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Lockdown now or face dire consequences like Japan, warns top doc


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10 hours ago, Travelanimal said:

Lockdown isn't answer and never will be . It will only harm the economy.  If you haven't learnt it till now then you are foolish

indeed, good point. Amazing how everyone is falling into the trap. Like the Mayas sacrificing innocent people at the top of their temple to ask the Gods to stop volcanoes from erupting ????

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10 hours ago, Travelanimal said:

Lockdown isn't answer and never will be . It will only harm the economy.  If you haven't learnt it till now then you are foolish

Not locking down costs even more. While a virus gets out of control ppl spend money only on necessities =little, hospital system gets overwhelmed, many people suffer longcovid need rehab. All costs money, your life is restricted by the raging outbreak for months. With a tough lockdown you can slowly restart after a month.

Or why do you think a British situation is desireable? They locked down sort of  in the end.

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11 hours ago, Travelanimal said:

Lockdown isn't answer and never will be . It will only harm the economy.  If you haven't learnt it till now then you are foolish

Correct the problem is we do not adhere to the rules look at the parties going on at peoples houses and then we still have the temerity to ask on social media how many people are we  allowed this time round to our parties

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I was just informed by a relative of my wife, who works in the provincial government, that as of tomorrow, the whole country is locking down. We has a trip planned to Korat and Chaiyaphum, and we would have been stopped on the highway, and quarantined for 14 days, from what I was told. He said there will be a mandatory 14 day quarantine for all people entering any province.


A rather strong move, but likely necessary, after yesterday's numbers were revealed. Had Prayuth and his team been on the ball, this would have happened in Samut Sakorn immediately, when the outbreak happened, and it would have likely been contained.


He and his utterly hapless and stunningly incompetent army have failed us once again, and he needs to admit the failure, apologize to the nation, and fall on his sword, metaphorically, by handing in his resignation, in utter humiliation. 


A speech to the nation. "I am so sorry. I could have stopped this from happening. Same goes for my health minister. We are both handing in our resignation, starting tomorrow. It is the right thing to do. I now realize both myself and Anutin have been way over our heads, this entire time. We take responsibility. Forgive us, if u can, but we will never forgive ourselves for failing you, the people of Thailand. 

I agree with you 100%, but you know that a Thai politician will never admit they were wrong.

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6 hours ago, Letseng said:

Not locking down costs even more. While a virus gets out of control ppl spend money only on necessities =little, hospital system gets overwhelmed, many people suffer longcovid need rehab. All costs money, your life is restricted by the raging outbreak for months. With a tough lockdown you can slowly restart after a month.

Or why do you think a British situation is desireable? They locked down sort of  in the end.

Your missing the point dont you see the pattern? There's been plenty of lockdowns  it stopped nothing. As others have said if it worked everyone would happily do it but most have seen how ineffective they are. It's not going away. Australia has had some of the harshest rolling lockdowns in the world for a year! With closed borders even within states.

       Victoria was locked down for over 9 months with people not allowed to leave their homes except to get food and then not travel more than 5km even in rural areas with no infection. Yet Still facing a second wave. The problem with lockdowns is they have to end. Humans and society in general is not designed for that sort of existence.  So unless you want to be like New Zealand and no one ever goes anywhere ever again. No one travels, no one sees their friends then clearly lockdowns don't work. The only reason governments force lockdowns is they have no other solution and the political football of us just accepting that people will die from this is too much to voice publicly. This false narrative that if we just stay inside for a few weeks everything stops is ridiculous. 

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12 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

Yes, but the point is why do people care about the health of the economy more than the health of the people?

I think they are pretty closely linked, look at how enjoyable it is for those whose countries slide from relative economic health to poverty and internal and external conflicts, war.Look at how much misery and death there can be and you might begin to appreciate that many prefer a healthy and stable economy because they save lives many, many lives.But even then you might end up with a population like in some western countries which seemed to become more vulnerable to something like this virus.Some of us maybe paying the price for our good living.May be we need to find the right balance or nature will do the balancing.

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13 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

Yes, but the point is why do people care about the health of the economy more than the health of the people?


Governments can give stimmy checks / support workers like the US and UK and most other European nations.


