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Foreign tourist arrivals in Thailand fall to decade low


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7 minutes ago, Poet said:

Just to be clear, Knight Frank is an Indian-owned real estate company who have learnt how to issue clueless press releases to gain mentions in clueless articles.

It is pretty obvious that Thai tourism will snap back to full capacity for the second half of this year if, as expected, they swap the quarantine and testing requirements for a vaccination requirement.

There is huge pent up demand for exotic vacations and, after a year of no going out, many people have vacation money burning a hole in their pockets.

Most advanced countries should reach general availability of vaccination, for all those who actually want it, by April or May. The current spats are about getting the first few million shots to the most vulnerable, and the EU messed up badly by wasting three months negotiating a few euros discount on each shot. We are, however, going to see the supply increase significantly as more vaccines come online, and as the production capacity is ramped up.

The US has already vaccinated 32m, China 25m, and the UK 10m. Even less advanced countries, such as France or Russia, have managed to get over a million done. The next few months will be grim but we can already see the path out of this. April will be a very different story.


They,re just doing the over 70 s now in the uk,saw a mate he had his saturday and his appointment for his second jab april 12 th so it would appear the advance force will consist of a dads army of mongers.

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3 minutes ago, kingdong said:

They,re just doing the over 70 s now in the uk,saw a mate he had his saturday and his appointment for his second jab april 12 th so it would appear the advance force will consist of a dads army of mongers.

Yeah. Those lucky bastards will have at least a few months of enjoying Thailand as relatively empty as it was in the 1970's.

Almost no Chinese. Imagine it!


Edited by Poet
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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

So tell me again how many people can afford to spend 16 days in quarantine in order to enjoy a vacation and then possibly be quarantined upon returning home as the country they would be returning from was considered not safely vaccinated.

It was explained, right there, in the same comment you quoted from:


Thai tourism will snap back to full capacity for the second half of this year if, as expected, they swap the quarantine and testing requirements for a vaccination requirement.

Mass tourism is not returning for any country with a quarantine. We are talking about the second half of the year when Thailand will have followed the lead of the Seychelles and other tourism-dependent countries and dropped the quarintine in favor of a vaccination requirement.

6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Add in the requirements for the Airlines, as of now, to mandate a 72 hour pre-flight Covid negative test to fly back westward.  Any concrete evidence this will not be needed

The major airlines have made it clear that, once a sufficient number of people are vaccinated, they will no longer carry any unvaccinated passengers.


8 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Tourism as I see it will be on hold until late 2022 at the earliest.

Tourism will be back, at full capacity, shortly after vaccines reach general availability in advanced countries in April or May (meaning anyone who wants a vaccine can get one).

A record number of people want to visit Thailand, a record number of people now have the money to do so. The Thai government, under pressure from the Thai elites who own Thailand, are anxious to get their tourism industry rolling again. They are not going to wait any longer than they absolutely have to. By this summer they will have vaccinated their own most vulnerable and will be open for business again, and the population will be satisfied that requiring all visitors to be vaccinated is good enough.

This isn't rocket science. Remember, always in Thailand, Money Number One.


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14 minutes ago, kingdong said:

full capacity tourism returning? I doubt it the depression thats in the post is going to be worldwide,jobs are being lost in the uk at a frightening rate even with the financial fools paradise of " furlough " a lot of visitors under retirement age to pattaya were self employed,the building trade,property market will be next to go for a burton,so all the builders who wouldn,t formerly get up for less than 200 sobs a day are going to get a rude awakening.so let see what occurs,( and by the way i hope i,m 100% wrong on this,was never too good at prophesies but can do simple arithmetic.)

And, yet, everyone seems to have earned and saved a lot of money over the past year.

I'm not saying that all the money printing is not going to have consequences at some point but we are almost certainly looking at a boom this summer as the broader effects of mass vaccination kick in. At the very least, you are going to see hundreds of millions of couples grabbing the opportunity to jet off for the dream vacation they've been promising themselves to get through these dark times.

I am amazed this is not obvious to everyone. I suspect some people on this forum simply feel that Thailand deserves economic collapse. Unfortunately, reality doesn't care about the chips on their shoulders. Mass vaccination is already happening in every advanced country, people are desperate to travel again, the airlines are raring to go, and it is blindingly obvious that Thailand will be open for business again as soon as they possibly can.


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you guys thinking there will be even 20% of Europe and USA and Australia vaccinated by July 1 are Wrong!  Is USA its only over 70 now and they are slammed and over 70 are waiting to hear when they can get a shot.  Let us hope Biden hits his 100 million by April 6... that is not the 2nd dose. so maybe 50 million People.  No way are people going to start traveling from USA unless they have a SO to travel to... even if quarantine was lifted.... People are going to want to wait and see how much protection the vaccine provides... plus people will be looking at the vaccination rate of the destination country and Thailand will be so far behind and looking like a 3d World country.  I say 100k tourists tops in 2021.

