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Wrapped in Brexit red tape, a UK freight firm struggles to trade


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3 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Yes, I have seen at least one newspaper now has been saying that more than 20 years - how the EU is doomed - it will soon fall apart and end... yet it is still here... and the UK is getting smaller (Northern Ireland and Gibraltar and possibly in the future Scotland).  So which union is more fragile?

          No harm in the UK getting smaller, it would save English tax payers millions in handouts, Scotland is a prime example of one nation that would not survive on its own, Sturgeons a fool to think it could. I would be very happy to see England to withdraw all its military bases from Scotland, free school meals ???, and all its MP's.

         Gibralter is up to Gibaltarian"s, which currently has a massive remain UK agenda, but sorry to say, too many EU states are thinking twice about leaving the corrupt block.


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3 hours ago, bannork said:

Time will tell. I believe we will rejoin in a few years, realizing the dreadful error we made.

Rejoining would mean accepting the euro. While I would love to have the UK back, accepting the euro is not going to happen.

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24 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

easy to speak like that when somebody is 8,421 miles /13,552 Kilometers away... did it ever crossed your mind or could it be, the ones (people) living in the UK, depending on daily business across the borders,  may have a different optic... for the sake of it,  give it a thought will you, no need for sad/confused emoji... quite sure you are a grown up person and can just give it a thought

So the remainer "you don't live in the UK' ploy rears it's head again....tut, tut...????


You do know the UK folk you are talking about voted to leave the EU don't you...?

My family and friends live in the UK, and as far as I know they all voted to leave...


I believe in democracy, you and a few others here don't, you dismiss democracy to cuddle up to those across the channel...Hypocrites...

Emijons, they are there to be used, or is that a remainer thing too, that you don't like but remainers use them, tut,tut...?....????


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4 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

If you voted for Brexit, you can't complain. All this was totally foreseeable.


     I don't see Brexiteers just complaining, they are simply highlighting the EU corruption methods. Its going to take time. but the UK will eventually have the upper hand, as the EU disintegrates

     I'm sure Britain has more intelligent business men and politicians than intelligent remainder's.

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Sounds like you're stuck in 1940.

I quote the great E.J Thribb's remarks the day after the referendum:

 'Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their most foolish hour."


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Just now, bannork said:

Sounds like you're stuck in 1940.

I quote the great E.J Thribb's remarks the day after the referendum:

 'Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their most foolish hour."


Apologies, I was replying to 'poet'.

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1 hour ago, Mavideol said:

I didn't heard ANY  EU business people or EU member complain about the way things are done after Brexit...., the ONLY complainers so far are some (the number keeps growing 555)  Brexiteers

Mon ami, did you not hear Barnier complain about UvL. Nothing for Brexiteers to complain about, we got what we wanted, some might say with nobs on. Whereas the remainers didn't get their nickname by finishing 1st in a 3 legged race.

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:


Yes, and businesses had to wait nearly four years for the government to tell them exactly what paperwork was needed.

And whose fault was that, who were the ones trying to stifle Brexit by any means they possibly could, who were the MPs that refused to vote for anything...........I'll leave it for you to fill the gaps in.

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4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


The MPs. If they didn't know what paperwork was required from the UK and EU, they could have asked the EU and decided what was needed on the UK side by working with Customs and Excise.

My point was that this charade of the remainers could have been sorted out 2 years ago without the hindrance of anti democratic MPs, and if some firms are managing their exports, do you think that there might be a problem with the firms themselves, or an even bigger possibility is that the media may be trying to find any negativity they can about the UK. Strangely nothing positive ever gets written, many might begin to think that the media was europhiles and extremely biased, surely not I hear you say.

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24 minutes ago, RayC said:


Considering that there is nothing for Brexiters to complain about, there are an awful lot of them still complaining about the EU.

And why not, we can go from ham sandwiches to dodgy vaccine stuff, things that you remainers are very quiet about. Plus the dodgy vaccine stuff was not the EU leaders fault, it is always somebody else.....????


Then we have Macron, Germany's EU no.2, now looks like being taken out by M. Le Pen, oh dear, seems some ripples are emerging on land as well as with fishing.....:whistling:

But don't worry, all your click thinks the UK will be back bailing the EU out in the future.......:stoner:......:cheesy:

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

My point was that this charade of the remainers could have been sorted out 2 years ago without the hindrance of anti democratic MPs, and if some firms are managing their exports, do you think that there might be a problem with the firms themselves, or an even bigger possibility is that the media may be trying to find any negativity they can about the UK. Strangely nothing positive ever gets written, many might begin to think that the media was europhiles and extremely biased, surely not I hear you say.

But it wasnt worked out. If it was remain it didnt need working out.

Blame is with the brexiteers.


Why should eu care.

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