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Voodoos & Spells.


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Voodoos , spell . charm , hex , potion , alchemcy , minor key , major key , evil , demon worship . magik ,

all this is really just parts of the human lack of knowldge and sometime disrespect for their world which blind them from seeing what is real .

alot of the action is more silly then effective . but it act as a cushion for the mind and the darker side of the human being .


i would love to talk much deep into this topic , but is also a topic which need more attention and best if you meet me up i would be happy to spend hour over hour to share what i know about it .

but for now i will do my finger workout and just type what i can swiftly bring out of my mind .

since human is really 70 % water , alot of stuff can effectively change what we feel and think .

on a higher note -the misunderstanding of meeting a really nice girl with charm . and she might be casting a spell . on us . is such that , and sad to say . maybe back in our country . such angelic nice woman .. rarely exist .

the thai woman is one who take care of their body . and the smell good , as well as look good . and is kinda and respectful to us Man , so sometime this culture shock make us in disbelief .


so while 75% of the so called spell is notthing more then meaningless action done to make the caster feel good .

and maybe give you some run to your toilet due to unclean food if your caster intention is to let you eat the water that drip from her under . i suggest you find a new girl .

while there are real magic ,

if you understand the word magic , it had been alway like a rubic cube

some can understand it some can't

and those who can't will see it as sometime to special .

the art of blending nature herb into mind controlling potion or to extent life taking - is no mere then the understanding of

how life itself is make up . and of cos the way how human live .

if you open your hear and study human being you will understand more .

is as simple as if you eat alot of chilli you will feel hot .

and if you drink alot of cold water at once you get brain freeze .

here one spell for you .

for those who wanna get some chick .

Step one .

Take a Long shower , prefer cold shower and use oil base soap .

prefer those with some sence .

Step two .

go visit yor hairdress and tell him or her you want a neat and tidy hair cut .

Look at yourself from the mirror when you do so . and ask yourself what kinda woman you like .

Step 3

Go visit some supermall or shopping complex and select sometime nice which the sale girl would suggest .

Step 4 .

get a nice wallet or a money clip .

i prefer money clip and i seldom carry a wallet .

make sure you only clip on stack of thousand baht .

and the small change put it in your front pocket .

Step 5 .

parctice your smile . infont of the mirror .

so that it look nature .

step 6

go out and meet people .

and be nice to people .

step 7

COld shower again .

is very importanc that you shower at least twice a day . and with scented oil base soap .

last by not least

repeat the process every time . you feel that your lady luck running low .

good luck .

don't fear what you don't know .

discovering it may be mroe fun then running away from it

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on a higher note -the misunderstanding of meeting a really nice girl with charm . and she might be casting a spell . on us . is such that , and sad to say . maybe back in our country . such angelic nice woman .. rarely exist .

the thai woman is one who take care of their body . and the smell good , as well as look good . and is kinda and respectful to us Man , so sometime this culture shock make us in disbelief .

Do you notice how the women on this forum do not 'slam' the males? Something to think about ...

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The use of psychology


drink to drunk

brain washing

Breaking them down

Getting Married


send me money. now


The girlfriend's sister


The girlfriend's other sister

send me money

The girlfriend's friends

Be careful out there.

The best post I've red so far, this is real voodo.

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Like most things that we can find no answers for at the moment ,if ever, humans will invent a load of old tosh, pick any religion or voodoo, devil worshippers, witches , aliens, cult fruitcakes, teacups, apples pears bananas etc etc. Dont forget he world is flat. Oh bugger I forgot it aint must be the voodoo !!!!!! scarey eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not maybe it can be moved.

We've all heard the urban legends, know someone who knows someone, etc., affected by black magick supposedly.

I'm researching a book and have the Thai end covered however, I'd like to hear personal stories from foreigners who have been affected by black magick or voodoo or know something about it, if you wouldn't mind sharing either in the forum or by message. This includes anything from those tales of being "made to fall in love" by bargirls, to carrying around dead babies and exorcisms. I'm going to witness an exorcism as part of my research and I would in particular like to know if anyone has seen one in Thailand before?


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Perhaps we are still in our infancy as human beings that is pretty evident just read some of the posts, people are disagreeable in general about the most basic things and don't make any mistakes or abuse is sure to follow. However I fail to see how science could be mistaken for "mumbo-jumbo". When people can have a civilized conversation (or post something for that matter) without pointing out every flaw (unless it is constructive) we may have a better more evolved world to live in.