Short term pain by closing everything down for a 6-7 week period - and enforcing it stringently to eradicate the virus - is much better for the economy and the people.

stimmy checks is sending the cost to generations that cant vote,

but thats not your problem

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12 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:


Well said. And scientifically, your spot on. Lockdowns bring the virus numbers tumbling down - leave a lockdown too early and it's a pointless 4 week pause on life. 2 months locked down is more likely, then a virus rapid response team needs to be ready to find and trace the remaining clusters. Total compliance with strict and draconian punishments need to be introduced to get this thing under wraps. We have vaccines now so if we did this properly, we could be looking at the end of this thing by the end of the year.


When lockdown ends, people can't just go about their daily lives as if everything is normal - mask wearing (not the infamous chin diaper - put it over your nose and mouth ALL THE TIME outside of the home), social distancing and temp checks before entering stores etc. are all neccessary. Stop hugging every person you meet for christs sake! No jumping on a plane and holidaying in Spain on the beach and partying like nothing is different. stop international travel, and only have bubbles with countries who have contained the virus.

That is not living, it is only existing. I feel sorry and depressed for you to endorse an idea of such a pitiful existence.

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12 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

put it over your nose and mouth ALL THE TIME outside of the home

i advice against, i put it over the nose, the mask directed my exhale

into my eyes, my eyes got agitated and all of a sudden i became almost blind on one eye. its also my dominant eye so now i cant drive safely

and especially not in dark.

i wont be putting the mask over my nose again,

and i sooner blind anyone trying to force me then risking my last eye

Edited by scammed
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Well as for priority, The elderly and health care and front line workers like Police,

Fire fighters Ambulance attendants and drivers. Of course the politicians will ensure

they are near or at the front of the line.  As for people over 65, there are lots of them who live in

condos, apartments, and lots in senior homes.  A lot of them in Canada are in real fear

of catching Covid 19, and many already have caught it and have died, especially those in the Senior homes.. As for people under 65.

 many of them own their homes or are renting some sort of dwelling. and how about those 

under 40. Some of them are still living in their parents houses. It would appear that many people

from 55 and younger are expected to be at least a little bit healthier than all the Seniors.  So, for the 

posters who think that all those who are over 65 have one foot in the grave, and should just

 wait at the back of the line, well I guess it sucks to be you.      How about a lot of people in

Africa or places like that who will never get a vaccination, even if they wanted one.  

   We all need as much luck as we can get right now, so  stay healthy everybody.


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23 hours ago, 86Tiger said:



Maybe the answer could be lock down "...all the old, the obese and those with underlying health conditions...." and let the healthy, young population go about providing food, shelter, clothing to sustain society.


But that is just a guess.......


I guess you're not a qualified doctor, or expert in transmitted diseases? 

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9 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:

If EVERYONE followed these rules, then we would be like other countries who have successfully contained the virus - New Zealand, Australia, China, Brunei, Taiwan, Vietnam etc.


i think they mean it has been about a year since all this started. lets see how successful those countries you listed will be when things open up again. my guess is it spreads as there is simply too many ways humans will spread this. 

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1 minute ago, mr mr said:


i think they mean it has been about a year since all this started. lets see how successful those countries you listed will be when things open up again. my guess is it spreads as there is simply too many ways humans will spread this. 

Hence to requirement we ALL get vaccinated?

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17 minutes ago, mr mr said:


i think they mean it has been about a year since all this started. lets see how successful those countries you listed will be when things open up again. my guess is it spreads as there is simply too many ways humans will spread this. 

I think that's the only way these countries will remain under control - they won't open up.


They won't allow tourism / immigration to be the same as before without quarantine measures and new rules in place. It will be easier for countries to just allow travel bubbles with each other with a shorter quarantine period. It may be harder for people to move around the globe now, but the new vaccines look promising.


The test will be if they are effective against mutations. If not, then as others have suggested, this may never go away, unless these new Mrna vaccines are as quick to make and manufacture as they claim (6 weeks for a mutated strain). The thing that we have to trust is how many diseases have we eradicated through global vaccine programs? Smallpox, rinderpest and almost completely eradicated polio (under 500 cases a year globally) 84% of the world has been vaccinated against measels. We must try to vaccinate first - it's pointless to assume that this is all for nothing, and hopeless. 


