defeat and get on board. 

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

How quickly they forget. It's long been a claim of Brexiters - a baseless claim but still a claim - that a free trade agreement with the US would go a long way towards making up for the loss of such with the EU.

When that oft-pedaled claim was made no one knew that a 2 year event would drag on for FIVE or that a manufactured and grossly exaggerated virus would scupper the world's economies. 

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