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PM Johnson says a moment may come when its game over on Brexit


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On 12/9/2020 at 2:02 PM, vinny41 said:




Your posts are idiotic and pointless as they have no bearing to the original post that implied that the British are incapable of growning their own food

Neither of us were around during the last time when it was really difficult to import food into the main island of the UK. THat was back in World War 2. But my mother was and she and her sister reported that the situation was quite dreadful. Very little fruit available. Power egg (not the real thing but somehow to stretch dried egg), a tiny butter ration and bread that tasted like sawdust (possibly because it did contain cellulose). There were enormous incentives for the British to grow their own food and they did their best under the circumstances but they were up against the climate - animals (except possibly sheep) cannot be left out in the elements for at least 4 months of the year. The harvesting of hay is a high risk business. Wheat and barley need to be dried because of the constant damp. Many crops that do grow well in the UK require a massive labour input which, during the war, was just not available as most able-bodied men and women went off to fight the war or work in the factories. Unless the UK is prepared to allow in large numbers of East Europeans to do this kind of work, these problems will be faced again.


So, to answer your accusation, the British are not incapable of growing their own food but they are up against it when providing sufficient food for the whole population, for the reasons given above.

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8 hours ago, kingdong said:

All by ourselves,where did i say that europhile petite? Open our eyes to how much good can come out out of collaboration?we,ve had 40 odd years of standing for that 3 card trick,we had a peoples democratic election and the people voted to leave,as said in another post,we liberated europe with the usa and russia,not " all by ourselves " was just responding to the uk,s contribution after europe had surrendered,anyway au revoir or auf wiedersen would like to say its been a pleasure but it hasn,t.


Yu said we came back while Europe was hiding under the table.  No mention of USA, or Russia (or the Commonwealth, or the rest of the World, or the Resistance in Europe).  But lets not split hairs - your rant had no merit whatever.




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11 hours ago, puipuitom said:

And What the EU wants to have from the Tiny Islands ? Cheddar cheese ?

Or the "world famous" Welsh beef ?


What the EU wants from the Tiny Islands is the gigantic export trade of 374 Billion pounds. You also want the Tiny Islands fish. The main thing you want of the Tiny Islands is control of it to drag it down to your level. 

So you like world famous Welsh Beef? And very good it is too. The French also have a penchant for Welsh Lamb, which they often used to enjoy at roadside barbecues.

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10 hours ago, transam said:

You are twisting it again 49, I was making a point that freedom sometimes is a difficult road, but we get to our destination in the end...

But expected comment, well done....:thumbsup:

49? Never mind ....


Twisting nothing. You live in Thailand, don't you? You even admit in your comment that there will be difficulties post-Brexit. This will mainly affect those of us in the UK. Other than the likely hit to you when you attempt to change sterling to baht, how else will you be affected? 


How exactly has your individual freedom been affected by the 'tyrants' in Brussels? 


Amongst other things, what you and your fellow Brexiters are doing is curtailing the freedom of movement currently enjoyed by UK nationals. 


If you do reply please address the points I've made directly and spare me the 'Mystic Meg' image, the 'Tea drinking emoji' or other such nonsense. Thanks.

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15 hours ago, RayC said:

49? Never mind ....


Twisting nothing. You live in Thailand, don't you? You even admit in your comment that there will be difficulties post-Brexit. This will mainly affect those of us in the UK. Other than the likely hit to you when you attempt to change sterling to baht, how else will you be affected? 


How exactly has your individual freedom been affected by the 'tyrants' in Brussels? 


Amongst other things, what you and your fellow Brexiters are doing is curtailing the freedom of movement currently enjoyed by UK nationals. 


If you do reply please address the points I've made directly and spare me the 'Mystic Meg' image, the 'Tea drinking emoji' or other such nonsense. Thanks.

49, you are going over your same ol' remainer questions, move on, the same as the UK did in 1945 to build a free future not controlled by foreigners.......????

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