I was pointing out that throughout history 'The Truth' has, within a reasonably short period of time, been found wanting. There's no reason to believe that 'science' (another

convenient invention) won't suffer the same fate.

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Do you notice how the women on this forum do not 'slam' the males? Something to think about ...

You mean the females merely walked over them in their stilettos heels? :o

By the gods I hope so.

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I have been studying religion and cultural ritual for the past 20 years all over the world (professionally, that's what I do for a pay check) and I assure you anything I have seen or my colleagues have seen anywhere in the world can be explained. Nothing unreal exists except in the mind. Science may not be perfect but it is a tool and it serves much better than anything else we have used in the past. Science has cured disease, given us a comfortable life style, etc., etc., etc. science is breaking new ground everyday, nothing in human history has proven more useful than science, there is no religion, ritual or belief that can do what humankind and science has. As we enter a new age people fear what is to come just like the people of the dark ages and look to some supreme power or deity to intervene on their behalf and put things right but I think we all know deep down that's not realistic and it is not going to happen. It is time for us to shed our fear and superstition and realize we are all in this together and no one gets out alive perhaps then we can start working together. And yes endure with some of the ignorance in the world today science may not last as books are burned and invention and progress are destroyed, some people want to live in the dark ages and burn witches at the stake. My very simple point that has been twisted and turned into something it is not was very simply.... No! it is not real!

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My Thai GF told me about one of her friends. This friend is a 32 year-old Buriram lady, divorced with two children from her prior marriage. She met a British man of about 35 years of age in a Pattaya bar and they became BF/GF. He returned home after a few weeks, and she returned to her village, where she promptly hired the local shaman to do 'black magic' so that her BF would give her all his money. Well, her BF is a taxi driver back home, so he's not a wealthy man, but shortly thereafter his mother dies and he inherits her house. Immediately he sold the house, and within two months he bought a condo for his new GF in Pattaya, and paid for a deluxe house to be built for her in her Buriram village. Additionally, he sends her 30k to 50k baht per month. Within six months they got married. A year later, I hear that she's terrible to him, and they're thinking of divorce. Now that she has his money.

No way to know for sure whether the 'black magic' was the cause, but he sure parted with his money quickly.

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I have been studying religion and cultural ritual for the past 20 years all over the world (professionally, that's what I do for a pay check) and I assure you anything I have seen or my colleagues have seen anywhere in the world can be explained. Nothing unreal exists except in the mind. Science may not be perfect but it is a tool and it serves much better than anything else we have used in the past. Science has cured disease, given us a comfortable life style, etc., etc., etc. science is breaking new ground everyday, nothing in human history has proven more useful than science, there is no religion, ritual or belief that can do what humankind and science has. As we enter a new age people fear what is to come just like the people of the dark ages and look to some supreme power or deity to intervene on their behalf and put things right but I think we all know deep down that's not realistic and it is not going to happen. It is time for us to shed our fear and superstition and realize we are all in this together and no one gets out alive perhaps then we can start working together. And yes endure with some of the ignorance in the world today science may not last as books are burned and invention and progress are destroyed, some people want to live in the dark ages and burn witches at the stake. My very simple point that has been twisted and turned into something it is not was very simply.... No! it is not real!

To minimize these things into the realm of the unreal or superstition is just as bad as an unquestioning belief in them. To discount them is to assume that science or scholars have all of the answers in the universe. These beliefs and practices are centuries older than modern science. Not all of it is bad, like in anything else. But if you're not familiar with this stuff, it's best to try to learn something about it or stay away from it.

In the states there has been for years an intentional dumbing down of the masses by the elite. Those same elite ( who control the purse strings of scientist) are only interested in controlling science and the educational system in order to disenfranchise the less educated and less fortunate while furthering their conquest for wealth and power. Where do you think most of the volunteer armies come from?

It's great that you are a professional, so am I, (In a different field, however) but you only know as much as you know now until there is something new to know. And that depends on whether you are open to it or not. As you stated, science is breaking new ground all the time. There's plenty not only in this world but in this universe to learn and a lot that none of us will ever know, but search on.

