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Retirement visa will expire before I can return to thailand

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On 12/12/2020 at 8:00 AM, mlkik said:

Spot on mate ! I was stuck in  limbo in the UK for 10 months with a retirement visa I could not return with.

I was being destroyed by the situation so when I had the chance I bit the bullet and applied for a Non O-A visa and jumped through all the hoops and am now on day 6 of ASQ.

Passing my time doing laps of my room listening to punk rock on spotify and chatting to the mrs on line. I am actually enjoying it as now I am so relaxed and happy to have left that nightmare in the UK behind.

Soon I will be drinking cold beers in the sunshine and enjoying my life in rural Thailand.

What's "ASQ"?

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I am in the same situation. I have a retirement on O Visa (2 years old), 800,000 sitting in the bank. This second retirement extension is good till may 15, 2021 with a reentry stamp. The wife and I left on Nov.4 back to the states to take care of some property. Great time to sell here in Florida. It’s a sellers’ market. So, I still have 5 months on my retirement. The wife (she has US, Thai PP both in her married name) has to go back to refinance her and the niece’s house in Nonthaburi in June.

The VA here is getting the vaccine next week so I will get it there, unsure if they will do dependents, probably not. I will probably not make the May 15 return so waiting to see what changes especially with the vaccine.

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as things stand i guess you'd just have to go through the application process again, TBH it's not that arduous. though you'd hope common sense would prevail and immigration will come up with some fast track method to restart expired retirement visa/extensions... if only to cut down their workload. though as with most things at the moment stay calm and manage your expectations.

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