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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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5 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

Boris is desperate for that deal and it's starting to show


his little bluff didn't work with the EU, we Europeans are not as gullible as the British voters ????


  The E.U agreed to and wanted an extension of the talks and negotiations .

You could have disagreed and walked away if you wanted to 

It takes two to Tango

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  The E.U agreed to and wanted an extension of the talks and negotiations .

You could have disagreed and walked away if you wanted to 

It takes two to Tango

True, but they are not the fools here, they know the Brits will suffer and disruption is never a good thing for both parties


Boris is foolish and a poker player, except he is not playing with his money, so he is going to lose it all, all for show

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Just now, david555 said:

But only one for  brexit  leave !......standing more than 4 years at exit doorway ....hesitating ...yelling  "we go leave, we are leaving , we are out already  "....deadline passing by deadline in numbers .......and that bright other opportunity is waiting .....but still they are waiting ..hoping ..???? 


  Can you not understand : We have left , shall I write that in French for you ?

Nous avons quitté l'e.u
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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Can you not understand : We have left , shall I write that in French for you ?

Nous avons quitté l'e.u

I think David might prefer Dutch - but he is probably multi lingual like other Europeans, except of course the ex Europeans.

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3 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

You speak English? Then you should know, if you ever went to school that is.

In which language all the other Countries converse in , wasnt really taught .

They seemed more interested in teaching us Latin , for some unknown reason .

But, Ive  got by in life not knowing the name of the language that Dutch/Holland/Netherlands people converse in , all I know is that they use very long words and that their words are difficult to pronounce 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

In which language all the other Countries converse in , wasnt really taught .

They seemed more interested in teaching us Latin , for some unknown reason .

But, Ive  got by in life not knowing the name of the language that Dutch/Holland/Netherlands people converse in , all I know is that they use very long words and that their words are difficult to pronounce 

ah you learned latin?

That would be your national language now, if it wasn't for Asterix, Obelix, and the Belgae - you did learn "horum fortissime sunt Belgae" ?

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1 minute ago, Hi from France said:

You should try again writing UE, for "union européenne" and I'd like the Greek version too, Il like Greek letters ????


@CorpusChristie nothing to laugh about: the high mortality rates in the UK are not just the result of the carelessness of Boris Johnson (who went to shake hands and got his pregnant girlfriend ill as well as a good share of the UK government) 


It's also the consequence of the high obesity rate in the UK. 


Allegedly, the UK does not need cheap chicken imports. It will push up obesity, not just ruin your poultry farmers. 


You do not like the deal with the EU? Wait for the USA deal... We' ll hear much less recriminations but this would be much harder for the country. Anyway the US currently have a trading deficit with the UK, so a FTA is not really attractive to them, you will need to give them quite a lot. 


Did Boris not tell you? 




  The high Covid rates in the UK are due to locals not self distancing .

All those riots and gatherings in the summer , all the protests and taking down statues and completely unconcerned about the virus , caused the virus to spread . Unlike Thailand, were we adhered to th rules of social distancing , and we have been more or less covid free .

  Thats going off topic though , we really should get back on topic and obey the rules 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  The high Covid rates in the UK are due to locals not self distancing .

All those riots and gatherings in the summer , all the protests and taking down statues and completely unconcerned about the virus , caused the virus to spread . Unlike Thailand, were we adhered to th rules of social distancing , and we have been more or less covid free .

  Thats going off topic though , we really should get back on topic and obey the rules 

keep digging

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


 Is that the only slogan you have to offer ?

Like errrmmm "Keep digging "

At least you could let me know how intelligent you are and how stupid I am 

I don't know how intelligent I am - that is relative.

But you......

Blaming covid on statues??? Not even German statues???

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3 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I don't know how intelligent I am - that is relative.

But you......

Blaming covid on statues??? Not even German statues???


   I cannot explain what I meant , I cannot get down to that basic level .

I suffer enough trying to teach kids how to speak English 

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8 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

Covid-19 rates are one thing, but when you are obese they turn up the mortality 



  Right , so it wasnt the people mixing with each other that caused Covid to spread , the reason was because they were over weight ?

  I do think that if overweight people didnt mix with others who had the virus , they wouldnt have contracted the virus .

  Overweight people who stay at home contract Covid , slim people who congregate with infected people do not contract the virus ?


If you say so

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43 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I think David might prefer Dutch - but he is probably multi lingual like other Europeans, except of course the ex Europeans.

Besides Dutch  3 langueges i can manage reading or hearing , besides my awfull English writing skills ????....


but question remains  why U.K.still is standing in the exit  doorway hoping to keep using the E.U. facilities further on as a third country ...same as example  Pakistan or Bangladesh  ....?


I was so much hoping at midnight today it would be  finished ....again it became once more  idle hope ????




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2 minutes ago, david555 said:

Besides Dutch  3 langueges i can manage reading or hearing , besides my awfull English writing skills ????....


but question remains  why U.K.still is standing in the exit  doorway hoping to keep using the E.U. facilities further on as a third country ...same as example  Pakistan or Bangladesh  ....?





  Why is the E.U still negotiating and talking to us , four years after we told them we want to leave ?

Let us go, its what we want 

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25 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Why is the E.U still negotiating and talking to us , four years after we told them we want to leave ?

Let us go, its what we want 

because Bojo hadn’t quite finished humiliating himself yet ! The EU cat can’t quite get enough of the fat mouse ! 

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58 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

Covid-19 rates are one thing, but when you are obese they turn up the mortality 

The rules of the EU market? Good idea, we'll give you access then. 


All we ask there is fair play. And no signing and cheating afterwards. 


Lord Heseltine,



A Freedom of Information request shows Lord Heseltine appeared to have received a series of EU farming subsidies since 2000 averaging £90,000 a year.



19 years at £90,00 per year total is £1,710,000

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18 hours ago, sandyf said:

That would be fair enough if that was what had been the objective and put on the ballot paper.

But it wasn't, and business was was promised access to the single market, haven't the UK been negotiating for the last 4 years for preferential access to that market. I take it selective memory has removed TM's dealings with the Japanese.

The whole cake and cherries came about because the UK want the market without following the rules, contradicts your idea of what brexit meant.

Sandy you know very well that David Cameron promoted this over and over again. You are disingenuous with this and being on the ballet paper. After all aren't the remain voters the intelligent ones that are keep being reported. If you can't believe the prime minister David Cameron who was the leader of the remain vote and need to have it written down on the ballot paper. It was leave or remain on the paper.


I know I voted. It didn't say anything such as with a deal. Leave and remain and those people who voted all knew what it meant. If they didn't then it is their fault and nobody else.

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