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Thailand reports another fall in new COVID-19 infections


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19 hours ago, rabas said:


It is all about probabilities.  Nothing can stop everything.  But the more you do, the less there is.


And they did not do enough on the Burmese border before the second wave.


Of course not, because of the brown envelopes given to the people transporting them in to Thailand from Burma without quarantine.

We are still waiting for the findings promised from the unelected "PM"s "investigation".

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20 hours ago, rabas said:

It's working!  


... for now.  Let's see what B.1.1.7 does when it gets here.

2,000 tests per day, 400+ infections = 25% infection rate... what's working?

Locking them into the factories?

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:


That's a good post there Donga and I say that with no sarcasm.

I'm not surprised that you're not sure what I believe as I do write here with much sarcasm but I also take the P quite often so I will lay it on the table for so to speak.I absolutely agree with you about Australia's response to this pandemic and agree with Sheryl that it's absolutely insane and seems more to do with stripping away freedoms than addressing the pandemic or showing the world how proficient it is.I also agree with you about how Thailand is handling the pandemic and most of my criticisms are directed at the shonky (illegal?) government and the media (not only Thailand's media either,I've always been critical of the media in general).

As for masks how many thousands of medical staff have contracted covid whilst wearing them?If you believe they do anything I'm fine with that but personally I'm very skeptical.

As I've said many times here I'm sure I've had covid here in Thailand though don't ask my to prove it as it was way back in Feb/March last year and no chance of getting a test.Which is why I say it's just a common cold virus which means it's a virus that is part of the family of viruses that cause the common cold even though it's effects might be rather uncommon.

I'm quite suspicious of what's happening that we don't know about with the enormous amounts of money involved with the vaccines and their rollout.

I don't take much of what I read in the media at face value as some people seem to and this lack of credence I give to information released by the media or the lack of information like testing numbers may make it look like I have doubts about Thailands way of dealing with the pandemic.

I ask a lot of questions and am willing to engage in the discussion and put forth my arguments and will answer any questions one might ask so I hope this helps to see where I'm coming from.If you need further clarification feel free to ask and I will try to elucidate.As Dr Turner would say "sarcasm is the best form of defence".Basically I don't trust the media.I also tend not to trust a so called government that ranks 104th for transparency and corruption.  


Without wishing to form a mutual admiration society, we likely do have more in common than at first blush haha.

I'm very skeptical of a lot of media these days, they are either left or right wing biased, so I spend more time on the internet seeking reliable sources when I'm trying to get my arms around an issue. I find Thai PBS one of the better outlets, certainly less righteous and opinionated than Australia's ABC. 


Face masks, other than social distancing (how far do you go, lockup?) are doubtless the most effective measure for casual interaction. Been shown anecdotally around the world and through reasonable studies. Medicos in the front line is not casual interaction as they are working amongst it, far more viral load floating about so yep need more protection. Can only imagine how many European folk at the beginning in elderly homes might have seen another year or two if they, their visitors and the staff had been wearing face masks. Fact that most western experts didn't hop on board with face masks until May is damning evidence as to how so many scientific experts can get it so wrong. Reminds me of another topic dear to my heart.

Thailand has governance issues, as do most developing countries (having lived in four) and I'm not a fan of the status quo at all. They need reform and hope it happens soon, without too much turmoil. Otherwise, am very comfortable with Thai society, their culture, tolerance and can do spirit. A lot of things work in education, medicine and infrastructure so it is fortunate to have the expertise in these areas, regardless of the politics and corruption.

I like to stick up for the country where I've found a delightful partner and have chosen to spend much of my dotage ????

Edited by Donga
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19 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

I don't get the daily field hospital updates and case updates, while cases seem to be going down, field hospital beds are going up, a lot!

Just bad planning or have govt decided to wait and see what happens?

The "government" will do anything to prolong reports of the pandemic, because they know like us, that when things get better, the protestors will be back in the streets.


19 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

I don't get the daily field hospital updates and case updates, while cases seem to be going down, field hospital beds are going up, a lot!

Just bad planning or have govt decided to wait and see what happens?


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19 hours ago, Rancid said:

Yes, been reading up about the UK variant as found the timing interesting, here are a few facts that might cause one to think a little bit.


Health officials, politicians and the media around the world turned their focus on the variant right after the publication of three theoretical-modeling papers on B.1.1.7, the one originating in the U.K. None of the three papers was checked over for accuracy by objective observers – a process called ‘peer review', nonetheless, all three were portrayed as solid science. So yet again no checking allowed.


So who was behind this new modelling? Why our old friend Neil Ferguson, the UK government has relied on his mathematical modeling for many years, despite his work turning out to be highly inaccurate time after time. In fact this insider has rarely gotten anything right. He  also supposedly stepped down from his government-advisory role last May after being caught secretly meeting with his gik during lock downs, but was then quietly restored to positions of influence. Funny how some get a free pass while the public gets arrested.


In the one paper published the authors state in the last section of their paper that “It is important to remember that our maps define biochemical phenotypes of the RBD, not how these phenotypes relate to viral fitness. There are many complexities in the relationship between biochemical phenotypes of yeast-displayed RBD and viral fitness.”