They are saying after the over 70 are finished they will just open it up to everyone so  how good will I be to grab a slot?  will they be reserving a 2nd dose for me or will it be like now where they sacrifice 2nd doses at the suggested interval so the numbers look better? rrtdinin8


Currently there is no way  I will visit my Fiancée unless I get the vaccine because it could quickly become needed for travel at a few days notice.  

Edited by Elkski
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2 minutes ago, steve187 said:

how will the vaccine passports work

That is surely a matter for the dozens of major corporations, including IBM, who are currently creating them. All we need to know is that we will have a way, confirmable online, to verify that we have been vaccinated.


4 minutes ago, steve187 said:

no-one knows if the vaccines are effective, then what are the effective against, stopping the spread of the virus or just alleviating the symptoms

Members of this forum keep bringing these points as if they matter. All the governments of the world are waiting for is a credible narrative for returning to normal economic activity. There is zero question of continuing on as we have been. The vaccines were always going to be their escape hatch, even if the effectiveness had been 50%. We just happen to have been lucky that they are generally around 90%.

Technically, all the governments need is sufficient immunity to slow down the R0 and to protect enough to the most vulnerable to take the sting out of the news reports.

The reason why we don't yet officially know if the vaccine will also slow down transmission is because that was not the focus of the testing phases required to receive authorization. Practically every medical expert involved agrees that it is almost certain that transmission will be reduced. The closest thing we have to post-vaccinations studies, the early results from Israel's closely monitored programme, suggest that yes, transmission is massively reduced.

All the members running around this forum, chanting the mantra that the vaccinated can still be spreaders, have no grasp of the biological mechanisms of transmission.


15 minutes ago, steve187 said:

there are too many brands of vaccine for any country dependant on visitors to know which ones are, and to trust in the  information shown to them, be it a certificate or something else

All the vaccines will be accepted as "good enough" because what is the alternative? If you want Chinese or Russian tourists, you must accepts the legitimacy of Chinese and Russian vaccines.

Whatever certification system is adopted will be trusted in the same way that passportare. Checking each cert online will be as simple as scanning a barcode.



21 minutes ago, steve187 said:

lots of people in lots of countries are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn, i would think the last thoughts on their minds would be a long distance holiday, if anything it would be a slow increase of travellers, coupled with a slow increase in the number of flights, available, i think some airlines will still fold. air travel will not recover to its previous levels, not for many many years. If at all

No, that simply does not reflect reality. Every couple I know has socked away the money for a decent vaccination, mainly as a shared dream to prevent their marriages falling apart during the lockdown. The mental toll of 2020 was huge and travel, as soon as possible, is a priority for most people.

People have money. Most people have continued earning while spending very little. Online businesses have boomed. Property price, stocks, and crypto have all done well. The parts of society that have been adversely affected, such as low-skilled workers with few assets, do not travel much anyway.


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1 minute ago, Poet said:

 The parts of society that have been adversely affected, such as low-skilled workers with few assets, do not travel much anyway.


Wow, so only those with money travel.  I think you need a reality check.  Many folks travel using credit, return to work afterwards, pay off the debt over time and then go again. Rinse and repeat.

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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

You must work in the tourism industry.

Did you mean "You must not work in the tourism industry"?

2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

My sister in the US works for a major tourism company with contracts in Europe and Asia.  She says very few have the time and coin to go on a long extended vacation and many are looking for those 2 week trips closer to home. Many are very tight on income, at least in the US.

Bear in mind, I am talking about the summer onwards. I am extrapolating forward to the point at which Thailand has vaccinated its most vulnerable and the advanced countries have reached the point of general availability, when anyone who wants to get vaccinated can. You may have to pay but it will be available.

Your sister is wrong. People have more "coin" because the governments have been printing money like crazy. There is plenty of money about. It may not be evenly distributed but a significant portion of society have more money now than they did before 2020.

Thailand will also want to make money. With their own most vulnerable protected, there is no reason for them not to accept as many vaccinated visitors as they can get.


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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Wow, so only those with money travel.  I think you need a reality check.  Many folks travel using credit, return to work afterwards, pay off the debt over time and then go again. Rinse and repeat.

Well, you are now arguing against your previous premise, that people do not have enough "coin" to travel.

I don't think we have an actual disagreement here, just a miscommunication. We agree that there is a desire to travel. We agree that people find a way to take a vacation when they feel they really need it, even if that means taking on some debt. We probably agree that the past year has made most people feel trapped and down.

An expensive 15-night quarantine, along with risk of catching covid, was obviously a deal-breaker for many. The vaccine will remove both those barriers. We can see the number of potential vaccinated travellers increasing by the millions every day. The airlines are desperate to get their expensive planes back in the air. By summer they will once again be flying full planes along most of the routes they have currently suspended. Once you have hundreds of millions of vaccinated people, most of whom are eager to vacation, you once again have mass tourism.


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