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Thailand tracking 200 people as infected returnees skip COVID-19 quarantine


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9 hours ago, NanLaew said:


A bit off topic but after the initial emergency repatriation of Brits from China, there were absolutely no checks and no requirement for people arriving to quarantine after arrival. It was only after several weeks of 'open doors' and commensurate with the start of the first national lock-down that border controls were put in place.


Stable door syndrome.

Staying :offtopic:just for a minute

And even now, they don't really check here in UK.  Since April, my neighbour has made 2 trips to  somewhere not in the list of safe countries (Croatia I think) and on each return was told to quarantine.

He filled in all the forms, did his shopping online and generally did as he was told - I chatted to him over the garden wall.

Was he EVER contacted to ensure he was complying? Nope! The authorities cannot check everyone so it's a lottery.


And @Steve Mepham I think this pretty much serves as a response to your post which i've just seen, too.

Edited by VBF
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They have been tracking over 360 persons since day 1 - also the police have announced in the last hours that 4 persons have  Covid now as a result of this border crossing will be going to court and they are asking for 2yrs jail and 100,000Bht fine ( which I believe is the max). A further person was just announced  so that brings the number to 5 -  MORE TO COME ???

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20 hours ago, AmySeeker said:


If you are aware of that the border is porous and people are just shuffling through unchecked - then why aren't Thai authorities ? 

It's impossible to police the entire border

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The sooner the Thai Government stop talking to the media on a daily basis about all the <deleted> plans for stabilizing the downturn of the economy and focus on the real problem being their total ineptitude for controling their own people who come and go as they please, quarantine?  Why should they.

So as if causing the downfall of Thai Airways isn't enough?  Get a job,  stop running off at the mouth wth dreams and do something positive for a change or quit and let someone who cares about your country sort it out.


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On 11/30/2020 at 3:52 PM, webfact said:

Three women bypassed immigration checks and entered via natural border crossings last Tuesday and Friday, skipping the mandatory quarantine for new arrivals, Chiang Rai provincial governor Prachon Pratsakul said.

A few days ago it was only one girl.Now its three girls and they enter the country illegally and they tested positive. Wow! They must have sweet talk the border staff to allow themself enter illegally. There goes the credit ability  of Thailand strict measures and border controls to keep the coronavirus at bay.


So if there were 356 people the first girl had contact with, how many more for the other two girls?  Plus now you saying for 150 has been tested and are negative. Wow, wow! 

On 11/30/2020 at 3:52 PM, webfact said:

The first of the three new cases arrived on Nov. 24 in Chiang Rai and travelled to Chiang Mai, where she later showed coronavirus symptoms and went to hospital.

In the last new message they said she arrived on the 25 and stayed at a friends condo. That’s a whole day of  being out there and nobody knows how many people she actually had contact with. Plus many places are not even making people to sign in using the tracking app anymore. So how any more could have contact with all three girls? 

Ok, what’s next that they want people to believe about this story......????????????????


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On 12/1/2020 at 7:14 AM, ThailandRyan said:

So yes it will come across the border. But for this government to say not one of the contacts tested positive is pure BS.

And people keep on saying they should open the legal borders.

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14 hours ago, VBF said:

Staying :offtopic:just for a minute

And even now, they don't really check here in UK.  Since April, my neighbour has made 2 trips to  somewhere not in the list of safe countries (Croatia I think) and on each return was told to quarantine.

He filled in all the forms, did his shopping online and generally did as he was told - I chatted to him over the garden wall.

Was he EVER contacted to ensure he was complying? Nope! The authorities cannot check everyone so it's a lottery.


And @Steve Mepham I think this pretty much serves as a response to your post which i've just seen, too.

And this is where the so called flexible approach has got them.

The same could happen here if border control and quarantine is relaxed.


The government has admitted the NHS in England does not have enough nurses and doctors to keep all its services running if there is a third spike in coronavirus cases as leaked figures show the number of staff off work because of the virus rising.


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On 12/1/2020 at 8:48 AM, Chaichara said:

What  most  farangs don't  know (because they  never looked) is that  it  is extremely  easy  to  get  in  and out  of Thailand without  papers or controls by  using 'natural' borders. For example, every  day just  upstream of the Friendship Bridge in  Nong  Khai people  are rowing  back  and forth across the Meekong at  night. 

At Mae Sot they used to do it openly in the daytime, in plain sight of the border post. Possibly they still do. 

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32 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


So why have 40,000 "elite" Border Police? OK, ok, yes, needed in Bangkok to deal with school-children protesting. Awesome neckerchiefs, BTW. 


And a GINORMOUS Army? And a MASSIVE military intelligence arm (ISOC)?


The entire border doesn't have to be policed. 99% of the entries are across a few routes. Working gals aren't going to be trekking overland to get from Myanmar to Pattaya.




According to their own Facebook posts that's what they did. Overland trek and then across the river. Not on their own of course. News reports say they pay 6,500 baht to the guides who bring them over. 

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43 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


So why have 40,000 "elite" Border Police? OK, ok, yes, needed in Bangkok to deal with school-children protesting. Awesome neckerchiefs, BTW. 


And a GINORMOUS Army? And a MASSIVE military intelligence arm (ISOC)?


The entire border doesn't have to be policed. 99% of the entries are across a few routes. Working gals aren't going to be trekking overland to get from Myanmar to Pattaya.




         Working gals aren't going to be trekking overland to get from Myanmar to Pattaya.                                                                                                                  Why not? They are used to any kind of jungle.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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Story seems to be loosing steam.  No more info coming. Looks like it will be buried. Just heard from a friend in Udon that anyone returning from the Chiang Mai Are must go into a self quarantine. Wonder how many more provinces will follow suit.


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It’s show time!

rush to do as much as possible before Jan. Lots of new faces in lots of new governments. Doesn’t look good for the forced vaccine club.

Dr. Fauchi has been indicted in the USA, for crimes against humanity.

Joe Biden has been declared a “ National Security Risk”. He is avoiding public appearances as he will be served, Federal Grand Jury.  

then the game is over, bad guys loose.

RIP scamdemic.


Sources Say.

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