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Thai hospitality magnate calls on govt to allow vaccinated foreigners entry into Thailand


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Well, if the bigwig of the land's biggest hotel chain (as per the article) addresses the Prime Minister with "General" in the address as well as in the introductory greeting, then Heinecke just explained possibly his understanding of what he voted for in March 2019 .... 

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Regardless of what Mr. Heinecke's motivations are when he  wrote the letter to the Prime Minister,  some of the comments he made are still valid. 

  1. Such as, hospitality employees are front line workers and as such, it would be prudent to include them in the first round of vaccinations.   
  2. Thailand jumping on board with quarantine free travel for vaccinated travellers is not only smart but will encourage more travelers to come to Thailand.  Really, it's only a matter of time that other nations will allow it; why not get ahead of the curve and offer it? 
  3. Consider more vaccine options.  That is certainly not a bad idea and/or suggestion.  With the urgency of this pandemic nothing should be off the table in getting ANY vaccines to utilize against the virus.  More options is the better way to go in this instance. 

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Minor has hotels (owned/leased) in 54 countries, the bulk of which are outside of Thailand. So he's got bigger challenges.


The letter is just him feeling the urge to share his "expertise".


He's a huge Junta supporter so assume he's got other access to the PM, other than through an English language "open" letter.


Just a bit of lipstick on the pig.



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23 hours ago, Whale said:

I met him twice at the end of last century. I would not trust him as far as I could throw a jeep. All his opinions are based on improving his profit irrespective.

Why should the government plan to put hospitality workers (in the international sector) at the front of the queue when theres no international tourists nor "vac passport" nor any international verifiable standard for such a thing. 



This guy seems to be another Branson type capitalist, though for the sake of the livelihoods of the ordinary Thai people, I personally want to see everything done to attract tourists, particularly long stay ones under fifty, and retirees back to Thailand.

As was mentioned in a post last week, change these outdated visa rules, and make things attractive to long stay tourists and retirees, stop this ridiculous 90 day reporting nonsense, and start getting the Thai people into work, these tourists and retirees do a lot of contributing to the Thai economy.

But we all know that this unelected "PM" and his soldiers are only interested in themselves, and have hit tourism and emigration badly in the last seven years since they bullied their way into power.

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15 hours ago, Benmart said:

He hasn't stated his motives, so perhaps he can be asked. When I call someone an idiot, it is usually my own reflection in the mirror.

Are you suggesting we discuss his motives for stating that the coup was necessary? consider taking up marijuana farming instead  of debating. ????

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9 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Thailand is on the EU list of safe countries. No quarantine required upon return.

I doubt that will last for long. American friends are diss'ing Canada for announcing a 3 day quarantine for incoming, from just about everywhere. Ironically, they misquote the cost as ''CAD$2,000 for a a hotel''. In fact, this cost includes hotel medical personnel, food, AND the virus test)

Edited by paddypower
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15 hours ago, jkcjag said:

If he wasn’t profit driven he wouldn’t be running the company for much longer would he? The point is that the livelihood of thousands workers are at stake.

He cannot have much brains if he thought that a bunch of soldiers, some with military academy education are fit to run a country. But! Again! Business brains are very different from ordinary brains.

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:54 AM, webfact said:

quarantine free travel for vaccinated

I'm all for free travelling for everybody, and personally I think most (if not all) countries around the world are taking the covid completely out of proportion. The numbers we hear everyday all over the world of newly infected people mean absolutely nothing. The vast majority don't and won't have any symptoms. I'm pretty sure that if people were to be tested for common flu every winter we'll see just as high numbers, but no-one has ever done the testings before. 

But as long as there are strict measures to (try) control this virus, the idea of letting vaccinated people enter any country without quarantine is simply stupid. Although they won't (or rather not supposed to...) get sick, they can still spread the virus just as all other asymptomatic people do. 

Again - I think life should return to normal right now, with special care and protection for those at high risk.

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This guy is Minor Group of companies. One of which owns "Ripley's Believe It or Not" in Pattaya a well known place that charges more for foreigners to enter than Thai citizens. And the double charging is hidden from foreign view by deceptive means. Use of Thai numerals for Thai prices. He truly has adopted the "Thai Way" of doing business. 

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Too early to consider reopening for Tourism.  World vaccination programme must get under way as a first priority to get the viras under control and hopefully stop mutations. We are going to have to live with this dreadful disease  probably for many years and consequently health restrictions before travel will have to be put in place 

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58 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

I'm all for free travelling for everybody, and personally I think most (if not all) countries around the world are taking the covid completely out of proportion. The numbers we hear everyday all over the world of newly infected people mean absolutely nothing. The vast majority don't and won't have any symptoms. I'm pretty sure that if people were to be tested for common flu every winter we'll see just as high numbers, but no-one has ever done the testings before. 

But as long as there are strict measures to (try) control this virus, the idea of letting vaccinated people enter any country without quarantine is simply stupid. Although they won't (or rather not supposed to...) get sick, they can still spread the virus just as all other asymptomatic people do. 

Again - I think life should return to normal right now, with special care and protection for those at high risk.

There's also a case to say as more and more people get vaccinated people who are vaccinated but are 'carriers' of the virus will be spreading it less in terms of infections and need for medical care will be reducing because many/most of these folks have also been vaccinated. 


Roll on vaccinations globally to a large % of all citizens and as fast as possible thanks and . 


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20 hours ago, jkcjag said:

If he wasn’t profit driven he wouldn’t be running the company for much longer would he? The point is that the livelihood of thousands workers are at stake.

The company was a gift from Daddy. A lot like Trump, except he hasn’t run his businesses into the ground...yet.

Edited by d2b2
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On 2/1/2021 at 11:53 PM, onebir said:

Unclear, and at least one epidemiologist thinks it's unlikely:

I'm hoping the Israeli data will clear this up in the next couple of months.

But until we know, I would say it's better to be cautious, it's also possible the vaccine can actually encourage the virus to mutate if its not administered very soon and quickly, that's why the government should get a vaccine into the arms of EVERYONE in Thailand. Not just Citizens.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/1/2021 at 10:38 AM, mtls2005 said:

Well, I mean, he did also issue an open letter in 2014 Thai-splaining that the coup was necessary and everyone who didn't support it "got it wrong".


"I am distressed by the interpretation by a number of Western governments and the international media of both the Coup that recently took place in Thailand and the situation that led to the Coup. Put succinctly, many of you have gotten it wrong."




off topic, but yes he has a point. The Coup was very good, and now we can see the results; Thailands leaders have prevented a starting pandemic to ravage the country like it did and does in the usa. (500.ooo deaths and counting).

If a manipulating populist like Taksin would have been in power, he would have made decisions not based on medical science, but on politics more the style of the usa. 


The west too often measurrs things in other cultures with their own western values and little considerationor understanding, or respect, for other ways diferent culture style.

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