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British nationals could be barred from entering Thailand under new proposals


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On 1/4/2021 at 8:17 AM, A Los for words said:

So despite a clear COVID Fit to Fly test, insurance and 15 days ASQ, Brits won't be allowed to come in. What if they agree to buy a condo?

No money to do so, just hot air. GBPeso in the tank, Third World economy.

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5 hours ago, BigStar said:

No money to do so, just hot air. GBPeso in the tank, Third World economy.

i got 41 at the weekend, that's less of a drop than Canada/Australia/NZ and most other western countries.

USA isn't much better either.


name a currency that has risen against the Baht in the last five years?


Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

i got 41 at the weekend, that's less of a drop than Canada/Australia/NZ and most other western countries.

USA isn't much better either.


name a currency that has risen against the Baht in the last five years?


Chinese Yuan, perhaps?  Certainly not the good guys currencies.

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23 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


The virus originated in Wuhan according to the WHO. There is still some suspicion it originated at a bio development lab rather than in the local nearby wet market. The Chinese government's suppression of journalists other than those that towed the party line hasn't helped clearing up the suspicions of some sought of cover up. Hardly the bastion of truth, honesty and an open press, now is it?

The Chinese people cannot be blamed for the virus itself, or the actions of their government.


The variant isn't the "Brit strain" as you suggest. It is a variant first discovered in the UK, which the WHO say has some of the most stringent testing and analysis in the world. Other countries, ones also diligent and not so keen to suppress information,  have also confirmed cases of the variant and most not blamed it on some one traveling from the UK.


No one is to blame, unless the virus was the result of man made government research. If that's not the case then China may also have been guilty in, after identifying it, suppressing the information and allowing its nationals and goods to travel outside China so spreading it. But that all has to be investigated and confirmed. A lot more factual research is required. 


"No one is to blame"......are you awake?........did you not see the news reports of doctors being 'silenced' while they were trying to raise the alarm.

Forced to sign paperwork that discredited them, while domestic flights out of Wuhan were stopped but international flights allowed.


There has been a decade long experiment on bat coronaviruses that are collected from caves and stored in an institute......can you guess where?.....Yes, it's called the WIV......Wuhan institute of virology.

Seems odd that a bat coronavirus started infecting humans in the same city that all the bat coronaviruses are stored doesn't it?

See the report here..... Bats, roadblocks and the origins of coronavirus - BBC News


More worrisome is the latest variant to come out of South Africa.


Never tell me no one is to blame.

The CCP are totally to blame.

The doctors statements to the international press have already proved this.


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