Translation: Just because our experiments showed that the presence of N501Y or other changes in the RBD seems to make the RBD bind tighter to the ACE2 receptor, we don’t know whether any of these changes make the virus more transmissible. 


So is it more dangerous? Maybe, but no one actually knows. It is all 100% conjecture.

"funny how some get a free pass while the public gets arrested." Reminds you a lot of here in Thailand, doesn't it?

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19 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Very unlikely. A virus wants to grow and infect as many people as possible not kill people. This nonsense about mutant virus strains is all scaremongering. Its the natural evolution of a virus to be more contagious! Everyday you see headlines saying that the new virus may not be affective against a new strain and then a few days later its confirmed it does. Thais are not suffering like other countries for whatever reasons and lets just be happy with that!

I think we all would have been much happier if the brown envelope guys who transported all the Burmese illegals in to Thailand under the "government"s noses and started of this present wave of infections got found out, and punished after the unelected "PM"s "investigations".

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14 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

All walk-ins, which means people who thought they were in contact with a Covid+ person or had symptoms. MASS TESTING NOW! Quit playing political games with public health & safety.

Who's playing political games? Not any soldiers in this "government", they know nothing about politics.

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1 hour ago, Donga said:


Without wishing to form a mutual admiration society, we likely do have more in common than at first blush haha.

I'm very skeptical of a lot of media these days, they are either left or right wing biased, so I spend more time on the internet seeking reliable sources when I'm trying to get my arms around an issue. I find Thai PBS one of the better outlets, certainly less righteous and opinionated than Australia's ABC. 


Face masks, other than social distancing (how far do you go, lockup?) are doubtless the most effective measure for casual interaction. Been shown anecdotally around the world and through reasonable studies. Medicos in the front line is not casual interaction as they are working amongst it, far more viral load floating about so yep need more protection. Can only imagine how many European folk at the beginning in elderly homes might have seen another year or two if they, their visitors and the staff had been wearing face masks. Fact that most western experts didn't hop on board with face masks until May is damning evidence as to how so many scientific experts can get it so wrong. Reminds me of another topic dear to my heart.

Thailand has governance issues, as do most developing countries (having lived in four) and I'm not a fan of the status quo at all. They need reform and hope it happens soon, without too much turmoil. Otherwise, am very comfortable with Thai society, their culture, tolerance and can do spirit. A lot of things work in education, medicine and infrastructure so it is fortunate to have the expertise in these areas, regardless of the politics and corruption.

I like to stick up for the country where I've found a delightful partner and have chosen to spend much of my dotage ????

Another good post!I also have a warped sense of humour which prompts me to say I think the mutual appreciation society may have already formed.To be honest when the pandemic first start and masks were not advised by the "experts" I was of the view that surely they would provide some protection and the reason they weren't recommended was a lack of clinical evidence that they were effective in stopping the spread, then came the back flip, the first of many, another example of Australia's insanity is when W.A.found the latest one case of a mutant strain and went into lockdown and enforced mask wearing my brother told of a guy who wasn't wear a mask was approached by police and offered a mask which he refused and was to locked up for 18 days without bail which I think is a bit excessive for one case in the whole state.

An interesting thing I find about Thailand is even with it's so called Monarchy, Military run Governance system it has become my preferred place of residence and worry that if it was to succeed in becoming a true democracy it might end up being exactly like Australia which I feel would be a sad outcome indeed in my view, which is pretty ironic given the amount of sh!t I heap on the Thai style of government.The people seem pretty happy where I am to left alone to survive as best they can with out help or hinderance.

Unfortunately for me I can't find anything in your post to argue against or get irate so I guess I'll have to be happy with belonging to Donga's Thailand Mutual Appreciation Society.A little elucidation can go a long way.



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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

Do you  you have any proof that they are wrong?

No more proof than you have to prove they are right I'm sure.Don't know why you brought proof into the discussion as I was asking if you had any "reason" to believe the numbers of a government ranked 104th for transparency and corruption.So I'll ask again and see if you choose to answer or ignore.

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13 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

No more proof than you have to prove they are right I'm sure.Don't know why you brought proof into the discussion as I was asking if you had any "reason" to believe the numbers of a government ranked 104th for transparency and corruption.So I'll ask again and see if you choose to answer or ignore.

My reason is that the hospitals confirm that there aren't load of people who need treatment for Corona.

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28 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

My reason is that the hospitals confirm that there aren't load of people who need treatment for Corona.

Fair enough as long as you've personally checked everyone in every hospital to confirm that ,then all is good.Other wise you are just believing what they tell you.

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Fair enough as long as you've personally checked everyone in every hospital to confirm that ,then all is good.Other wise you are just believing what they tell you.

That would only be neccessary to convince a complete skeptic who isn't going to beleive anything from any source if it contradicts their agenda. There is no hope for these people who will continue to scaremonger without a shred of evidence. 


I know of some forums that have banned these Covidiots from posting. Perhaps its time for TV to do the same.

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3 minutes ago, polpott said:

That would only be neccessary to convince a complete skeptic who isn't going to beleive anything from any source if it contradicts their agenda. There is no hope for these people who will continue to scaremonger without a shred of evidence.

You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself.There's hope and help available.

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