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I have been studying religion and cultural ritual for the past 20 years all over the world (professionally, that's what I do for a pay check) and I assure you anything I have seen or my colleagues have seen anywhere in the world can be explained. Nothing unreal exists except in the mind. Science may not be perfect but it is a tool and it serves much better than anything else we have used in the past. Science has cured disease, given us a comfortable life style, etc., etc., etc. science is breaking new ground everyday, nothing in human history has proven more useful than science, there is no religion, ritual or belief that can do what humankind and science has. As we enter a new age people fear what is to come just like the people of the dark ages and look to some supreme power or deity to intervene on their behalf and put things right but I think we all know deep down that's not realistic and it is not going to happen. It is time for us to shed our fear and superstition and realize we are all in this together and no one gets out alive perhaps then we can start working together. And yes endure with some of the ignorance in the world today science may not last as books are burned and invention and progress are destroyed, some people want to live in the dark ages and burn witches at the stake. My very simple point that has been twisted and turned into something it is not was very simply.... No! it is not real!

Here here and remember if god didnt exist man/woman would invent it, just about sums it up!!

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I have been studying religion and cultural ritual for the past 20 years all over the world (professionally, that's what I do for a pay check) and I assure you anything I have seen or my colleagues have seen anywhere in the world can be explained. Nothing unreal exists except in the mind. Science may not be perfect but it is a tool and it serves much better than anything else we have used in the past. Science has cured disease, given us a comfortable life style, etc., etc., etc. science is breaking new ground everyday, nothing in human history has proven more useful than science, there is no religion, ritual or belief that can do what humankind and science has. As we enter a new age people fear what is to come just like the people of the dark ages and look to some supreme power or deity to intervene on their behalf and put things right but I think we all know deep down that's not realistic and it is not going to happen. It is time for us to shed our fear and superstition and realize we are all in this together and no one gets out alive perhaps then we can start working together. And yes endure with some of the ignorance in the world today science may not last as books are burned and invention and progress are destroyed, some people want to live in the dark ages and burn witches at the stake. My very simple point that has been twisted and turned into something it is not was very simply.... No! it is not real!

To minimize these things into the realm of the unreal or superstition is just as bad as an unquestioning belief in them. To discount them is to assume that science or scholars have all of the answers in the universe. These beliefs and practices are centuries older than modern science. Not all of it is bad, like in anything else. But if you're not familiar with this stuff, it's best to try to learn something about it or stay away from it.

In the states there has been for years an intentional dumbing down of the masses by the elite. Those same elite ( who control the purse strings of scientist) are only interested in controlling science and the educational system in order to disenfranchise the less educated and less fortunate while furthering their conquest for wealth and power. Where do you think most of the volunteer armies come from?

It's great that you are a professional, so am I, (In a different field, however) but you only know as much as you know now until there is something new to know. And that depends on whether you are open to it or not. As you stated, science is breaking new ground all the time. There's plenty not only in this world but in this universe to learn and a lot that none of us will ever know, but search on.

At last, someone with an intelligent response to all those "only the uneducated believe in the supernatural" folk. Do you honestly think that spirits and ghosts are just imagined and have only ever featured in people's minds? If they do exist why is it not possible that a person (medium) contact them, use them or be contacted by them, such as those performing rituals (good or bad)? I would first suggest that any hardcore non-believers put their largest cynical hat on and visit a reputable clairvoyant, then visit a couple more to be sure, and then say that there is no supernatural and no rituals bring any result. I would hazard a guess that even a good percentage of scientists will admit there is a realistic possibility that not all rituals (clairvoyance, age-old witchcraft, ouijaboard) or spirits are just devised by our imagination feeding our senses.

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Do you notice how the women on this forum do not 'slam' the males? Something to think about ...

You obviously have not met me yet, BB. :D

I was thinking exactly that when I read boxing beauty's comment. :D Nice to see you again, JG. :D I also thought it best not to draw attention to myself, vis a vis her comment! :D:o

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Agreed that those who are positive there is no supernatural have no basis for that level of certainty. The lack of objective, verifiable proof that something does exist is not any affirmative evidence that it does not.

We understand so much compared to a few hundred years ago, but we still only understand so little compared to what there is to know.

My pet peeve is the expats here who laugh at the locals for asking permission from the spirits before they piss into the jungle during a round of golf. They don't KNOW the locals are wrong.

And why is it that we can often FEEL it when a person has his eyes on us? What's that all about? Perhaps not unexplained, but I've never heard the explanation.

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