We have been very successful at vaccinating our populations to get rid of diseases, and this one has every pharmaceutical company in the world working on this problem. We already have several different types of vaccine available in many different countries, so a little short term pain now, could potentially save millions of lives. We just need to stick through it together.

Edited by 2530Ubon
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1 minute ago, 2530Ubon said:

The test will be if they are effective against mutations. If not, then as others have suggested, this may never go away, unless these new rns vaccinaes are as quick to make and manufacture as they claim (6 weeks for a mutated strain). The thing that we have to trust is how many diseases have we eradicated through global vaccine programs? Smallpox, rinderpest and almost completely eradicated polio (under 500 cases a year globally) 84% of the world has been vaccinated against measels. We must try to vaccinate first - it's pointless to assume that this is all for nothing, and hopeless.


all of this happened in a much different world than the one we live in now. what was the population then vs now ? containing anything anymore would require nothing less than a totalitarian rule. something i actually fully support. 

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1 minute ago, mr mr said:


convincing the entire human race to do this. good luck with that. never going to happen. not saying  i disagree with you but.....

A very valid point. There are so many conspiracy theorists out there and America is going to be one hard nut to crack. I'm sure there will be incentives though. For example, you can only go on holiday / leave the state / work in certain industries where you need contact with a lot people if you have been vaccinated.

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7 minutes ago, frantick said:

Lockdown has been constant. Did you forget about locked borders, reduced flights, etc? My idea of living is totally different than someone holed up in an up-country Thai village. And I'm old and fat if you think I'm some young punk thinking he'll live forever.


Many, including myself, don't want your version of life.

Mate he's confused. In one post he says it will all be over in a few weeks. In others he talks about countries controlling it by just not opening up. You can't have it both ways. Lol.

  I also don't want that version of life because that's not a life at all.

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Just now, starky said:

Mate he's confused. In one post he says it will all be over in a few weeks. In others he talks about countries controlling it by just not opening up. You can't have it both ways. Lol.

  I also don't want that version of life because that's not a life at all.

Could be UK Cabinet member at this rate....or even PM.

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1 hour ago, 2530Ubon said:

I think that's the only way these countries will remain under control - they won't open up.


They won't allow tourism / immigration to be the same as before without quarantine measures and new rules in place. It will be easier for countries to just allow travel bubbles with each other with a shorter quarantine period. It may be harder for people to move around the globe now, but the new vaccines look promising.


The test will be if they are effective against mutations. If not, then as others have suggested, this may never go away, unless these new Mrna vaccines are as quick to make and manufacture as they claim (6 weeks for a mutated strain). The thing that we have to trust is how many diseases have we eradicated through global vaccine programs? Smallpox, rinderpest and almost completely eradicated polio (under 500 cases a year globally) 84% of the world has been vaccinated against measels. We must try to vaccinate first - it's pointless to assume that this is all for nothing, and hopeless. 


We have been very successful at vaccinating our populations to get rid of diseases, and this one has every pharmaceutical company in the world working on this problem. We already have several different types of vaccine available in many different countries, so a little short term pain now, could potentially save millions of lives. We just need to stick through it together.

Love how you cherry pick the only 2 things that have been successfully eliminated in the whole history of modern medicine. You know what medicine hasnt eliminated?

  Everything else! AIDS has now killed over 70 million, flu hundreds of thousands every year world wide. No one knows the true efficacy of these vaccines yet or even how long the potentially can make you immune for. I have seen very few negative posts here but I have seen a lot of realistic ones. You keep talking about "short term" like you've got the answers. You want to live in a bubble for the rest of your life fine many of us don't.  I spent 10 months confined to 1 part or one state I've done now 8 weeks of quarantine. Guess what? Here we are a year later? Guess what else? It hasn't gone anywhere. I wish you well and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but please stop with let's just lock our selves up for another few weeks and everything will be hunky dory spiel.

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On 1/4/2021 at 5:09 PM, Travelanimal said:

Lockdown isn't answer and never will be . It will only harm the economy.  If you haven't learnt it till now then you are foolish

Very true. And for every doctor supporting lockdown, you'll find others who say it's ineffective. Add to that the economic devastation it causes, with the knock on effects to health that poverty causes. 


Isolation should be voluntary, for those most at risk.

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