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More boots at the border: Extra forces to stem illegal entries from Thailand


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The Ministries of Defence and Interior have deployed more soldiers and border police personnel along all provinces neighbouring Thailand in order to prevent migrant workers from returning illegally and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Kingdom. Brigadier General Mao Phalla, Royal Cambodian Army spokesman, told Khmer Times yesterday that the increase of armed forces along the borders with Thailand is aimed at strengthening the work of protecting the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and prevent migrant workers from crossing over illegally in order to avoid being quarantined.


Brig Gen Phalla said the deployments are also to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 as neighbouring countries are now experiencing community transmissions. “It is the army’s duty to protect the territorial integrity and protect the people from being exposed to COVID-19. It is not an unusual thing,” he said. “The deployment of more armed forces along the Cambodian-Thai border is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and prevent our migrant workers who cross the border illegally to go home from spreading the disease,” he said.


However, Brig Gen Phalla declined to release the number of extra armed forces personnel deployed along the borders of Cambodia and Thailand, saying that “it is confidential for national security reasons.” Lieutenant General Ek Sam Oun, the commander of Military Region 5 in Battamabang province, said that the armed forces are now patrolling the border at all provinces neighbouring Thailand.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50800772/more-boots-at-the-border-extra-forces-to-stem-illegal-entries-from-thailand/

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As cases started heating up in Myanmar they didn't think about this? They know the roads, check points, and smuggling routes and did nothing. Now all of the sudden they have mass testing? Sorry but no other way to put this, the administration has failed its people

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21 minutes ago, finewine said:

Cambodia doesn't have a border with Myanmar 

Don't  confuse the poster with geographical facts, they may be using the Merriam-Webster World Atlas ????

21 minutes ago, finewine said:

Cambodia doesn't have a border 


Duplicated content
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